Version 1.2 released and attached to front page There were no major bugs in first release, so these were just a ton of minor bug fixes, rare situational issues and improvements in speed/quality Again please + Rep if download 1.2 Fixes: Treasure Contract: The Thunderlord SageAdded lava avoidance for Part 3 and the Dragon's AOE for Part 5 Lowered # of Raw Clefthoof Meat farmed from 3 to 2 Added a few fail safe MoveTo's in Part 3 and Part 5 Treasure Contract: The Infected OrcGeneral changes made below, working without error Treasure Contract: Explosive Devices:Fixed rare bug that occurred if mob aggro'd while on trailer Improved part 1 to pull and kill Megacharger even quicker Improved part 5 for rare porting issue on top of mountain Autodelete Goblin Rocket Pack and Rylakinator-3000 Power CellTreasure Contract: Gutrek's Cleaver:No significant changes, working well as was, added wait timer to drop agro when going into last cave and increased wait timer for last guyTreasure Contract: Amulet of Rukhmar (The Apexis Device):No significant change, working well as was, changed click of statues to do based on rotation, commented out clicking on the Ancient Plaque and also allowed for if died on aspect of Rukhmar. Treasure Contract: The Artificer (The Crystal Reborn):No significant change, working well as was, notes above still apply Added deleting journals on completion on all six quests. Hearth to Garrison if not in Garrison when picking up/starting the profile Added Noncompete to all Interactwith behaviors to speed up some of the object gathering in populated areas.
"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to ArmyDr again." Huge thanks for updating the profile!
Much love! If someone can give me the locations of the horde quest givers... I could easily have it do both Alliance and Horde
I have no Horde Toons this Xpac, hence the Alliance only profile. But you are right, getting the coords should be easy enough.
High Overlord Saurfang - NPC - World of Warcraft Should be those co-ords for Harrison aswell, as they have exatly the same place they stand in.
You need to target him, then click on developers tool on Honorbuddy, select copy xml under target, then paste that here. Thanks!
Ah, alright. Here it is; <Vendor Name="Harrison Jones" Entry="89793" Type="Repair" Nav="Fly" X="5549.028" Y="4603.395" Z="142.0471" />
Perfect... I am working on it now... shouldnt' take more than 30minutes to put together a Horde version... But I also need the coordinates (as above) for the turn in guy... The Horde equivalent to Bodrick Grey
He is talking about the troll that stands on the rock in front of the garrison that gives you the invasion quests. If you don't have it by the time I get home from work tonight I will post again with the relevant information for the NPC
Alright, here it is; <Vendor Name="Rokhan" Entry="78487" Type="Repair" Nav="Fly" X="5614.104" Y="4563.054" Z="135.189" />
BOTH HORDE AND ALLIANCE INCLUDED Since as you know I don't have horde toons, I am depending on you guys to give this a trial. Once I get a couple posts saying the quest pick up and turnis work, I will update the main link on the front page. Seems to work just fine for Alliance still, but beta version has the leave party commented out, so make sure you do not try to complete in a raid! This updates the quest pickup to allow Horde to pick up quests, Horde mailbox/vendor, as well as checks for if player is in Frostwall to GHearth or not to GHearth. Thanks in advance to my earlier Horde testers!!! Thanks also to Synch and Iwe for helping me get the info I needed for the Horde version! Please enjoy! Over 20+ downloads with no reported pickup/turn in issues, so have released and can now be found on front page as well.
The quest in Stonefury cliffs with end quest Blessing Of Beast doesn't work out, just goes; [DeleteItems-vUnknown(info)] Searching for 120989... Guessing it's searching for the Clefhoof meat?
A+ work mate! Saves me a bunch of time. Some suggestions (completely optional), add UsableWhen="Me.IsHorde" (or alliance) to the vendors/mailboxes, and you can add UseGarrisonHearthstone="true" to a hearthstone behavior to have it natively wait for garry hearthing (instead of using lua and item usage to do it). I think the draenor vendor/mailbox list might have more detail on the sticky but I don't remember. But seriously, thanks for the hard work on the profile, I know doing some of the bigger quest conditions can just be a nightmare to keep track of, my longest is 30 lines of extreme tedium.
Thank you for the suggestions! If I release a 1.31 the changes will be in it; as of 1.1 there as been no major flaws and I have no intention at this time of releasing an update unless one is found. I have added the UsableWhen="Me.IsHorde" (or alliance) to the vendors/mailboxes. I think HonorBuddy naturally selects the closest one (which for these profiles should only be at the start of the profile and/or if durability drops below 0.2!), but it is a good fail safe. Just to clarify, you are saying to replace PHP: <CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="UseItemByName(110560)" WaitTime="1000" /> <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="12000" VariantTime="30000" GoalText="Waiting for Hearth {TimeRemaining}" TerminateWhen="Me.ZoneId == 7078 || Me.ZoneId == 7004" /> with PHP: <CustomBehavior File="UseHearthstone" UseGarrisonHearthstone="true" /> ? That seems to be the right usage according to the .cs but there is no documentation on this function. Do you know if this function retries if combat in initiated mid cast? The .cs says something about MaxRetries but I couldn't figure out what determined that variable. I am glad this is going to save you time and appreciate your input.
That's it, though also add WaitForCD="true". It should keep retrying it, at least it does from what I've seen. It was in the release notes for an HB version a few patches ago but they don't really have time to update their behavior documentation. The UsableWhen really is a failsafe but I just find it handy if someone starts the profile for example near gorgrond it'll prioritise going to the horde garry even if it's not a horde toon.