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    Discussion in 'Discussions (no Ban Reports here)' started by Turtlefart, May 15, 2015.

    1. Turtlefart

      Turtlefart New Member

      Apr 6, 2015
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      Please HELP me guys, to understand... WoD botched launch, awesome leveling experience but hit a dead zone for end game content... A few 5 mans quickly outgeared, and a couple raids, NO fun PvP content since overwhelming numbers say they hate Ashran... NO new content, selfie cams, music box, an more Apexis shard dailies lol. Such a time w NO new content, players sit in their garrison bored an unsub eventually...

      SO, 6.2 what do we get, Garrison Naval missions an some limited fun content that will keep players busy for a month? Surly we can agree that WoD has some huge issues, and players are so angry its Honorbuddy thats being made the scape goat for Blizzards FAIL JOB an providing for the players???
    2. cjh034

      cjh034 New Member

      Jul 18, 2010
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      Lmfao. Damn I don't even need to wait a couple weeks. I'm dancing to their tears right now. ;) :cool:
    3. Turtlefart

      Turtlefart New Member

      Apr 6, 2015
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      Why use honor buddy, a simple reason some will agree on, BECAUSE ITS FUN!!! Adds fun to a game that seem boring atm...

      Hows the song go: Wasting away in Garrisonville, looking for my lost shaker of salt, some people say that theres a GGGGGGM to blameeeee, but we know, its our own darn fault... hehe
    4. cjh034

      cjh034 New Member

      Jul 18, 2010
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      This game has started to tank since Cata came out. There are two reasons for this.

      First is the fact that the game is over a decade old. As much as I rip blizzard, it's a testament to how great of a game it was at one time that there are so many people still clinging to it after so many years when it's gone downhill. It's almost like a relationship that goes stale but both the boyfriend and girlfriend refuse to break up because they remember the good times and don't want to go through the hassle of finding another partner.

      The second reason is, despite making one of the best most influential games ever (especially on the PC platform), since WotLK they refuse to listen to their longtime customers. They constantly think they can draw more people to the game and try to make it easier and dumb it down. Not only does it make the game boring and stale, it alienates all the long timers - the people that started in Vanilla and BC.

      I was fortunate enough to have stopped playing back in February so my 10.5 yr old main is safe (started 11/24/04 the day after WoW was released) but I take it as a sign telling me to "break-up" permanently and never look back.
      Last edited: May 15, 2015
    5. Turtlefart

      Turtlefart New Member

      Apr 6, 2015
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      SO what do you guys think of WoW atm??? I hear that PvP ques are long, zones are empty, looks like a TON of guilds collapsed... Some are saying that its chaos atm in wow? What do you think?
    6. Zardoz1

      Zardoz1 New Member

      Dec 6, 2011
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      I think you care too much about the game. You clearly have been hit and want to strike back. Cool down.
      webhond likes this.
    7. Boywonder

      Boywonder Member

      Oct 18, 2011
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      Tbh i agree with most of the posts here, Blizz have shot themselves in the foot here, they think they have done every "normal player" a good deal, however lets wait a few months and see how many subscriptions wow loses due to over priced Ah prices and 15 min bg and dungeon queues, GG blizz, these 2 accounts are not the first account i have been banned on and probably wont be the last, tbh im not that all bothered that i got a 6 month ban, because in 6 months time i will be back and i will have more accounts that i WILL bot on, so my faith in HB is 100% they are the best bot on the web and will continue to be the best bot on the web, and when they have sorted this out i WILL bot again, So keep up the good work HB and hope to see you up and running sometime in the future.

      Oh and for all those people who are moaning about getting banned DEAL WITH IT

      DEAL WITH IT, at the end of the day its a GAME, not real life, You knew the risks and now you are crying about being caught, we all knew the risks and we got caught, crap happens, no point crying over spilt milk!!!
    8. Sphero

      Sphero Member

      Mar 28, 2010
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      Thumbs up! Couldn't have said it any better. Thats exactly what i did and will most likley do in the future.
    9. Turtlefart

      Turtlefart New Member

      Apr 6, 2015
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      Agreed... I dont think they understand how Honorbuddy was affecting every aspect of the game, an helping it... WoD has turned into a mess, an everyone wants to blame Honorbuddy for it, I agree w you...
    10. Turtlefart

      Turtlefart New Member

      Apr 6, 2015
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      Also, I wander if anyone has noticed all the guild falling apart atm or soon to be... Mythic guilds that lost all of their heavy hitters lol. Hmmmm, you know if Blizzard Balances all the classes on PvE raiding, an now Mythic guilds are in normal or heroic mode, I wander if this affects their previous class balance choices???

