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  • How much faith will you have in HB *WHEN* it comes back?

    Discussion in 'Discussions (no Ban Reports here)' started by Crowley, May 14, 2015.

    1. icheatedlol

      icheatedlol New Member

      Jul 31, 2013
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      I mean if u didn't want to trip yeah...a ninja would attempt to access whatever they need in the house via the ceiling tho...

      If you trip while on the ceiling...whats it called then?
    2. Phyxios

      Phyxios Member

      Jul 18, 2012
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      I have complete faith in HB, they have never truly let us down before, we'll be back and ready to kick some ass soon I'm sure!
    3. webhond


      May 23, 2011
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      0 faith. Although i had fun here and respect them for any effort made i dont see them coming back from this. My 6 month ban now was collected 6 months ago. that was the last time i botted. Cameback few weeks ago and havnt botted on that account. But its gone. So blizzard collected, monitored and learned. I appealed but if not overturned im done. The state this game is in its not worth playing it by hand. It 2 mill botted ( my guess!!) Then wow is down to 5 mill summit subs for 6 mo nts. Tbh i dont even see wow coming back from this. It was 10 year ride. It was fun. But it ends here.
    4. Al3xwh1t3

      Al3xwh1t3 New Member

      Dec 16, 2011
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      I really dont understand why they put banwave before summer? For example - about 2-2,5 mil account will be banned for botting , 1-1,5 mil account will go rest for the summer period , and what will they have left?4 millions players across all servers in the world?pretty dumb.

      P.S. I didnt received a ban.
    5. Crowley

      Crowley Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Again, HB isn't the only game in town. Only the best and well known. This will *not* hurt Bl!zz one iota.
      People will resub and either play by hand or use other methods to level/play.

      My wife has MS and physically cannot play without automated help. I have more than a few reserve accounts and she was up and running and healing her guild in less than an hour after all this shit. Hand players in her guild know her situation and don't give 2 rats asses that she bots because they are friends she has made in the last 10 years and understand the situation.

      Buuuut that has nothing to do with our faith in HB. We always come back to HB and will until HB says "NO! The Doors are closed and the lights are off! Fuck Off!"
    6. Gleeky

      Gleeky Member

      Dec 19, 2013
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      My assessment is as follows.

      It's not about faith, it's largely about business.

      Bossland's progressive move to better monetization of HB through the implementation of the Buddystore was, in revenue generation terms, a resounding success, I have no doubt. I'll willing to bet they more than doubled their revenues with this method, and transformed their whole organisational structure accordingly.

      The ban wave not only wipes out new HB bot subscriptions for the foreseeable future, but also all HB related buddystore purchases which, taken together, are likely to make up the lion's share all revenue generation for Bossland. This is a problem in business terms.

      The assessment that the Bossland team need to make is
      1) Is is realistic to get those revenue streams re-activated in a timely manner?
      2) What would be the cost in terms of testing & development time to get HB back up and running?
      3) Will there be a sustainable customer base willing to risk using the product and generating additional revenue through buddystore purchases if they do bring it back online?

      It's not for me to judge what might be the answers to those questions. It's doubtless these are the issues they are pondering.

      I'm also intrigued what the impact will be on a number of key devs who have developed businesses on the back of the buddystore. There revenue streams related to botting are also all but wiped out.

      That's my 2 copper.
    7. lckwjl

      lckwjl New Member

      Jun 4, 2012
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      maybe they are finally going to be real about banning bots.. I mean it would be easy for them to stop botters (on a mass scale like honorbuddy).. but who knows.. this is probably just a publicity stunt
    8. shelaine

      shelaine New Member

      Sep 8, 2014
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      100% Agree

      I really hope people aren't going crazy for refunds at HB...

      Everyone knew this would happen one day, so grow up and suck this shit up. If you didn't knew this would or could happen one day, you didn't inform yourself and that's the fault of no one but yourself.

      HB stuff did a great job over the years, and I desperately hope they will try to continue. So please stop hassling them for refunds, or ETAS, or just anything. As everyone else, the staff needs time to evaluate the situation and to sit down and discuss how they will or can go on now. But something like that doesn't happen within a few days, probably not even within a few weeks. The most important thing right now would be to keep a close eye on the situation and first of all waiting to see how Blizzard proceeds. It's very likely that there are more bans coming and we all should be patient for now and see how the situation evolves.
    9. Destroknight

      Destroknight New Member

      Nov 8, 2014
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      Honorbuddy till the end. trust them completely
    10. Shadowbot

      Shadowbot New Member

      Aug 10, 2012
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      I agree with Shelaine
    11. klepp0906

      klepp0906 Banned

      Apr 25, 2013
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      Complete if they admit their error and go x64.
    12. Aetheric

      Aetheric Member

      Jul 25, 2012
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      They always claimed that a. it's incompatible with their libraries (fair enough - redesign then) and b. it will be a challenge to "inject" the client with their specific code to make it work.
      I think NOW is the time for BOSSLAND to go back to the drawing board and redesign HB for the 64-bit WoW client; at this moment, HB is dead in the water anyway, so start investing again in other methods and techniques.
      This should include 64-bit, PLUS DX11 support .. Yes, DX11 as well, since many(!) users can't run HB on a DX11 WoW client.

