3 weeks have passed since the launch of Cataclysm, here's a look on what has happened to prices over that period (1 month is shown). The graphs represent an average across multiple gold selling sites and across all servers/factions. US Prices: Price Range is about $1.7 to $4 per thousand gold. --- EU Prices: Price Range is about $1.5 to $5 per thousand gold. Thoughts on the future of prices? They appear to be staying steady right now.
A one month period is way to short to base any statistical information on. Especially a month based around a major change in the field of study (cata release). Prices will stay lower for a while but I think they will go back up, people will be used to having extra gold and when matts go back to reasonable prices only those of us that are able to devote the time needed to farm those matts will continue to have the high levels of gold people are getting used to. If I sold gold (I dont atm) I would start building up some stock, then wait for the market to turn around and sell then. If you can hold out you will be more likely to make some serious profit. Just my 2 cents....
yep, private buyers fund you. But once there is less money going around (less farmers b/c of the holidays) then hopefully gold will go back up again
Well think about it alot of people were convince by cata to load up on gold for mats training and w/e so acourse sites are going to bump up the prices for a bit but now the rush is over because everyone hit 85 and is farming themself. You will see around the 10th you could sell $2/k. but hey everyones gatta get on the same page. everyone on this site only sell for 2.50 lol FTW
Yeah yesterday my guild found out i was botting and i was kicked, but i was let back in because several guildies are now buying gold from me <333