Any way to edit the guard ability so that it automatically casts it on low health teammates in a group/raid, and if possible prioritize lowest health.
is this routine optimized for PVP for a concealment op? I have noticed that it does not use debilitate at all. How can I add this in the rotation? Im using this rotation but I control the movements. Please help!
There are a few ways you can add this, I normally have it added so that the bot uses it when the target is casting. I can give you my code if you like.
That would be great, I don't have visual studio to edit the file. Are you able to upload your routine on here? Thank you
Hello to use routine in PvP is that you must choose from these files to be loaded into the profile? DefaultCombat DefaultCombat.csproj DefaultCombat.sln DefaultCombat.v11.suo ? And how to make that rotation start automatically when you change the target with?
Hi all, Thinking of getting back to SWTOR for obvious reasons (ggwp it was fun HB), how is this rotation bot performing currently? Namely for Shadow/Assassin class.
The bot is currently in an unstable state overall, fairly often crashes whilst doing anything. I've managed to avert the crashing via stopping the bot before getting on and off your ship, along with entering/leaving warzones. As far as the combat routine itself goes, it is pretty good though in a very basic state; which you would need to customize if you want personal preferences like I do. It is pretty easy to change around and add skills to be used in the code.
For some reason Powertech: Pyrotech is coming up as Firebug and generating an error. I looked through every file and cannot find Firebug anywhere, I have no idea how it's generating that.
I think it might just be the bot picking it up like that, since I tried to use pure to see if it came up with the same thing, and it does. Though don't get any errors with pure. EDIT: Changing the public class names to Firebug instead of pyrotech did the trick. Code: Login Success! User is a BountyHunter Advanced Class: Powertech / Discipline: Firebug Medpac Created! [DefaultCombat] Level: 60 [DefaultCombat] Class: BountyHunter [DefaultCombat] Advanced Class: Powertech [DefaultCombat] Discipline: Firebug Unhandled exception during init: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: type at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type, Boolean nonPublic) at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type) at DefaultCombat.Core.RotationFactory.Build(String name) in c:\Buddywing\Routines\DefaultCombat\Core\RotationFactory.cs:line 41 at DefaultCombat.DefaultCombat.Initialize() in c:\Buddywing\Routines\DefaultCombat\DefaultCombat.cs:line 55 at Buddy.CommonBot.RoutineManager.set_Current(ICombat value) at Buddy.CommonBot.BotMain.SetCurrentCombatRoutine() at Buddywing.MainWindow.DoInitialization() Buddy Wing: The Old Robot is ready!
Looks like the spell name is old unless Madness has different names than Lightning. In a raid environment with multiple sorcs, you will need to manually recast this. (I don't know madness, lightning has a talent that resets duration when another spell is cast on target.) Current: Spell.Cast("Affliction", ret => !Me.CurrentTarget.HasDebuff("Affliction (Force)") || Me.CurrentTarget.DebuffTimeLeft("Affliction (Force)") <= 3), Change to this or remove (Force) from the spell name. Spell.Cast("Affliction", ret => !Me.CurrentTarget.HasDebuff("Affliction")), This also works, but you'll have to update the duration to recast in milliseconds. In a raid environment with multiple sorcs, you do not have to manually recast this: Spell.DoT("Affliction", "", 15000),
Well, got hit with the banhammer in WoW and started up with SWTOR again... Getting really slow combat though, not the normal lag that is caused by not setting the priority of swtor process, just takes for ever for my toon to perform an attack. Getting an error in the log between each attack.... View attachment 2015-05-18 18.31.txt