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  • HaslaAssistant 2.3+ Mob grinder with Hasla/Group features

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Taranira, May 10, 2015.

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    1. Taranira

      Taranira New Member Buddy Store Developer

      Dec 21, 2014
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      Moved to: https://www.thebuddyforum.com/arche...-buddystore-beta-post2005498.html#post2005498
      New Versions only via the BuddyStore.

      The orginal: https://www.thebuddyforum.com/arche...haslassistant-mob-grinder-hasla-features.html

      His last activity was 20.01.2015 00:27 so I don't care about "stealing" his plugin.
      I suck at coding. But I will do what I can.

      ArcheGrinder is a a almost-no-setup-needed mob grinder with some extra features to make it more useful within Hasla raids (to look active enough and "do your part" while grinding these weapons). The looting & combat are totally separate, so you can also use it to auto roll on the tokens assigned to you in your Hasla raid while fighting manually.

      Plugin need some testing. But it will get the job done.


      What it does:

      • An easy-to-use GUI, with on/off buttons and checkboxes to change a few looting/combat options
      • Find new targets to attack within a certain radius
      • Use acceptable rotations for most specs without any setup (healer mode not available)
      • Play nice in groups, assisting other team members and looting its own targets
      • Ignores mob from a user-provided list (check second post for suggestions to fill it with)
      • Use flute/lute and food/potions to heal and regain mana (going to improve it)
      • Summon and keep resurrecting your mount/battle pet to level it painlessly to 50
      • Run back from respawn after dying (requires extra setup)
      • Open your coinpurses instead of standing around waiting for regen
      • Assist Mode will attack everything the party leader attacks also Players !

      What it won't do:

      • Healing (not on the to do list :p)
      • Custom rotations
      • PvP

      Classes the bot has been tested to work well with:

      • Arcanist - Sorcerer/Witchcraft/Auramancy: safe class with potentially very high mana regen and enervate/earthen grip combo for self healing
      • Primeval - Archery/Shadowplay/Auramancy: great kill speed if you have good gear with medidate to limit downtime
      • This class works decently with HaslaAssistant but does eat up a lot of food.
        Arcane Hunter ( Archer, Witchcraft, Auramancy )
      • Post on the thread if you had great experiences with other classes ;)

      Setup instructions

      1. Download last stable version (or an alpha/beta version if you're willing to experiment and test things) and unzip the archive in your ArcheBuddy's plugins folder
      2. Open ArcheGrinder\ArcheGrinder.cs in the plugin editor and compile it
      3. (Optional) Create GPS routes in the DeathRoutes folder to run back from respawn (see below) // this doesn't work well.
      4. You're ready to use the plugin! If you need help configuring it, all options have a tooltip to explain what they do if you hover them or their label.

      Creating DeathRoutes

      Don't know how to get started with GPS Editor? Check this tutorial

      You just need to create a db3 file (name doesn't matter, you can have as many as you want) inside the DeathRoutes folder with these 2 points:
      - A point named "Respawn" near the respawn point your farm area sends you to on death
      - A point named "Pew" at the other end of the path where bot should start the normal combat again

      Plugin will randomly select a valid path within all the ones that start from that respawn point, so you can either make different runback routes for the same mob spot or use it to make the bot change farm spots (sometimes) when it dies.

      Support ArcheGrinder

      [​IMG]Do you like my improvements on this plugin? Buy me a coffee :) :cool:


      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Jul 16, 2015
    2. Taranira

      Taranira New Member Buddy Store Developer

      Dec 21, 2014
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      Recommended Mob Ignore List

      Cursed Giant Stone Golem
      Space Gate (Portal)
      Hasla Rift
      Giant Vyrava
      Fierce Vyrava
      Fickle Vyrava
      Hanure the Hunter
      Auroria Crimson Rift
      Auroria Crimson Rift Rank 1 Summon
      Auroria Crimson Rift Rank 2 Summon
      Auroria Crimson Rift Rank 3 Summon
      Auroria Crimson Rift Rank 4 Summon
      Auroria Crimson Rift Rank 5 Summon
      Crimson Rift
      Crimson Rift Rank 1 Summon
      Crimson Rift Rank 2 Summon
      Crimson Rift Rank 3 Summon
      Current Class Support

      Known Issues

      • All releases with a X aren't tested --> bugs
      • Plugin stops using skills a bit before your character actually runs out of mana
      • Channeled regen skills (play dead/medidate) don't get interrupted correctly either aggroed or when at full HP/mana
      • Combat gets bad at high latencies (it will start deteriorating quite badly at 200-300ms latency)
      • Unmarshal error related to deathroutes
      • DeathRoute option isn't stable and might run in errors

