As title said, i dont believe our community is at 100.000 account, it must be greater than that number, several people have like more than 20 accounts. Guess that we must be at 2millions something
Of course the HB community is way bigger, but keep in mind that they didn't ban every bot account (yet). Not even close. There's still assloads of active bot accounts out there (myself included, 2 accounts are still going strong).
Based on my wow experience I wouldn't be surprised if perhaps as high as 30% of the wow community bots in some form, even if it's just rotation assistance, hell it could be higher A lot of people us there g keys on there keyboards that do a timed rotation, a lot of people don't realise that's still botting..
by blizz's definition, using the g keys to automate Milling is considered botting. and that is as close to a victimless crime as it gets. i do wish i could focus long enough to get gnomesequencer to work. mine just throws error after error. and with HB, i never really had to learn 350k users on the forums with an average of 5 accounts each would be close to that 2m mark
This! My brother and his girlfriend, both avid HB users, never registered on the forums and probably never will. Don't forget there's tons of botters out there who don't have an account on the forums.
The number 100 000+ had popped up in a random GM chat window, so this could not be accurate at all! On a side note, this leaked before the Asian server's suspensions took place. Notice, that Asian suspensions happened just 16-20 hours after EU/US one, which gone active in the middle of wednesday raiding time window. The Asia region were again actively raiding in this time-window, but this was the next day for them (CN is ~7-8 hours ahead of EU timezone) Which is no coincidence at all - the purpose was clear - to reveal all the accused as botters to their guilds in the middle of the raid to the other fellow raiders!