Yeah, this profile is brilliant. Never had a single problem in many overnight runs. I've noticed it has become quite popular on my server though, so profile tinkerers I would suggest using the Heisenfiles approach of randomizing your grind areas!
hey, I am a Warlock Goblin to my amazement I head to a alli camp, this profile is not decency be neutral? Still no correction
It's not a neutral profile. There are profiles for Alliance and Horde respectively. Make sure you are running the correct version.
what do you guys do with the hearty soup bone? im exalted already so its annoying that it takes up so much space
Normalerweise auf Grind Bot stellen und das Profil laden. Bei mir ist "kill between hotspots" angeklickt und ein Haken bei skin mobs, loot mobs und ninja skin und nun läuft alles von selbst^^
Automate it with HB. There are a few Meatgut turn in profiles around here. Although they kinda broke with the newest HB build, so you're going to have to get the addon AutoTurnIn.
Having an issue where the mobs are de-spawning when they are attacked. My character also ran through the alliance camp when starting the profile from my garrison.
Had 2 BoE last night and couple of module and 2k fur and (1k fur 1k leather) . the problem is i think blizzard had nerfed the green drop. Since i run this profile since 2 weeks and have an excel stylesheet i can see a droprate of gold ( but items are the same, just the green drop )
Tried this profile and it's awesome. Downside it's my damn epic boe's. Loads of hides,fur, some trading post modules and loads of bones. update after further testing XP/HR: 0 Kills: 1211 (246/hr) Deaths: 0 (0/hr) Loots: 1958 (397/hr) Honor Gained: 0 (0/hr) BGs Won: 0 Lost: 0 Total: 0 (0/hr) hunter beastmastery ilvl 630 many trading post parts, fur and hides that are good income value, bones to ogre again good income and 3 epic BOE's 2 signet of traitor general and an healing offhand Ty again for this awesome and safe profile. +1 rep
So, I have used this profile for some time. Most of the time it does an amazing job, 300+ kills per hour. I have noticed that sometimes it starts to pull elite mobs at a horde camp at about 53,50. If the bot dies it spawns in a "safe" place right in the middle of the camp then then cannot get out without pulling the elite mobs. Is there a fix for this?
oh my goodness, not tried it yet. but my sister and I are both tailors and need those furs. Going to give this a try on a low geared hunter. thank you for making it for horde too ^_^ just tried it using TuHa free hunter rotation o.o not really skinning and just running around like mad kill or skipping skinables.I suck at setting things up. Looting the mods that is all I care about ^_^ not worried to much on the skins. mainly after fur and bones.