      To Do List:
      • Fix Unmarshal Error
      • Add a option to destroy items (under development)
      • Add a option to equip a staff and use it for mana regeneration
      • Add some more advanced skill combos


      • X 2.484
        Added the name from the char that is currently using ArcheGrinder to the Main Form
        Added 2 new tabs 1. Loot 2. Combat
        Removed tab General
        Added Enchanted Skein and Disciple's Tear as Loot option
        Added a mana % to use PlayDead for ManaRegeneration
      • X 2.483
        Changed the Design a little bit
        Added PlayDead to Regenerate Mana
      • 2.48
        ArcheGrinder/ArcheBuddy won't crash if you close the window from ArcheGrinder.
        ArcheGrinder will be closed correctly if you close the window from ArcheGrinder. (It dosn't stay open in the plugin manager)
        ArcheGrinder/ArcheBuddy won't crash if you close the game.
        Combat and Lootsettings are now saved for each char individually. (Saved by Charname)
        FakeDeath for Mana Regeneration is removed and under review.
        AssistMode should be fixed. Thanks to WoodenJester
      • 2.472
        Will use purge to buff your char
        Will use PlayDead to reg mana if enabled
      • 2.47
        small bug fix
      • 2.46
        added more buff items
      • 2.45
        non released version :p
      • 2.44
        added Buff Monitor Settings
      • 2.43
        changed some combat conditions
      • 2.42
        improved Combat Routine
        God's Whip work
        Meteor Strike work
        Fiend's Knell work
      • 2.41
        Open Stolen Bag / Scratched Safe do work like they should
      • 2.4
        open Stolen Bag, open Scratched Safe are added. But only work if you have enabled OpenPurses(Patched in new Version)
        it will first try to open coinpurses if enabled then try to open stolen bags if enabled and then try to open scratched safe if enabled !
      • 2.3.9
        F1 & F2 Do work
        enable on start do work
        Open Purses will only open Coinpurses
        added Loot option for Scratched Safe and Stolen Bag
        if you close ArcheGrinder, Archebuddy won't close same as ArcheAge
        if you close ArcheAge itself Archebuddy will shutdown
      • X 2.3.8
        loot work if enabled
      • X 2.3.7
        DeathRoutes work
      • X 2.3.6 (12th May 2015)
        bot will always loot (fixed in new version)
        loot does work in group and raids
        Assist mode work
        DeathRoutes DO NOT WORK (fixed in new version)
        loot options do work
      • X 2.3.3 (12th May 2015)
        Changed Name to ArcheGrinder
        Added some Loot Settings:
        for Auroria:
        Divine Cloth Gear
        Divine Leather Gear
        Divine Plate Gear
        Haunted Chest
        for Library
        Eternal Library Weapon
        Eternal Library Armor
        Eternal Library Tome
        Ayanad Design Scrap

        Disabled Healer Mode button

      • X 2.3.1 (12th May 2015)
        plugin will now stop at 2500 deaths. Before it would have stoped at 5deaths. Value isn't changable atm, but I will try to implement this later
        will attack mobs that are not first hitted now.
        assist mode work like it should but still need work.
        If you run 2times the Haslaassistent at the same time or more it won't loot in party, also if loot is enabled. Need to fix this shit. But its a bigger prob in this plugin.

