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  • How would i appeal?

    Discussion in 'Discussions (no Ban Reports here)' started by mousepad, Apr 26, 2015.

    1. mousepad

      mousepad New Member

      Apr 26, 2015
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      Was doing the usual dungeon botting, leveling up fresh recruits for my gold machine... just to get stomped on by blizz

      I tried to appeal..no success and I've failed to overturn it.

      I've heard of people getting their accounts unbanned by appealing them, and then it only being a 72 hour suspension.
      How would I turn mine into that cuz every ticket so far is simply "This penalty has already been upheld''

      I thought of telling them that they can remove my botted levels, my botted gear and botted gold and give me the 72h suspension but I read that its a very complicated process for them and its easier for them to just say no...because that requires them asking devs to delete gear/levels or something like that and no GM is going to waste time doing that

      tl;dr how would I appeal I tried the ''my little brother got on my account and went on this random website story ''so I obviously cant do that..the remove gear/gold is the only logical and legit thing I can think of ...
      Last edited: Apr 26, 2015
    2. Tarathiel2

      Tarathiel2 New Member

      Nov 12, 2013
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      If the penalty has been already upheld, that account is gone for good. Take the loss and get new ones or walk away.
    3. Naus

      Naus Member

      Feb 20, 2015
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      This story is so old, and like the lowest cop-out. I wouldn't be surprised if they rejected the appeal for giving that story.

      If they catch you. The best thing to do is be friendly to the customer representative you talk to. You want them to feel like you deserve a second chance. Chances are that the people who get their ban overturned own up to their mistakes, and apologize to never do it again. Blizzard caught them red-handed, and they just try to salvage what they can by admitting a mistake in judgement. We all make mistakes, and if you can get the GM to sympathize with your story--then it'll influence how they handle the ban.

      I would strongly suggest you never lie or deceive them if your story is crap. Blizzard (as well as many other people) know the little brother story is garbage. Blizzard deals with this stuff all the time, and it shows in the number of bans going out. To think some little kid is going to hijack their older sibling's account, and somehow master botting in a game they don't even own is a far fetched story. It becomes increasingly hard for a GM to want to sympathize with someone who're boldly lying to them, and if you give them a reason to believe you're dishonest--they'll uphold the ban.

      However, there's always a right time and a wrong time to be honest (or lie) for one's own benefit. But to know what those times are takes some serious understanding of the world around you, and the context of the situation.

      -Honestly, I would call your account a lost cause, unless you want to pull the mentally challenged card, and confess to whatever GM you get that you're so retarded, that they feel sorry for you. You would have to convince them that you genuinely didn't know what you were doing when you were botting, and also for any half-assed appeal attempts. And even then, you would probably be heavily watched for a week (or a month) to see if you're actually mentally disabled and not botting.
    4. ZoneHunter

      ZoneHunter Member

      Mar 15, 2015
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      You don't appeal any further, Account is toast end of story period. This is their way of saying the decision is final.

      Blizzard doesn't compromise otherwise every single bot user that was ever banned would be unbanned. Just suggesting that would of been a firm confirmation of you breaking the TOS and give them more reason to finalize the ban if it hadn't been done already.
      Last edited: Apr 26, 2015

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