      Either way, 6.2 SUX BALLZ, little content, players will be bored in a month of it... They will need a new scapegoat instead of honorbuddy for saying the game content SUX lol!!!
    11. cody1d

      cody1d Member

      Jan 3, 2012
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      What a great read... Been playing since 05 or 06 always botted on my main account since 2012 when I made my account on here. Used AV enabler back in BC Idk if you guys remember that but it was free and it worked for me! That was when I was still interested in BG's and after BC I didn't really like BG's anymore so I stuck to PvE. Ever since I bought HB I've mainly used it for questing on alts, farming herbs, mining, and Skinning, Used Lazyraider, enyo with combat routines mostly TuanHA - Shout out to you by the way love your work. And recently Oracle2 for healing. I tried botting BG's maybe last xpac but when I noticed other bots taking the exact same pathing I decided I'd just give up on botting BG's as that seemed like a bad idea so back to raiding n such it was for me. I never sold gold or anything like that I just played the game and botted it and let a program hit AI targets. I helped guildies with stuff, gave them materials they needed, free gems, free gear whatever they needed.. I knew the risks I took when I bought, installed, and ran this program and I honestly have 0 regrets as this program actually kept me playing World of Warcraft because it actually made the game semi enjoyable. I'm very curious as to what the AH prices are like right now on my server compared to just a week ago and what the dungeon and BG Q's are like as well. Blizzard actually needs us because we play an important role in how smooth everything goes in their game. So they only hurt themselves by doing this and I agree with a lot of what has been said here. - PS sorry for this poorly punctuated / grammar novel I have written.
    12. Turtlefart

      Turtlefart New Member

      Apr 6, 2015
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      Do you think that Blizz will realize their mistake banning over a hundred thousand wow players??? Or just like Apexis Shards, Garrison quests, and Ashran they will keep trying to make it better an FORCE players to like it????
    13. crispybacon

      crispybacon New Member

      Mar 8, 2013
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      Blizzard will never see this as a "mistake", no matter what happens, so no.

      If at all, there might be one or two smart people at Blizzards who might question themselves quietly if this was the right way or the right time for the Banwave. But that's it.
    14. Turtlefart

      Turtlefart New Member

      Apr 6, 2015
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      Agreed!!!!! I just use it for fun, to enance my game play, I am no PRO farmer with 5 accounts or anything, an the Biggest JOY from Honorbuddy was using it to help friends, you play with people for years, get to know them, it feels good to give friends UBER loots, help them out... Give them mounts to stand out from the crowd of normal players... Funny thing days later, the BAN was no big deal, im like its a game, an with HBs help I can get everything back an have fun doing so lol... Getting banned only makes me wanna bot even more...

      Only regret was this whole time my friends thought I was a jedi, an when the banhammer got me to I had to come clean in skype letting them know I was a dark lord of the Sith hahahaha!!! OH the best part is, did they hate me for it???? NOPE, we laughed about it for hours hahahaha!!!! An they want be back ASAP!!!!
    15. Turtlefart

      Turtlefart New Member

      Apr 6, 2015
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      I wander at Blizzcon how they will explain WoD to the crowd? Explain no content with the largest staff ever. How they will sell the next expansion's garrisons or PvP island Ashran 2.0... Will they learn ANYTHING from the mess that was WoD... If I could go back in time an listen to people cry about previous expansion, to laugh at them all an say YOU HAVE NO IDEA what the future will hold hahaha!!!
    16. astralel

      astralel New Member

      Apr 21, 2012
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      i got hb because of the sadistic drop rares wow has. it got me all i wanted - ashes of alar for example. i never regret for using it. and wod is boring. garrisons kill all the fun, especialy if you have 13 100s like me. i need three hours just to do garrisons and after that im sooo tired i dont want to do anything else. wod is a failure, bliz dont try to put the blame on us.
    17. CimmerianRage

      CimmerianRage New Member

      May 14, 2015
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      WoW is dying, and like any Behemoth in its death throes it will thrash around violently in its final times, occasionally hurting itself more in its desperation to survive. In the end this only quickens its demise. Wow is bleeding out its player base all over the place, the blame is ultimately their own, but someone in the company decided that it was a good time to thwart botters with real concerted effort. Why? I've read that its likely because w/ wow tokens we would likely all become non paying leeches. I'm inclined to at least partially agree with this. Also its, at best, extremely coincidental this wave it at the same time Blizz lost in court against Bossland over D3. Maybe the wave was scheduled to happen before that maybe it wasn't, I can't say, but the alignment of all of these events seems to coincide a little too well.
    18. CimmerianRage

      CimmerianRage New Member

      May 14, 2015
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      Most of my guild had the same reaction. Some of them of course were also banned but a few people had the reaction of "I wish everyone in guild botted, it would make the raiding easier." I think the part that got them was that they didn't know. They hadn't seen the sophistication, they all assumed bots were the clunk pieces of crap from back in the days of Glider. Need dps? I have a CR for that. Tank? Yep, Heals?NP. and I'll top your charts and guarantee success. Can't afford 100k for that item? I'll -give- it to you because it benefits the guild. Lots of guilds are going to suffer from this, and right now people are feeling pissed off or betrayed, but after a while many tempers will calm and people will go forth rationally, and while they may not -like- bots, I think a lot of them will stop caring as much.
    19. kwhalek

      kwhalek New Member

      Oct 12, 2010
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      Don't forget that alot of the "elite players" you are referring to also used HB or at the bare minimum profited from it in some way shape or form.
    20. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      I think all 43 of your posts were made in this thread, lol.

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