hey Tuanha i used to have a login on your website because i donated for your hunter profile back in december of 2013 but i cant seem to login anymore to get it and i just rejoined wow. any chance i could get access to the full hunter profile still? i have the receipt from back then in my email.
Welcome back pheonix33 Please email me tuanha2000vn@yahoo.com your paypal email, I'll fix it real quick
Hi tuanha, Love all your work (and have bought it all), but I have a question. I looked around HB forums to see if ppl are having success raiding mythic with CRs and apprently they do, but I don't see a lot of people talking about using Tuanha; they usually talk about YourRaidingBuddy. Specifically for hunter, how does your paid hunter CR compare to YRBs hunter?
TuanHA is there any to set target distance in your CR? When I attack I run into melee range and when farming Alpha's - that's not good.............
For some reason I can't seem to save my Stacks for burst with my partner I have a burst key set up but it still uses focus fire buff on its own and barrages on CD when *On CD is not checked* I just want to Only burst when My partner has burst up is there something I may have done wrong in settings to make these go off whenever instead of when I tell them to?
Hi guys, We have a GAME BREAKING feature, I've tested and REALLY love it, the CC now is EXTREMELY EASY and AMAZING. Version 6.1.5598 Introduce the GAME CHANGER mechanic: Hotkey Spell - it's DEADLY in PVP Fix minor bug.
Hey Thanks for the hardwork its a great update. However it removed the old feature of shooting a trap, or binding shot on current mouse location. Also it would be great if you added flare to the spell list!
Hi guys, We have another update: Version 6.1.5598 Introduce the GAME CHANGER mechanic: Hotkey Spell - it's DEADLY in PVP Add Explosive Trap to Interrupt Ability Fix minor bug. Also add Flare and Cast on Mouse Location to Hotkey feature, thank jeanperran for the epic suggestion xD
Could you add a options to choose the lonely wolf buff? I'm a mm Hunter with the lonely wolf talent selected and it seems like the routine does not use any of the buffs. I'm solo questing at the moment I don't know if the routine uses one of the buffs in a group. I'd like a option like the ammo selection with auto and the selectable options. EDIT: It seems like the Routine does ignore lone wolf completely. Today I tried to farm honour with the BGBuddy but the Routine always called the pet after dying even if I disabled it.
Hey TuanHA! First of all, thank you for the awesome profile, I've had absolutely no problems with it so far, only awesome dps and ownage in pvp. However, now when I start up HB I get some error if there is any of your routines in my /routines folder. If I delete and use the free/store version it works.
@tuanha, I have another suggestion. You could make use of some skill with greater customization, which would be at the discretion of the player to use. With some conditional. For example: Code: hotkeys+=/hotkey_opener,alt,Q hotkeys+=/hotkey_stamp,alt,R hotkeys+=/hotkey_barrage,none,X actions+=/stampede,if=hotkey_opener&hotkey_stamp actions+=/use_item,name=beating_heart_of_the_mountain,if=hotkey_opener&cooldowns_enabled actions+=/blood_fury,if=hotkey_opener&cooldowns_enabled actions+=/berserking,if=hotkey_opener&cooldowns_enabled actions+=/dire_beast,if=hotkey_opener actions+=/bestial_wrath,if=focus>30&(buff.bestial_wrath.remains<=0),if=hotkey_opener actions+=/kill_command,if=hotkey_opener actions+=/barrage,if=hotkey_opener&hotkey_barrage Here is a list of opening where I can customize if I want to open with barrage or not, trinkets or not, stampade or not. Part of Hotkey Setting Changer of your routine only has five fields, which is not enough to customize the best way. I believe that putting these options, let the discretion of the player when used at one point of rotation. I am using these configurations in Simcraft Implemented and liked the result. If you can do something like what has been suggested, would achieve the best routine for hunter in the forum. Thanks