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    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Store Botbases' started by deams, Nov 29, 2014.

    1. highboi

      highboi New Member

      Apr 19, 2013
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      Most navigation issues you can blame boss land for that. Deams had to remove his custom navigation and forced to use the default meshes. Garrison boss is in the same situation. It's so sad how people come here blaming devs when they know nothing about what goes on in the technical side. A lot of people here have a childish mentality.
    2. zeress

      zeress New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I've been using the trial for Boss and it is is working... mostly. I've noticed that it has different less debilitating issues at the moment. It's got too much stuff I don't care about on it though and I do really prefer Butler (when it actually works).

      I had to give up on the base one because it got stuck trying to upgrade with non-existant tokens on a chracter that is maxed anyways.
      Last edited: Apr 22, 2015
    3. deams

      deams Community Developer

      Oct 20, 2014
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      Could you a post a log? :)
    4. easy_tiger

      easy_tiger Member

      Jul 1, 2013
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      I am running it atm the moment (Alliance) and it seems to be running well! One thing I noticed while this was down and was using the garrisonbuddy bot, was that it automatically boosts followers item level, which is real nice, apart from that Garrisonbutler is far superior!
    5. zeress

      zeress New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Here you go

      Attached Files:

    6. ArmyDr

      ArmyDr New Member

      Dec 17, 2011
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      Thanks for your hard work getting this back up and running. I like that it is now using the submit all work orders button!

      I too am having the same issue listed on the last two pages. That is that my toons are stopping at various locations, mostly the salvage yard, trying to perform the disenchant option. I have checked my settings and none of them have the disenchant enabled.

      Here are two of the logs associated with that error. I have more if needed.

      Thanks again!

      Attached Files:

    7. zeress

      zeress New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      On anther note, it tries to disenchant things that you can't, specifically those tokens that make 615 player gear. It doesn't get stuck there, as it will eventually move on, but it does try it for a good while.
    8. Manihack

      Manihack New Member

      Apr 8, 2012
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      Do we still need to use version 782 of HB ?
    9. PersonalBot

      PersonalBot New Member

      Mar 6, 2014
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    10. Darkdog72

      Darkdog72 New Member

      Dec 3, 2014
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      This is one of several issues, after the "fix". Out of 12 chars ran, only 1 (!) is running straight though without getting stuck somewhere. The bot just seems to stop when it gets to the salvage yard, nothing in the log. 8 chars getting stuck at the door to Dwarven bunker trying to get in. 2 running to the main keep door just to the side of it getting stuck between the crates, and one char just moves to the middle of the Garrison doing nothing, with nothing in the log. Anything not strictly needed is turned off for all chars.

      I am completely aware of the issues with the latest changes to HB, but this bot has gone from initally great where 12+ chars went through flawlessly every time with HBRelog every day back when it was GarrisonButler, until now when it's gradually become worse and worse by each release. Right before the latest HB patch, only 4-5 chars went through without some hickup (not doing professions, stuck trying to queue work orders, claiming bag full with 20+ free slots, dying to drowning in the mine due to evading mobs, getting stuck in trade post or dwarven bunker, some chars doesn't work with singular and need other combat routines (shaman and rogue has some problems)).

      This product need a real cleanup of the most basic features and stability before adding a lot of fluff. Features are nice, but ultimately this bot has been more a waste of time than of real use for a long time, as it requires you to manually log your chars to check whatever failed. Also, the stuck issues are a potential security risk if the bot just doesn't give in after jumping the same spot for 30 minutes ...

      Too bad such a great product has turned into something so unstable and unreliable, because there is no doubt it is the best overall Garrison bot out there if it had worked as intended.
    11. blablub

      blablub New Member

      Dec 1, 2012
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      used it till this moring for several weeks and it worked without 1 stuck on 7 chars 7 days / week

      - i had no tradingpost in use, which was bugged afaik for some time
      - deams said that he will switch to the new system but it won´t be that stable
      - afaik some stuck problems can be solved by changing the place where the building is located, i had never problems but all my garrisons look the same so i might have a stress free / untroubled placement
      - if the bot is logged in for 30 minutes then you should rethink your hbrelog settings (mine cleared always within 17min even without the create all workorders fix which the last versions had -> even faster)
      - my shaman worked flawless as enhancer and as heal with singular (also warrior fury / ms - dk frost / unholy - druid heal/owl - paladin retri/tank ..... )

      - most people are just to *** lazy to put some time into something and read or look for a sollution.
      - some people here said, i won´t make another copy of hb with the old version and complained afterhards that it was tiring doing it by hand.... (setting it up should be a matter of 5min if your used to it and using mass replace with a text eeditor if you got many toons / mail settings, max 30min if you haven´t done it)

      there are also several addons out there which whom you can track cooldowns (profession cd´s and so on so you can check them all from 1 char if you really wanna). / check max garrison ressources / honor / apexis)
      iam just using my basic addons i.e. saved instances (for raidlockouts) which also tracks profession cd´s -> below a char is not a 4 or 2 shown i forgot the send im mats -> send them logged on and did the profession by hand but thats not the botbase´s fault if he can´t do it without the materials.
      vendoring items also worked before with sell-o-matic
      Last edited: Apr 22, 2015
    12. klb2948

      klb2948 Member

      Sep 29, 2012
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      No one is coming off as childish. Some people just aren't as nerdy as you are. Get off your high horse and quit being a dick to everyone.
    13. Themer

      Themer New Member

      Dec 20, 2014
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      If you are getting stuck with this new version, make sure you are updating your HB to the latest version. The garrison movement system was changed with the latest update, which is what broke it recently. Now that it is updated to use the new system, you cannot use the old version. Further, if you keep getting stuck, turn off different features in your settings until you find which one might be causing the issue. That might be useful information.