        Bot will try to use now the following skills
        Behind Enemy Lines
        Fiends Knell if you have more than 60% mana
        Gods Whip if you have more than 60% mana
        Snipe if dist less than 40m <-- this skill might pull more enemies than you want
        Throw Dagger if you got 2 or more mobs agro on you
      • 2.3 (11th May 2015)
        Added all types of Coinpurses:
        29203 Farmer's Coinpurse Geldbörse des Farmers
        35462 Stolen Farmer's Bag Gestohlene Tasche des Bauern
        35469 Scratched Farmer's Safe Schäbiger Tresor des Farmers
        29204 Priest's Coinpurse Geldbörse des Priesters
        35463 Stolen Priest's Bag Gestohlene Tasche des Priesters
        35470 Scratched Priest's Safe Schäbiger Tresor des Priesters
        29205 Merchant's Coinpurse Geldbörse des Händlers
        35464 Stolen Merchant's Bag Gestohlene Tasche des Händlers
        35471 Scratched Merchant's Safe Schäbiger Tresor des Händlers
        29206 Noble's Coinpurse Geldbörse des Adligen
        35465 Stolen Noble's Bag Gestohlene Tasche des Adligen
        35472 Scratched Noble's Safe Schäbiger Tresor des Adligen
        29207 Jester's Coinpurse Geldbörse des Narren
        35466 Stolen Jester's Bag Gestohlene Tasche des Narren
        35473 Scratched Jester's Safe Schäbiger Tresor des Narren
        35461 Prince's Coinpurse Geldbörse des Prinzen
        34853 Stolen Prince's Bag Gestohlene Tasche des Prinzen
        35474 Scratched Prince's Safe Schäbiger Tresor des Prinzen
        34915 Scholar's Coinpurse Geldbörse des Gelehrten
        35467 Stolen Scholar's Bag Gestohlene Tasche des Gelehrten
        35476 Scratched Scholar's Safe Schäbiger Tresor des Gelehrten
        32059 Librarian's Coinpurse Geldbörse des Bibliothekar
        34281 Stolen Librarian's Bag Gestohlene Tasche des Bibliothekar
        35475 Scratched Librarian's Safe Schäbiger Tresor des Bibliothekar
        34916 Dean's Coinpurse Geldbörse des Dekans
        35468 Stolen Dean's Bag Gestohlene Tasche des Dekans
        35477 Scratched Dean's Safe Schäbiger Tresor des Dekans

        Changed donation link to mine
        Changed thread link

        added Endless Arrows for fast tagging on monsters
        added Chain Lightning for fast tagging on monsters. Need more testing. Maybe I will disable it if it pulls to often 2 mobs.
        last option for fast tagging is now the range attack with your bow. It's still faster then flamebolt skills with a short cast time.
        use now Gods Whip in combat (not tested, don't have a lvl 55 sorcercy tree yet)
        removed chain lightning as last hit skill. Maybe I will do it as an opt in.
      • Old Patchnotes:
      Last edited: Jul 16, 2015
      maxtor20091 likes this.
    3. Defectuous

      Defectuous New Member

      Dec 17, 2014
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      I wish you well on moving this forward, hopefully you'll add in support for library & Auroria drops
    4. Taranira

      Taranira New Member Buddy Store Developer

      Dec 21, 2014
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      Thanks :)
      What Auroria drops do you have in mind?
      Send me a list with item id's + english name and I will see what I can do :)
      Only the english name's would be enough too.
      Last edited: May 11, 2015
    5. prezesku

      prezesku New Member

      Jan 23, 2014
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      Hey! Good job dude! Any chance to add new 50lvl+ skills to rotations?
    6. ozgun311

      ozgun311 Member

      Nov 11, 2014
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      Assist mode not working
      i have tried to use my 2 characters with this and the second one with Assist on does whatever he wants
      Last edited: May 11, 2015
    7. Taranira

      Taranira New Member Buddy Store Developer

      Dec 21, 2014
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      Yeah sure. But I won't be able to test it, because I don't have the skill tree's at lvl 55.
      The Bot will already use Gods whip but I can't try it out ;( (Arcanist on lvl 53, will take maybe 5days untill I get to 55)

      Please leave some feedback if you use the the Test Prog.

      Assist mode is on a experimental stage and far away from finished. It need a lot of work.
      If you want to follow 1 party member in the group with your assist char use the build in follow option from archebuddy.
      Menu -> Settings --> Characters --> Choose Character from drop down menu --> check auto follow --> enter name --> set range how close the bot should min and max stay.
      But if you still want to use the assist mode use this:
      Last edited: May 13, 2015
    8. Defectuous

      Defectuous New Member

      Dec 17, 2014
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      A few things You might want to change the name as this ca

      This class works decently with HaslaAssistant but does eat up a lot of food.
      Arcane Hunter ( Archer, Witchcraft, Auramancy )

      Line 1067 Combat.cs ( works in raids smoothly looting and such, honestly not sure why it works)
      Updated to the following for raid loot support set to 5 if your only working in parties set it to 50 if your constantly running in raids. I set it to 50 by default and have no problems since.
      if (team.Count < 50)

      Loot Items

      Haunted Chest, 32893

      Purses { 32059, 34915, 34916, 35461 } ( Add the following to support the new purses )

      Stolen Bag { 35462, 35463, 35464, 35465, 35466, 35467, 35468, 34853, 34281 }

      Scratched Safe { 35469, 35470, 35471, 35472, 35473, 35474, 35475, 35476, 35477 }

      Optional as this is already covered by Unidentified
      Divine Cloth, 27468
      Diving Leather, 27469
      Diving Plate, 27470

      Just a few revisions ( I have already added the purses and code changes to mine I haven't added the bag(s) or safe(s)
      Last edited: May 11, 2015
    9. Taranira

      Taranira New Member Buddy Store Developer

      Dec 21, 2014
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      Will add it in the next experimental build like in 24h+
      But you should use this code
       if (team.Count <= 50)
      otherwise he won't loot if you got a full raid. But I thing that shouldn't be a problem.
      Yeah sure the change from line 1067 will make the plugin loot every time dosn't matter how big the group is.

