Yeah, another log would be great. I didn't see anywhere in the one you posted where it was capping on runes, but I for sure want to fix it if it is ^_^ When you post another log, please include what talents you're running so I can test it myself too. If you're not using auto cooldowns, you should have to push the key every time you want the ability cast. Also, press the button doesn't ensure that it will be. For instance, if #DeathKnight thinks other things will give you better DPS then it will ignore your hotkey.
It would be useful to have the option to deselect Blood Cooldowns, from the rotation. Perhaps you could have two options, AUTO ON, OFF, OH-SHIT ON(basically off, self manage but will pop icebound fortitude and deathpact at 10%) Does the routine check if I have the two set bonus, and if so does it adjust the frequency of Vampiric blood.?
Turn off survivability cooldowns I don't like having a half auto / half manual setup, this likely won't happen Yes, it knows when you have the 2pc, and will reduce the cooldown of vamp blood
Seemed to be getting a lot of weird random, clicking errors on Blast Furance. Dunno the problem, as the routine behaved and preformed decently despite it glitching out. Refused to cast DnD though, never been sure of it's priority in the rotation so I cannot speak with any authority on it but seems (possibly) odd that it wouldn't cast it on 10+ mobs. Also, the options for on boss/always apply to one another, as in whatever I turn Gargoyle to, for example, will apply to both. I'm not sure if this is supposed to be like this under the new system, but it'd be neat if it could have seperate profiles for boss or trash accordingly in the future, if not. 2.0 is really snappy though, love the way it's headed. Great work as always.
Not sure what you mean by "clicking errors", could you please elaborate? Do you have a log? Anything checked under DPS Cooldowns will follow the "On Boss" option, unchecking them will make is so you will have the cast them manually. Since trash isn't a high priority in most raids, I'm alright leaving it as is. If you want to use cooldowns on trash, you can setup the hotkeys and use them manually. This way you can time them to be up when you make it to the next boss. I probably won't add a second setup for "on trash" as that will make the options fairly complex without giving much benefit. I'm glad you like it, as always keep bringing the feedback so I can make it better ^_^
how can i reset my hotkeys to "None" so i don't have to press it (e. g. Unholy Blight)? the only way i found is to delete the settings file...
Click on a box like you were going to set the hotkey, then press "escape" This doesn't change anything about how abilities are used. If you want an ability to be automatic make sure your setting for DPS Cooldowns is correct and that the checkbox for that ability is checked.
same here, sometimes at pull it feels like hes paused for about 3 seconds and somehow he doesnt allways use soul reaper below 45%, he often used scourge strike while sr was off cd, will send log later. still collecting data in rnd raid for you. (unholy 689)
This CR is not using DnD in unholy, whether I have a hotkey selected or none. Also, this is the only CR I've ever used that causes HB to just randomly stop working. With that being said, it's way ahead on DPS of the other CR's I've tested.
I just switched to Defile to see if it works, and Defile works fine, but DnD is still not working with Necrotic Plague.
Had used it last night on Mythic Beastlord and the bot was using DnD fine for me. Sometimes there are some minor bugs that just happen and are fixed when you restart HB.
You must've missed the part where I said the bot was randomly crashing, which in turn, creates a restart. I'm not some new user to the bot, I've been around the block a time or two.
While, I do appreciate the feedback, you have not supplied any logs showing any of the issues you report. That's fine, most people are new to giving feedback and I still look into the issues. However, if you have "been around the block a time or two" you should know to supply logs.
Here you go, settings file and logs clearly showing a grand total of zero uses of death and decay, but defile being used when talent is chosen: View attachment 3268 2015-04-17 11.25.txt View attachment Generic Settings File.xml
Thanks for all the feedback on DnD, I have a version pending approval that makes DnD usage more frequent and fixes a few other bugs.
Updated to v2.0.4 Common Added Empower Rune Weapon to DPS Cooldowns Fixed a bug causing Unholy Blight to ignore the DPS Cooldowns setting Blood Fixed Horn of Winter usage Unholy Updated Death and Decay usage to be more frequent
how does this cr perform in dw frost like im 666 i level would this be a good cr for brf hc perfomance wise
just want to say....i test it again.... after i delete setting folder in Routines Folder ... and all went good... thanks again for your routine and your support )