      I ran on over 12 characters this morning. Trading Post and Dwarven Bunkers on all. I do not disenchant anything, as the price of the enchant crystals have tanked and it is less hassle to just vendor all the items I don't need. I didn't get stuck on any of my characters. Your mileage may vary, depending on your settings.
      Last edited: Apr 22, 2015
    14. Zicoth

      Zicoth Member

      Oct 17, 2011
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      Looks like butler updated now, works fine. Need test on more toons tho.
    15. highboi

      highboi New Member

      Apr 19, 2013
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      get off my high horse? some devs dont even bother checking the forums when wow or hb updates and shit needs to be changed. it wastes devs time and kills morale reading and replying to all the stupid comments. i took it upon myself to act like a proxy, to solve the stupid issues and pass on the important "this could be a bug" issues.

      fact of the matter is people here are impatient. its all gimmie gimmie gimmie, have u been around on patch days or tripwire events? if not take a look at my sig, imagine "that guy" making up 70-80% of the community. i guess you need to be "nerdy" to be capable of reading a few comments back (or using search) before posting. im a realist, act stupid and ill treat you stupid.

      sad thing is, your guilty of exactly what i hate about this community, which explains why your so butthurt about my comment. what makes this more sad is the fact that this screenshot is all on one page, you didnt even need to go back a page to see what was wrong. it gets worse, you even had the audacity to post this when you did EXACTLY what the guy in my sig did.

      so yea, call me a cunt and dick all you want, i forgive you because your clearly missing some parts
      Last edited: Apr 22, 2015
    16. blablub

      blablub New Member

      Dec 1, 2012
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      sry deams again no log -.- so if your not interested in it stop reading here i don´t mind :p

      so i can just say it with my own words what worked and what didn´t (+ what i changed and that might have fixed it)

      tryed new version now (saved 1 char / had just 1 left)

      - empty postmaster mails caused some problems (char running against the mailbox - horde)
      - stuck / waiting in salvage yard -> after i sold items by hand it went to the next task (11x grey 7x green)

      send mail / retrieve mail and send disenchantable green where all on in mailing.


      char of a friend .> deleted empty postmastermails (new feature ? <3) just had to wait some seconds i guess....
      again standing still on salvage yard, after selling greys / green by hand it moved on (again mailing greens and sell junk was also on)

      both chars did (worked for me):
      mining / garden + work order collecting and starting
      + also collect / start on both profession buildings they had
      + horde warmill -> started orders
      + profession cooldowns (blacksmith / tailing / juwe)
      + salvaging
      Last edited: Apr 22, 2015
    17. highboi

      highboi New Member

      Apr 19, 2013
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      - navigation issues should be reported to bossland as a mesh issue, that is no longer handled by garrisonbutler.
      - stuck at salvage yard has been reported already but thanks for confirming it
    18. Manihack

      Manihack New Member

      Apr 8, 2012
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      Yeah same here...all my toons stop at Salvage yard...I need to sell items by hand... anyway to fix that %?
    19. highboi

      highboi New Member

      Apr 19, 2013
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      a quick hotfix is to disable salvage yard from the settings until a fix is applied by deams

      edit: i think u can jus disable selling and do that by hand, and keep salvage enabled to open the boxes. i cant say for sure, i destroyed my salvage yards when they made changes to it
    20. Darkdog72

      Darkdog72 New Member

      Dec 3, 2014
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      So everything works fine for you and everyone having problems are clearly doing weird things and don't even try to resolve it, right? Since a bug doesn't trigger in your or the developer's environment, it clearly means that it cannot exist.

      FYI: I've tried all of those things, moved buildings, turned on/off buildings. I've even written a complete config file maker that even pulls my character professions off of the armory, to specifically enable those professions. Writing the config files like that makes it really easy for me to test for specific buildings causing trouble, since I can turn them all on/off for all my profiles.

      I have tried running it on my stationary, and also on a clean install of Win 8/.net/wow/HB on my laptop with problems both places, albeit slightly different ones. Common to both is the inability to run through all profiles without weird stuff happening. Weird enough, some of the problems do only happen whilst run from HBRelog and not when redoing the bot manually after.

      I haven't mentioned what my HBRelog times are so I have no idea why you assume it's 30 minutes. Generally they are around 15 minutes. If something gets stuck and not finished within 15 minutes, I run the task manually later to see what happens and I've noticed the stuck issues with char jumping in the same location. Things that could make this happen is different combat routines and even something stupid as using different mounts that may or may not drop the char off a few pixels differently and thus getting the char stuck.

      If you rule out the obvious usage errors, these are issues that are either caused by HB itself being unstable (could be, but since a lot of other things are fairly stable all the time, this would not really explain it all), the combat routines are buggy (happens, but rarely to that many at the times), or the bot itself has buggy code. Other variables like I said, is what mount you use, could be installed addons that is messing with the bot, or even frame lock issues that is hardware/driver related. In my experience, programs that behave like this are generally badly written with regards to error checking and whatnot, so that bugs slips through unnoticed and just appear as random weird stuff happening. Could also be that the underlying API is buggy or even doesn't provide error indications, which I'd have no idea about since I never checked out the HB API throughoutly.

      My statement that it's gradually becoming less stable is based upon running it for nearly 4 months with the exact same setup, config (apart from the one time the format changed), buildings, professions and hardware in my regular afk HBRelog setup.

      You really need to change your attitude and read what people are saying instead of just bouncing it off as a RTFM issue since yours work fine.

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