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  • They're reading our posts...

    Discussion in 'Discussions (no Ban Reports here)' started by googleforloss, May 14, 2015.

    1. googleforloss

      googleforloss New Member

      Mar 21, 2012
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      Lol'd reading WOW forum posts, they're quoting us and crying about our posts when they didn't even get banned. Love our community those people are complete idiots, and their logic fails them hard, I think it's time we start quoting their stupidity from the the wow forums.
    2. frosticus

      frosticus Community Developer

      Oct 19, 2012
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      they will feel the pinch when they wait an hour for a bg/dungeon queue.

      or when they go to buy a boe and the price is triple because mats have increased in value.
    3. mb41375

      mb41375 Banned

      Feb 7, 2015
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      I really hope so cause. I not rewarding blizzard and buying a new account. Hi blizzard. goodbye :]
    4. ryftobuddy

      ryftobuddy Banned

      Aug 19, 2011
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      You do realize that you were one of those "idiots" up until yesterday, right?
    5. googleforloss

      googleforloss New Member

      Mar 21, 2012
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      Yeah, they think we light buildings on fire instead of doing something productive with our lives..... nuff said about wow playerbase. and Ryfto i'm gonna correct you here, the ones that werent banned are the true idiots who invested all their time in tedious things we all did by hand 5 years ago. :) excluding honorbuddy members that got past the banwave of course!
    6. Urd

      Urd New Member

      Aug 26, 2012
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      Well, i hope they're reading our posts, yea...
      How many of those bitching there are also botters who had the luck of not getting caught?

      I'm kinda sad, i admit, for seeing m account locked. 8 years account without never having being banned for any reason at all.
      Used bot since 1.5yrs just to do archeology and recently catch some lunkers.
      So yea, i'm getting a 6 month ban (hopefully it's only 6 months, cause the appeal e-mail said it was permanent, so now i don't really know), because of some god damm fish. Great!
      But yea, i knew what i was doing was wrong and there was a chance i could get caught. Ok, chapter closed, find something else to do, and if by November i can still care anything at all about WoW i might come back... or not. 6 month is a long time and i'm going to loose the train... Not looking foward to get back to the game with LFR item lvl gear...

      Looking back i think "damm, it was only a few fish.. i wasn't really profitting from it, i wasn't making any1 life's miserable..." I don't even want to know how those who used a simple milling bot are feeling right now. But also, i think "ok, so i'm banned, but heck, i don't feel THAT bad for being banned for not wanting to sit 1hr in front of the pc clicking my mouse every 15secs to catch 5 lunkers.... (yes, because that's how long it took me in average to catch 5 lunkers with 1000+ fishing skill)... I never used it for raiding, nor pvp'ing, not even for the garrison-shit-thingy...

      Still, what irkes me most is that i created a start level account (or whatever is called), just to see if i could talk in-game to a GM (cause i'm really bothered about getting automated msgs from tickets... least i can ask is talk to a human being...) (ironic to say that Blizz bans ppl for botting, but are using "bots" to reply to ppl). I ran to Darnassus just to check something for myself and BAM... there it was.

      Trade chat in the day right after the ban:
      - gold sellers
      - battlegrounds and raid boosters (selling the boost for real money)
      - CM boosters (also selling for real money)

      They were there the day before i got banned, and they're still there. They spamm the chat 24/7 with that bullshit for months on end now, and yet i'm the one banned from botting for some fish... And they do it in the main chat of the game where EVERYBODY can see it...

      Kinda revolting...
    7. shelaine

      shelaine New Member

      Sep 8, 2014
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      Most of those postings in the official WoW forums are just childish, uneducated bullshit of people who aren't capable of thinking further than a 10 year old. Actually it's pretty amusing to read.

      The majority of said kiddos will be the first ones to cry and complain on the forums when they realize they'll have to wait 1.5 hours for a BG invite, or 2 hours for a LFR invite, or that they can't find a new raid because their old one had fallen apart thanks to the bans. Or that prices on the auction houses will skyrocket. Or that WoW is "going to die" because subscribers are on an all time low and servers are empty.

      You can't take the official forums serious. It's just a nice, sometimes amusing, sometimes ludicrous pastime.
    8. pontius001

      pontius001 New Member

      Mar 15, 2010
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      Because so much of these forums are open for everyone to read and post, this is nothing new. Blizzard themselves have been coming here and obtaining information about the bot for years.

