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    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by Trixiap, May 14, 2015.

    1. frosticus

      frosticus Community Developer

      Oct 19, 2012
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      this isnt a fact at all.

      in America we waive our rights to freedom from illegal search and seizure when we agree to the terms.

      in other countries, blizz is allowed to only scan their assigned mem space.

      your OS and screen theory is just plain wrong.
    2. razer

      razer New Member

      Apr 29, 2012
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      Why would you want to go back so soon. When a software is detected it means they know how everything works. So I can now see more banwaves then ever if HB comes back with a small update.I would say get rdy for big testing, big closed beta's and most of all time they need a shitton of time to get it right for it to be safe again for us.
    3. Trixiap

      Trixiap Member

      Nov 18, 2010
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      Because question is, is HB really detected? Or it is just better algorithm on Blizz end?
    4. goodguygregg

      goodguygregg New Member

      Apr 17, 2013
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      If hb was back online i would start botting right away. We all know about the risks, this is nothing compared to mmo/wow-glider detections and isxwow detections back in the day. Banwaves as tight as every couple of weeks. THOSE were detections, this is just big compilations of player reports and account behaviour patterns.
    5. virtual

      virtual Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Was honorbuddy the only bot detected?
      Where other bots hit?
    6. razer

      razer New Member

      Apr 29, 2012
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      Yea you know everything :) "golf clap" "this is just big compilations of player reports and account behaviour patterns." rofl You know what it really was it was blizzard tracking us all down via google and our usernames to our accounts

      When you say this was nothing. This was the biggest banwave HB has ever had if over 500k+ users are banned in 3 days thats nothing right? Servers are dead big guilds are having to find new members. Arena rankings have dropped, BG and Dungeon Q's are longer lol I dont know but coming from glider days this was just as big as when glider got hit. At $10 a month who cant afford this, my 10 year old neice would be able to get HB.

      Go to the WoW forums and MMO Champ forums people are saying they used HB for simple things like fishing, Garrison, farming a few mats small crap so they can do better things with their time. We are talking about casual gamers using a bot to work on the repeative boring tasks. Its not just the hardcore botters who use bots these days and at $10 a pop who would not want to give HB a go?

      yea its bad to bot and if you dont want your account banned dont bot but its funny how many casuals used hb as well otherwise without it WoW would be utter garbage and boring as all fuck.
      Last edited: May 15, 2015
    7. Trixiap

      Trixiap Member

      Nov 18, 2010
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      We are far from 500k banned acc mark, 300k max. But point is, why some account that used HB were not banned and account that doesn't used HB were also banned, because they have char transferred from botted acc?

      When HB will be back online, we will know. I have more than 30 WoD accounts that survived 1 battlechest month and that I can sacrifice to test HB on.
    8. goodguygregg

      goodguygregg New Member

      Apr 17, 2013
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      Not saying it was nothing, just saying it has happened before and will happen again, i just laugh at all the people who thought they were invincible, you all knew the risks ;) Also everyone who has sob stories like "i lost my 10 year old account, im so sad and its unfair", they should never have botted in the first place.
      Last edited: May 15, 2015
    9. razer

      razer New Member

      Apr 29, 2012
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      So then blizzard can keep seeing how HonorBuddy works while you bot away? Bossland have a thing called "Risk %" If they can lower the risk for us botters that would then lower the ban rate but at this time they have no clue how it got detected by a mass scale. Not just one or two profiles here and there, people who paid $10 just for CR got banned. Also EU is just getting started on their banning lol.

      Well not everyone signed up to the forums when having a HB account. But from the media its seems like a lot of people use hb :) I remember reading years ago 300k users now it went sub base it would of trippled because anyone can buy it at $10 :) or even a damn $3 1 day trial
    10. razer

      razer New Member

      Apr 29, 2012
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      haha yea I lost my account after 9 years :) why I say this was something not nothing. If it was profiles or CR only we all would of lost our accounts years ago but this is something else no clue what it is no clue when it was activated but it was something. Also Bossland is saying that they could have a whole new system in 6 months which is why they only banned us for so long. To get us again? who knows.
    11. Trixiap

      Trixiap Member

      Nov 18, 2010
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      You sounds like some1 who botted on main and lost it. When I started with HB back in 2010 I knew that it can lead to ban. For last 5y I lost 6acc and in this wave I lost 2acc - 1 bot 1 raid alt. But still I doesn´t give a sh*t. Every account paid for itself and for at least 3 others. When account can survive more than week, I have my money back and account can be banned.

      Since old days, botting community changed. Back then, everyone was using bot for herb/ore, goldfarming, PvP and thinks like that, on account that we didn't care about. Now there are more ppl that use rotation bots on accounts, that have some value for them and start kicking around when they are banned.

      EU banwave was at the same time as US, my accounts were hit in first wave.

      All what I did with this banwave was just "Hi RL, my alt is banned, I will be alt raiding with another"
      Last edited: May 15, 2015
    12. razer

      razer New Member

      Apr 29, 2012
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      I botted in glider days :) on my main account and missed the ban hammer when it got smashed, also missed the ban hammer on my other 25 accounts. Got HB when it was way to much for casual people. Out of all my 25 accounts 5 got banned. The other 20 accounts where not active between the wierd tripwires that started to happen more often in WOD. I still have 20 main accounts am I going to active them fuck no. I only botted to help out friends who dont want to waste their life on farming crap to sell to make gold.

      As for losing a "main" account it takes 1 day to get to 90-100 why on earth would people give a shit now days. Most casual botters inc 15 year olds who can afford $10 will make a new account at $45 you get a free 90 and 1 day to get too 100 GG. Also congrats you can make gold if people arnt making more then 100k a month with a battlechest they have no clue how to farm.

      Also the banwave has not stopped, its still going and more accounts are getting banned. Just because it was not as sudden does not mean it has stopped :)

      Yea I did lose my first ever again in WoW but was not from a banwave but a hacker. lol No such thing as value to main accounts these days as it so easy to get the same shit in the current exp for casuals and people who bot casually dont give a damn about their main. They know they can get it all back in a month or so.
    13. Zardoz1

      Zardoz1 New Member

      Dec 6, 2011
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      Yep I dont saw much tears here.
      I had ALOT of game crashes with tabbing out of WoW even in windowed mode. Switch the task and WoW stopped working without a crash window. Perhabs this is something...dont know oc. Had a break in march, came back in april cause of the token^^. Then there was the weird crashes.
    14. Lemur30

      Lemur30 New Member

      Nov 11, 2013
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      I say, make Bossland build a wow server, we all go there... fk blizzard

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