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  • I'm sticking by Boss land and Honor Buddy

    Discussion in 'Discussions (no Ban Reports here)' started by Elijhia, May 15, 2015.

    1. Elijhia

      Elijhia New Member

      Oct 18, 2012
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      My initial comments were the result of the shell shock of losing a main, and it's support accounts. I fear naught now. Honor Buddy put the fun back into the game, and I was wrong to lose sight of that. I can make new characters and put the old on a protected account, never to be bottled on again. This is not the end, it's the beginning of being a botter, and learning to take my lumps like the rest of you. You have my support Honorbuddy. Me , and what funds I can donate. Let's get this thing finished and bring the fight back to blizzard. I bot for personel pleasure, harming no one. I refuse to mindlessly grind, I refuse to do unfun things utill a break through, and feel broken by the junk you placed in front of the fun Blizzard. Go Boss Land! Go Honorbuddy. Take your time and do your best. Let blizzard ban me, they have just turned me into the unstoppable botter. The one who does not care if his accounts are lost, and has the money and will to play his way. Good god how cathartic. Thanks Again Bossland and team. You have liberated me. Fight the good fight. :). Set up a donation link if you can so I can toss support to you each pay day.
      Last edited: May 15, 2015
    2. webhond


      May 23, 2011
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      U forget that bossland is a company as well. A company wich only gives u the base bot. All other stuff needed ( apart from the worst routine ever ) you get from developers and basement coders.

      This company cares for the ban cause it hurts their business in a way. Since hb is 1 out of 10 when it comes to bots they provide, but still the largest chunk, they are prolly working on it.

      No need to stick a feather up their ass every x hours cause no one prolly reads it anyway nor cares for it. We love botting. Bossland bots irl with blizzard. Lets see how and if they come out of this.

      No one knows how hard fixing the patches where.we all know / understand how hard this is. Now the real programmers / coders get to work trying to get a fix on blizzards detection method.

      I doubt there ever will be one.
    3. Boywonder

      Boywonder Member

      Oct 18, 2011
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      Couldnt agree more!!!
    4. klepp0906

      klepp0906 Banned

      Apr 25, 2013
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      That's deep. Personally I'd feel close to the same if our concerns and best interests were addressed over the bottom line. Still, as the former said, they're a business so stop swinging.

      When they come back up it will likely be touch n go for awhile and in a game which just delivered a massive coup de grace to Itself. For every person that actually goes back, two will leave. And I know if I came back id be running suicides and not anything I care about anymore.

      Won't consider using again if a x64 client isn't brought to fruition.

      Other than that - I love the community too :p
    5. Entsafter

      Entsafter New Member

      Feb 21, 2013
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