      Purses + Stolen Bags + Scratched Safe are covered up by Purses checkbox

      I'm going to add Divine Cloth, Leather, Plate and the Haunted Chest as single checkbox it's a good idea thx for that
      Last edited: May 11, 2015
    10. Defectuous

      Defectuous New Member

      Dec 17, 2014
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      How does it handle the open purses option then
    11. Taranira

      Taranira New Member Buddy Store Developer

      Dec 21, 2014
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      He will try to open those purses. All of them dosn't matter if its Coinpurse, Stolen Bag, Scratched Safe.
      Maybe I should seperate those?
      With the X 2.3.1 build he could have a problem while opening them but it will be fixed next experimental release.
      Last edited: May 11, 2015
    12. prezesku

      prezesku New Member

      Jan 23, 2014
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      Hey. I spoted a bug. With 2.2 version deathroutes works perfectly. When I copy it to 2.3 version it gives crit error "There is no deathroute near the point" and AA crashes.
    13. Taranira

      Taranira New Member Buddy Store Developer

      Dec 21, 2014
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      Yeah I will look into it. Already saw it by myself but I don't use death routes at the moment. But I will fix it. Give me some time :)
      All releases at the moment are experimental and aren't tested well
      In 3Days+ there should be a stabile Version with Assist Mode, Looting in partys, rolling only on the items you choose from the Loot Settings and maybe more
      Maybe I'm going to rebuild it from 0. But that would take me some more days.
      Last edited: May 12, 2015
    14. nowoc

      nowoc New Member

      Apr 2, 2015
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      First of all, thank you a lot!!. After this could you implement option to only roll this two purses Stolen Bag, Scratched Safe ? Cause the prince's purses in my opinion not are worth enought to open them. thanks.

      Reading log notes i dont understand this:
      If you run 2times the Haslaassistent at the same time or more it won't loot in party, also if loot is enabled. Need to fix this shit. But its a bigger prob in this plugin.

      You are saying that if i use 2 session of AA and 2 sessions of archegrinder my 2 character they will not loot?
      Last edited: May 13, 2015
    15. nowoc

      nowoc New Member

      Apr 2, 2015
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      i found a bug/error keys F1-F2 not working at least for my , in version ArcheGrinder X 2.3.8
    16. wuzabi

      wuzabi New Member

      May 13, 2015
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      Having the same problem as nowoc with F2 not working, had this problem with 2.3.4 as well. This sometimes happened in the old haslaassistant but usually resetting made it work again
    17. Voyager92

      Voyager92 Member

      Nov 3, 2014
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      Awesome man, this is the best plugin for grinding, that whole error "AppDomain" that it happened whenever I got a dc that sucked, did it get fixed? Can't wait to test it out.
    18. Taranira

      Taranira New Member Buddy Store Developer

      Dec 21, 2014
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      Fixed the prob already with looting
      Yeah I will separate Coinpurses, Stolen Bag and Scratched Safe soon.

      F1-F2 only work if you are "ingame" so you need to press on the archeage window that is running ArcheGrinder but there might be probs if you run more than 1 ArcheGrinder. It's the same prob the old HaslaAssistant had.
      But I will look into it
      Maybe, I suck at coding :)
      Last edited: May 13, 2015
    19. Taranira

      Taranira New Member Buddy Store Developer

      Dec 21, 2014
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      Should it cast insidious whisper only if he got agro from 1 mob or also if he got agro from more than that?
      Sure will look into it :)
      And by the way what should the bot do after this?
      just wait 2 secs? Try to use Healing Pot? Run to Anchor?:confused:
      Last edited: May 13, 2015
    20. nowoc

      nowoc New Member

      Apr 2, 2015
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      Thanks again. And i 'm ingame when i try press f1 or f2, but yes im running 2 AA and 2 archegrinder. So maybe its that., but its weird cause with the old grinder like 90% it worked.
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