      And World of Warcraft itself is full of trolls that get off on anyone else feeling any sort of pain as long as it is not them. You see it every day in the trade chat, the loud mouths in the BGs, and really in LFR with people doing things to make things more difficult for everyone else anytime they can. That is the biggest reason why I started multiboxing and started botting in order to make the multiboxing easier for me. Honestly, the only things that have kept me around for so long have been the few friends I have made through the years and botting. Of course, I have seen the botting community be just as bad sometimes...
    9. zhangxu92

      zhangxu92 Member

      Nov 18, 2014
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      my server is empty... no one at stormwind/orgrimma and warspear/stormshield ....
    10. tankblack

      tankblack New Member

      Jan 8, 2011
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      let them banned us not problems

      dont worry guys , dont cry and dont hurt your self or do crazy think

      all server is empty

      i think blizzard will unbanned this 6 months

      they dont want stay 6 months without money
    11. berny

      berny New Member

      Dec 26, 2011
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      мне кажется что они специально это сделали, что бы ботоводы купили новый аккаунт, что бы повысить количество подписчиков на дреноре. как раз к патчу многие купят

      I think they did it on purpose, what would the bot status bought a new account that would increase the number of subscribers on Draenor. just in time for patch many will buy
    12. mcleexb

      mcleexb New Member

      Mar 7, 2013
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      I guess maybe BLZ has more than one spies here and watching us and laughing us...maybe even few spies in HB develop team...so they know every thing and they have been scanning our pc for ages........
    13. crazy008

      crazy008 New Member

      Jul 10, 2010
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      Well said. I used it for milling and to catch the lunkers for rep so I could buy a pet and a mount for myself. Even when using it for milling all the flowers out of the 4 garrisons alone it still took more than an hour to mill through that stuff. I didn't make money off it, impacted the economy or inconvenienced anyone. Yet blatant spammers and scammers haven't gone away.
      I'm a bit sad because it's such a long suspension. But it was a calculated risk I took to do something more productive IRL while watching the fishing/milling in the background. Maybe the 6 months will get WoW out of my system.
    14. Soeski

      Soeski Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      They won't; I sub for 6 months each time and my sub has not expired yet. So they will "get" my money for the next few months. (They already have it of course, but you get my point). The coming quarterly financial overview will not show a big loss of subscriptions I guess.
    15. Aetheric

      Aetheric Member

      Jul 25, 2012
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      I've said this many times on this forum already : some people - like me - use HB as a "key presser", since I've got a disability on my hands and arms that prevent me from playing the game properly. I'm not going to elaborate, but believe me, without any help, I won't be at par with even the worst player, so - without HB - being kicked out of groups/dungeons/raids is only a matter of time. So yeah, HB has been a WoW life-saver for me, and I know, for many other players with some sort of disability as well. But Blizzard doesn't care about that .. a bot is a bot, full stop. And if you have a disability, that's your problem.

      So I have to accept the suspension and decided continue after it has been lifted.

      And yes, definitely with a bot, whichever is available in six months.

      Hopefully BOSSLAND found a way to be undetected by then.
    16. justreading

      justreading New Member

      May 15, 2015
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      I'm just a passerby but this is a huge pile of junk I've just read. If you are disabled - do things you can do within your capacity or choose another game. If you hold a dungeon team back without a bot, don't climb in dungeons youknow:rolleyes: You're not supposed to be able to play absolutely every single aspect of an mmo. Lots of people think they are entitled to raid mythic but guess what - guilds don't want them because that area is out of those players' league. My friend Jimmy wanted to be a basketball player at NBA although he's only 1,5m tall, hurrdurr. Having equal access to every single aspect in an mmo-game isn't a human right.
      Last edited: May 15, 2015
    17. Aetheric

      Aetheric Member

      Jul 25, 2012
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      Wow, you created an account, just to reply with your pile of junk?

      A bot IS a perfect way of playing WoW with a minimum of limitations, imposed by a disability.
      You sir, are clearly a troll and I feel personally insulted by your absolute lack of empathy.

      Grow up, some people would like to lead a life which is a normal as possible - and HB definitely helps with playing World of Warcraft.
      Macros don't always cut it.

      Take your big head out of your arse, you have no idea what real life is about.
    18. justreading

      justreading New Member

      May 15, 2015
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      You sure are self-entitled. I repeat - you do not have to play every single aspect of WoW. Stick to what you can do within your abilities. It's the same for non-disabled people, believe it or not.
    19. Mario27

      Mario27 Banned

      Jan 15, 2010
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      your not a bypasser you buy cheats hacks that people bypass for you :)
    20. wh420

      wh420 New Member

      Oct 1, 2011
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      My guess is justreading came from the wow forums to troll....a troll is a troll afterall.
      btw justreading...if you wanna troll...do it properly. Youre a passerby not a bypasser...2 totally different things that make a troll look like an imbecile because they can't complete the most asinine of tasks such as trolling.

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