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  • [PAID] [Mage] Portal - An Advanced Honorbuddy Mage Routine [PvE/PvP]

    Discussion in 'Mage' started by Millz, Aug 26, 2013.

    1. jds

      jds New Member

      Feb 9, 2015
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      I think most of the things people should already understand about your class and spec. Like mastery is the king of arcane, without you yeah you are not going to be able to do a lot of dmg, but I would assume that most people already understand to properly gear themselves. But as someone who understands this and is properly geared, I can say its not the problem. I think telling people they should be using their brain, bursting when they need to manually and making sure they blow their cooldowns to make things optimal is kind of a cop-out. It is a bot for a reason, people buy it for a reason and buy the CR for a reason. Mostly people don't want to be doing all that, and being a bot it can be programmed to do it for you, that's just common sense.

      I think taking out the superfluous does help, just not enough. As I said there are just weird little things that probably make all the difference that the bot doesn't seem to figure out.

      I also think people need to understand a few things about how Blizzard has changed encounters. On fights where you are constantly moving, you will never be top dps, its just not going to happen. Blink and Icy Floes are great but it won't fix everything. BTW the expectation that the bot should be at the DPS charts isn't out of the question, after all it handles the nonsense that is the blizzard rotation, which is pretty much how to maximize damage. A bot should be at the top just based on that because it can handle the workload, and for sure all the little things to add extra dps do not account for the 90% you should be getting just because you should have a perfect rotation, after all the bot doesn't get tired, it doesn't feel pain, or hit the wrong keys or need to worry about things of that nature.

      The pre-pots, the not wasting mana, the "little" things should account for very little in terms of damage over all.
    2. jds

      jds New Member

      Feb 9, 2015
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      For me having tried everything, this makes no difference whatsoever. Using burst is likely going to destroy your DPS since the bot doesn't care about CDs and just tosses everything. Using the CDs keys to control this is also really stupid as most people bot because they don't want to have to remember this and having to use a key is likely not going to change that. But as I've tried this, it makes little difference.
    3. jokke

      jokke New Member

      May 2, 2013
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      usually hitting 85% and up arcane logs and hit a nice rank as fire on beastlord yesterday, routine does it's job minus the changes to tiersets for fire coming up
      read up on your class, take the time to go over the settings we're not gonna spoonfeed u perfect settings because there are none, every char is different
    4. dilbog

      dilbog Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      I get what you are saying thats why I do not use a bot for mythic. I have never known any bot to handle rotations 100% perfect if you know one let me know.
      It's something that hopefully will be discussed with Millz when he is back from holidays as I have some concerns for fire/arcane but everyone needs to be posting logs so he can find where the loss is coming from so he can at least have sources to compare.
      Just saying there is a problem wont fix a thing.
      I wonder how many ppl are playing the right spec for each fight, my second mage is always ranking in both spec's for his ilvl which is cool. On that toon I have a fellow guildie mage who I know is using this routine it's easy to tell once you know what to look for and he never beats me apart from bad fire rng times so I would say settings/cooldown usage plays it part as we have the same gear.
    5. jds

      jds New Member

      Feb 9, 2015
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      Well I agree that switching talents on specific bosses and using different strategies makes some difference, its just hard to explain to some people that don't understand it, or have never had to play with it. For example the people that are all about the numbers don't understand the small details that make the difference when you are trying to make numbers from a purely numbers standpoint. I'd love to know how some people get really high DPS on a boss like beastlord using arcane, when most of the fight is hot potato. By that I mean you are never standing still which seriously affects your dps numbers. Having a hunter for example tell you, that your class isn't pulling enough when their class is super simple a chimp could pull high dps, for example...

      You are always going to hear it from people that don't understand how difficult it is since they can only see it from their pov.

      I'm sure if Millz wants logs and thinks it will help, people are willing to provide them.

      When you say you have never known a bot that could pull 100% rotation, I wonder why that is? Humans have fallacy a bot would not have from a purely perfect command pov. If something by the numbers is 1,2,3, etc that would be simple to pull of. Even if it were Press this, and press that and at X do this, I'd expect a bot would be 100x better than any human which processes information far less accurately. There is no subtlety here, it really is do this and then do that, which a bot should be better at, humans make mistakes, humans get tired, humans get lazy, none of these things occur for machines.
    6. dilbog

