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    Discussion in 'Discussions (no Ban Reports here)' started by Schuetzy, May 21, 2015.

    1. killajosh

      killajosh Member

      Mar 24, 2015
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      Well, that is silly. It isn't discrimination because legally, Blizz (or any other game maker) has not responsibility to make a game usable for handicapped people. WoW is a PC game, and how many PC games do you know that offer handicapped support? Can you name one single MMRPG that actually comes with "disability support"?
    2. matt84

      matt84 Member

      Mar 22, 2010
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      Yes WoW for colorblind people?

      and just because it hasn't been done doesn't mean it's a non issue.

      That's what i'm not understanding from you, it's like a public access building not having wheelchair access because they've never had anyone with a wheelchair come there before. just because it's a non issue and has never come up doesn't mean it's not an issue that should be addressed.
      I'm glad you think it's ok for people with disabilities who may not have had them previously to not be able to enjoy video games, I don't see it that way and if i had a legitimate disability, i would make enquiries.

      it's like human rights... just because a nationality didnt have them before doesnt mean that it's not an issue that shouldnt be ammended....

      also now that i think of it, i know of a few games that offer Auto Pathing, Auto Action etc... like forsaken world, Aura Kingdom... and just because they're perfect world games doesn't make them any less MMO's

      EDIT 2 - Also, if blizzard allows the sale to handicapped people they have a duty of care to make sure the game is playable for them.
      Last edited: May 22, 2015
    3. killajosh

      killajosh Member

      Mar 24, 2015
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      You are talking to someone who is colorblind lol. I don't consider being colorblind on the same level as only having (or being able to use) one hand. It's completely different...

      As far as not having wheelchair access, well... I live in the US and federal law says all public buildings are supposed to be handicapped-accessible.
      Last edited: May 22, 2015
    4. matt84

      matt84 Member

      Mar 22, 2010
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      Still classified as a disability.
    5. killajosh

      killajosh Member

      Mar 24, 2015
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      And no, colorblindness is NOT considered a disability. Not in the US anyway...
    6. matt84

      matt84 Member

      Mar 22, 2010
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      Correct, but that wouldnt have always been a thing... it wasnt an issue until it became one and then it was addressed.

      to some degree handicapped people playing video games wasnt a big issues because they used the tools they needed to. Now it's become an issue for them
    7. matt84

      matt84 Member

      Mar 22, 2010
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      yeah it is

      Color blindness - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
      Color blindness is usually classified as a mild disability, however there are occasional circumstances where it can give an advantage. Some studies conclude that color blind people are better at penetrating certain color camouflages. Such findings may give an evolutionary reason for the high prevalence of red–green color blindness.[SUP][4][/SUP] There is also a study suggesting that people with some types of color blindness can distinguish colors that people with normal color vision are not able to distinguish.[SUP][5][/SUP]
    8. killajosh

      killajosh Member

      Mar 24, 2015
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      Perhaps, instead of reading the definition of colorblind, you can read the A.D.A and tell me where it says colorblindness is a disability(by legal standards). I can't get disability or Medicaid from the government for it so by law it isn't a disability. I can still drive, work, run, play with my kids. Just because I can't tell if my walls are blue or purple doesn't matter.
    9. matt84

      matt84 Member

      Mar 22, 2010
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      blizzard didnt add in special options for it because it's cool.. they did it to allow people with something that by definition is considered a mild disability to be able to enjoy the game better.

      just like something that performed a rotation for players without the ability to do it for themselves for make the game more enjoyable / playable for them.
    10. killajosh

      killajosh Member

      Mar 24, 2015
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      Trust me when I say this game is better without colorblind mode. And lots of games have it (CoD, for example), but how many games are actually made for people with actual disabilities?
    11. matt84

      matt84 Member

      Mar 22, 2010
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      as i said, just because they haven't been doing it, doesn't mean they shouldn't

      let's use a really extreme example without going racial but same rules apply.

