not much only making about $200 per day from gold, which its nothing to some ppl ohh yeah and got banned! haha
@wholesale prices that is 1m-1.3m per day @retail prices that is 500k per day farming that amount is easy peasy. but where the hell are you going to sell that much per day.
Without HB I'd have never played WoW as much as I did, a few of the highlights for me: 1.5M Gold left in personal Guild Banks Earned more than 3M Gold over MoP + WoD Banned as one of the highest ranked Brewmaster tanks in West/EU Mythic tanking and raiding Met great friends and held together a great guild and community
Not accomplished that much more IRL after the ban, I was mainly afk botting anyway. I do miss it though.
Although not banned this round as I was on a break anyway I have leveled multiples of characters to the max level, play wow level lots of chars to max get bored, sell account. Rinse repeat. Currently my account has all slots with max 100 except 2. Always had gold Fished while hating it Got to run Dungeons and raids without having to stress about rotation being perfect Did PVP even though I hate PVP as I didn't have to do as much, but still sucked at it as I don't move quick enough.