      dilbog Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      I think the issue with arcane is the way it switches between burn and conserve it very often goes into conserve when you least want it I've seen it go into conserve at -1% like wtf.
      My pet hate for arcane atm is that if you have cooldowns turned off it will spend charges as soon as 4 stacks is reached we need some way to control that shit.
      I quiet often do dry burn phase which basically means I will camp four stacks with out blowing cooldowns I use it more and more in mythic and to a lesser degree in heroic. It's handy having a option to dry burn then evocation then conserve untill you want to pop your cooldown it can be a huge overall damage increase.
      Also the way the routine deals with pause on any none movement keys it causes a huge loss in dps if you use custom keys and if you disable it you spend your time pausing the routine which causes even more issues I have seen logs on here with 1500ms thats insane basically the routine is taking a 1.5 second break every time a button is pressed, it's madness but I understand because if you can barely get it to blink with it on and it's impossible with out, but 750ms seems to be the lowest I can go even that involves mashing the button.
      In mop the routine was harder for humans but easy for bots because you looked for conditions and acted on them in WoD the return of burn and conservre has made it harder for the bot to act how a human would WW Monks suffer for the same type of issue.

      As for fire it suffers the same issues with the pause issues, but it also plain just messes up for example if you have only combust on +3 selected then remove it with out restarting honorbuddy it will be hit and miss if it will even work.
      Ignite also seems to have issues sometimes i've seen ignite at 14k with my setting saying 8k for trash and by the time the routine gets to cast it's a 6k or it misses it all together waiting for a new ignite I get around it by always unglyphing combustion hoping a few of the many will be decent and they all mostly tend to be decent the routine handles unglyphed combustion better.
      I would hazard that's to do with other spells already being in a queue, but it should be dumping the queue and cancelling the current cast and getting the bloody cumbustion full stop. why is fire pve rotation an extra tick it's adding more overhead to the routine it should be standard. It's obvious thats there is a overhead issue sometimes.
      All in all the routine suffers form lack of human type intelligence making it less effective imo.
      Last edited: Apr 17, 2015
    7. Fireworrkz

      Fireworrkz Member

      Jul 14, 2011
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      I got 99% last night. Please tell me that this routine is shit.
    8. Fireworrkz

      Fireworrkz Member

      Jul 14, 2011
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      I haven't tried this yet, but maybe you'd be able to achieve lower ms setting if you lower the enyo setting.
    9. dilbog

      dilbog Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      I tent to run with 30 ticks do not really want to go lower I feel it's optimal there. I thought your own latency was what affected that but could be wrong.
    10. nowyouseeme

      nowyouseeme New Member

      Aug 20, 2014
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      So when I have to switch from arcane to fire depending on the encounter. Is there anyway to reload honor buddy without having to log out of WoW every time? People keeping asking me why do I have to log out every time I change specs...
    11. Beltic

      Beltic Member

      May 4, 2014
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      you do not need to reload wow - just exit and reload Honorbuddy.
    12. nowyouseeme

      nowyouseeme New Member

      Aug 20, 2014
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      Sorry for being a nub. So i have to exit honorbuddy and reload honorbuddy? How do i do that without without re-launching wow again? >.< Cause the only way I know how to launch honorbuddy is through the HB launcher that loads wow too.
    13. Marlboro_Reds

      Marlboro_Reds Member

      May 20, 2011
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      see the one that just says honorbuddy? there you go
    14. Toko

      Toko New Member

      Jul 4, 2014
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      pics or didnt happen
    15. nowyouseeme

      nowyouseeme New Member

      Aug 20, 2014
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      Thank you HB4273s46
    16. liuqyn

      liuqyn New Member

      Mar 3, 2015
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      Can someone please tell me the settings I need on arcane? It invariably sits there arcane blasting nonstop. It will toss in missiles some, but interrupts its own missiles to cast a new set of missiles, and NEVER casts arcane barrage, ever. What am I missing? And yes, I relaunched honor buddy after changing specs. Several times, in fact.
    17. Fireworrkz

      Fireworrkz Member

      Jul 14, 2011
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      [Removed Picture]

      For my ilvl it's 99%.
      Last edited: Apr 20, 2015
    18. nowyouseeme

      nowyouseeme New Member

      Aug 20, 2014
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      Can you share the way you have the CR setup?
    19. jds

      jds New Member

      Feb 9, 2015
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      There is no way. I have tested this literally hundreds of times and there is no way to get the bot to perform this well. So you can use photoshop, that's awesome, but sorry that's not possible.

      If you have some amazing settings that you have superior knowledge about, then please save them to XML and attach it, otherwise this is BS.
      Last edited: Apr 20, 2015
    20. Fireworrkz

      Fireworrkz Member

      Jul 14, 2011
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      I use all cooldowns myself.. also got really lucky that I never had to move in the fight. Can you also please remove my pic from your quote?

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