      BUT, and it's a big "BUT" : Regardless what the fanatic HB adepts claim, the WoW client _CAN_ and _DOES_ scan the system's memory, looking for concurrent processes, just as the Windows Task Manager does. Any technique to disable "Warden" is useless, as long as HB doesn't conceal itself from that kind of detection. It has to be made like an "ordinary virus" : run, self-mutation and hide.

      To answer the OP's question : yes, I have 100% faith in the capabilities of the BOSSLAND dev-team - for them, it's only a matter of being open-minded and of thinking outside the box.
    13. ginuwine12

      ginuwine12 New Member

      Feb 12, 2013
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      i well stay with HB too no worries about the last banns shit can happen in this life anytime in anything so yolo mode again
      btw Honorbuddy teams said this many many many times if you afraid something to lose do not bot on your MAIN account ! they say this since ages
      Last edited: May 15, 2015
    14. honorblood

      honorblood New Member

      Jan 29, 2015
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      with my main account? never again... but if i get another internet connection, another account and another pc to run a 24/7 bot, i will use hb again
    15. thetrueman2

      thetrueman2 Member

      Jan 24, 2012
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      This is one of the most pointless posts on here. The 64/32 bit discussion has been posted countless times on these forums, and:
      a. you clearly have no idea of how memory addressing works, or you would know that it requires a full rewrite of basically every line of code written for HB (which is a LOT of lines). It would be like writing a whole new bot, albeit given that the 32 bit logic for events is already there.
      b. Bossland'd be stupid to do so, seeing as 32 bit code runs just fine on 64bit machines but 64 bit code doesnt run at all on 32bit systems. HB doesn't need high fps or good graphics to run, it just *needs to run*. Why would they waste hundreds of manhours rewriting everything ever committed to HB when there is no gain to be had?

      Apart from that I have faith in the dev team. Warden has been bypassed before and it will be again, it's just a matter or finding out what exactly gets HB detected and finding a way around that. I'd definitely bot again when HB returns, I'd just shield my main account better from bot accounts.
    16. mspazz

      mspazz Member

      Jul 12, 2010
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      Think about how long HB has been going without detection. Blizzard got lucky with this one. The HB team will take their time, figure out what was detected and will work around it. We will be back up and running in no time. Most of the casual users will be scared to bot which is fine, that means less exposure on public profiles. I honestly believe they held onto a LOT of player reports and used those in justification in banning as well as this supposed "detection"
      venndann likes this.
    17. venndann

      venndann Member

      Mar 5, 2014
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      Faith in HB? 100%

      Blizzard is so hypocritical. They cheat, i.e., scan our systems, to try to detect 3rd party assists that they call cheating.

      They allow addons that automatically mill herbs but do not allow a profile that automatically fishes.

      They claim manipulation of the economy when there is no appreciable difference between someone spending 3 hours farming ore and dumping it on the AH or someone using a gatherbot for half an hour and putting that same ore up for sale.

      They make having top level gear the most important thing for progression and then object when people go to extraordinary lengths to get that gear.

      They take the fun out of questing and object when people want to speed though that tedious part of the game. (Oh yeah, then they offer paid boosts so they can profit from it.)

      They take all the intelligence and strategy out of dungeons and raids, make high DPS the only criterion for success, and then object when players cut corners to get that high DPS. Why are macros okay, but CR's aren't?

      They reduce all combat down to about 3 abilities and a bunch of obscure cooldowns that people just spam, and object when players react by automating those boring, repetitive tasks.

      Banning people won't stop botting; a better game will.
    18. Mario27

      Mario27 Banned

      Jan 15, 2010
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      evven x64 wil be detected afther a time dude its blizzard game they wil figure that out to
    19. LowKey

      LowKey New Member

      Mar 9, 2012
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      It's easier to blend in with a crowd that to stick out like a sore thumb. Blizzard knew specifically how to target honorbuddy and did just that a few months ago. They were on to something as is evidenced by this large banwave. HB devs didn't react to an obvious threat and here we are.

      This is a game of cat and mouse, and the mouse stood still for too long.
    20. Mario27

      Mario27 Banned

      Jan 15, 2010
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      you guys should check out helios hacks for fps games when i inject a hack the exe disapears automaticly when its injected so you dont see thename.exe in the processors tab that would be mutch better once i go in the game the hack disapears and not being in the processor tab

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