Good afternoon. Please consider my request. When using bot, my FPS drops to 8-10. However, if I start to cast any spell that requires time (or cast mount, or enchant something), FPS returns to normal values of 40-60. This behavior is observed even at minimum graphics settings and addons disabled. Changing the priority of the task manager does not give results. There are no viruses on my PC too. For the experiment, I put a bunch of "game + bot" on the newly installed operating system with the same result. Log attached. Log was made with: window mode WoW 1920x1080 minimal graphic settings no antivirus no virus no addons priority in task manager changed to high for wow.exe and honorbuddy.exe both
no. only windows defender. I tried to turn him off with no result. lagging still active. I observe this problem on my warrior with singular routine. On my hunter with tuanha everything is ok. But problem with warrior appear at ~60 lvl or so, 1-59 there was no lags. I tried to reinstall OS, bot, wow, change OS to XP/7/8/10 but no result. My computer isn't very slow. It's quite powerful machine, so there isn't hardware problem too.
If it does you can re enable it and possibly turn up your frame rate to see if that works, but i noticed on mine it works best with it off