I have 50 mining now I'm wondering if goldsmith is a good choice to do with mining couldnt i make some badass rings that sell for a few million? Whats the best 2 skills for botting and making gil well afk Thanks
Crystals and shards sell for a lot and are pretty easy for botters to get. The issue is they have a very saturated market so you can get undercut quickly and require you to monitor your retainers often. at 50 mining you can start going for clusters. Get your botany to 50 and you can spend a good amount of time during the hourly gathering getting clusters only.
Thanks for the infos! Should i go botany or goldsmithing tho what makes the most gil! with the most automation
Thats not something you can answer straight and have it be true an hour later. Do a little research on your server by walking over to the market board. Start looking at all of the things you can make with goldsmithing and look for things with <3's on them. Those are "in demand" you can also pull up the info on each item and see how much has sold over the past few days and for how much gil. To me you should do both. Make what you can with goldsmithing and post it without over saturating your market to keep demand smooth. Once you get comfortable with that start looking to see what you can currently gather with botany and use either an unspoiled profile to gather the hourly star nodes for high level mats or find what is selling well sub 50ilvl and use gatherassist to go farm X amount of a few items then post them. Rinse, repeat, ???, profit?
You can make orderbot profiles to gather items, then switch to craft said items, its very possible, but its a decent amount of work, even for someone who knows how to do so. Its a option you can look into, if you can't do it yourself I know there are people who will do it, just don't know if for free lol
Sprititbonding is good money too imo. This is what I did at first I made a grind profile in orderbot in the imperial area near wineport. Let it run overnight Converted everything, at this time I just did jewelry. If you get lucky you'll get them savage IV materia which can land you 500k easily. Since I'm a WVR,LTR, and GSM. I plan to make sets of all armor and jewerly and see what can of materia I can get and sell. Probably do that this weekend. I'll report my results when I do.
Just converted 70 items to materia and the results were disappointing. I only got 2 worth while materia IVs. Total take in for last night is about a mil. I think there is more money in converting crafting gear to materia. I will try this tonight Here is my grind profile. Take your self to Wineport and run it.