Hi All, I'm just on the trial right now and levelling with the levelling profiles, which seems to be going faster then fatehunting etc. What would be better: Level first to 50 with the levelling profiles (0-50) and then fatehunt other classes/jobs? Or just start a new character for other classes? I dont know the benefits of having it all on one character. Thanks!
To be optimal in this game you need cross class skills that are gained from leveling different classes. If you're up for leveling muliple classes per toon that is one route. You'll only use the leveling profile for your main class as you can't repeat the quests on sub classes. Best option after that is the fate grind.
You can use the leveling profile to start but once you're level 15-20 you will want to transition to Fates. Get one character to level 50 then all other characters will get a 50% exp bonus. If you make multiple characters you will have to redo the main scenario quest on each character which will be very repetitious. Switching classes on one character allows you to cross class abilities between your classes and gives you an exp boost.
On your first 50 you might as well use the Questing profiles. For every other job, as mentioned the best thing is to level to 15 through the order bot grinding profile, then switch to fate bot.
I have 1 character for each archetype (Ranged/Tank/Melee/Healer/Caster), with my mains (Tank (DoL)/Healer(DoH)) having all the crafts. My reason for this is so I can optimally gear all classes.. It's not so bad, but if you're starting new in patch 2.5, I can imagine the end-game unlockfest will take a good 10 hours before you're even ready for 2.2 dungeons. I don't really feel like it's a lot of work, but then i've done it since launch, so new patches are done in 5mins. In retrospect, with the upcoming expansion, and the arrival of what i can assume is a speciality system akin to FFXI, I should've spread out the crafts. But hey. They take 20 leves and a few dailies to max, so it aint all gloom I dare say that this approach will be easier if you're using the 1-50 quest profile, but the unlocks at 50 will undoubtably drive you insane.
Thanks, and thanks to everybody that replied less grind fest at 50 on 1 char, cross job skills, 50% xp bonus, all benefits enough to do it all on one char at the moment since im starting anew What areas should i choose for fatebot? As i understood; take +4, skip escorts, but still no idea what area to use etc. Is there some fateboot optimal guide on here?
I don't know if you have checked out my thread, but what I use for fate 1-50 is on there. Noobie Tutorial
Also Dark Wolf may have thrown a wrench in this and optimized the leveling process. If it can be applied like I think. He created a .cs that allows fates to be added to an orderbot profile. So we could rework the 1-50 grind profile to include fates as a preference then grind. Replacing patrol (buggy) I could be very wrong and misreading what he created. https://www.thebuddyforum.com/rebor...y-profiles/213407-beta-orderbottag-fates.html