Bought the trial, and have been using it for almost 3 days now. What I want to know is does it just hold it's rank of last or does even attempt to lvl in rank?! So far from what I have seen it just holds it's rank, I have yet to even go up one rank! Am I doing something wrong as far as settings, or something. Last time I tried the bot at least I ranked up, to the top 10 I might add. This time it seems like the bot has just gotten worse. Can someone help me out here?
Can you please link me the deck your mage is playing and is it on control or rush? maybe upload your routine?
ment Tony. sorry tony73.. but anyway you said u reached rank 9, can u please tell me wich deck you are playing and do you use Rush in routine or control?
Hi, Tony73. It's really impossible to helpfully answer your original question because you haven't mentioned what kind of decks you're attempting to run with Hearthbuddy nor do we know what kind of card pool you have at your disposal. As it stands the AI isn't bad at all and can get you to rather high ranks with the right decks and classes. The bot tends to perform the most consistently with control decks, but aggro decks can be made to work as well. If you're having problems building successful decks, the best place to start is looking through the Hearthbuddy Guides Forums as the decks posted here are generally proven to work well with the bot's AI. You can also use any Hearthstone deck database site Hearthpwn and test the popular decks out there and keep up with the meta. Results will vary with these decks as some of them (Oil rogue for instance) will prove too situational and decision-tree oriented to yield consistent results with the bot's current AI routines. Hope that helps, and good luck!
Hello Xfe, thank you for a response to my question, not sure how to link deck, otherwise I would have, so people can see it. I'm using my custom deck for a mage right now. I will go to the Hearthbuddy Guides for help with a deck also, hopefully I can get something thats going to help me rank up.