      Women didn't have the right to vote.. doesn't mean they shouldn't have had the right. now they do.

      Also - this game might be better for you without colorblind mode, but there isnt 1 type of colorblind, so for other people it may be a much more enjoyable experience
    12. killajosh

      killajosh Member

      Mar 24, 2015
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      No, technically there are 3 types (with some sub classifications). I am diagnosed as Tritanomaly colorblind, the rarest type. I still don't consider myself disabled, and I am pretty sure most colorblind people will tell you the same thing.
    13. matt84

      matt84 Member

      Mar 22, 2010
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      see all you're doing here is making this personal to your situation.. not the situation as a whole.. i'm glad you dont consider yourself disabled i really am... but as i said, they didnt add the options because it's standard.
    14. killajosh

      killajosh Member

      Mar 24, 2015
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      No, it isn't standard. That being said, it is estimated that 10% of the males in the world are color deficient, so it is a bit more common than most people believe. That is why colorblind support is in many games these days....
    15. srafty1

      srafty1 New Member

      Jan 1, 2015
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      So u believe that blizzard is breaking some kind of (imaginary) law because they temp banned a hand full of disabled players. I'm sure if they unbanned them, then it wouldn't be classed as true discrimination against the majority...

      u do realise that the game is played on a PC, many of which are prebuilt. blizzard has no control over this, and even if they did GL on finding a court that would enforce a private company to create handicapped input devices...

      comparative to
      MacDonald now has to server burgers that can be eaten thru a straw or supply a blender for those people who cannot chew.

      i have 2 none working fingers which i have had to adapt to in order to play games, LUCKILY its only 2 fingers. cant imagine playing games if it was an entire hand, and wouldn't expect a company to spend millions on development just so i could play.
    16. srafty1

      srafty1 New Member

      Jan 1, 2015
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      to be fair i have seen this kind of behavior for well over a year, really is nothing new. Its normally 1 full team of bots (or near about) with the other team being at leased 1/2 human players.
      This video sure does show just 1 of the many reasons why those who don't use bots hate them, heck Ive botted on alt accounts and i still hate when i see stupid\lazy... problem is profiles take a decent chunk of time to make and a little bit of learning or more money.

      it was so common place to see this that the team with the least bots knew to simply cap in front of them and allow them 1 base instead of fighting over it, no one even had to say anything. If that's not a game ruiner :/
    17. demonoid1994

      demonoid1994 New Member

      Mar 3, 2010
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      Seems to me the name Honorbuddy and anything in general with Buddy in the name is heat. This was predicted before.. But no one stopped haha! im not gunna lie.. I botted carelessly, I wasnt affected in the banwave and weeks before hand i was using the questing bot and kicks files to do it with tuanHA combat profiles, I have been banned in the past on other accounts and it sucks. but i will never get those ones back. Not the issue. the issue is its getting to mainstream.. If EVERYONE is doing it. someone is gunna get caught.. Thats the downside. there is no 100% protection from botting in wow, there never will be. as will there never be a 100% protection method for botters. it just doesnt / cant happen that way. I love Honorbuddy and team for doing what they have done and still trying to stick it out though. I will probably end up using the bot again. will i get banned, I dunno. Yes, Maybe not.. Doesnt matter if i do or not because i made the choice and risk to get banned by geting involved a VERY long time ago aha.. Its the risk, Take it or don't. if you are someone who cares about your account.. Dont do it.. its simple. even if it gives you an edge thats just dumb. You could learn better then bot and give yourself an edge instead of letting something do the work for you lol..
    18. Boywonder

      Boywonder Member

      Oct 18, 2011
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      Agree lost 2 accounts with many level 100s, currently leveling a char by hand with a mate, we cheated we got caught, Shit happens
    19. tomh2011

      tomh2011 Member

      Jul 25, 2012
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      I kinda get the discriminatory factor mentioned (replying because I find it an interesting point); it kind of is (in my view) discriminatory to ban someone severly disabled for using a tool that enables them to play the game equally as someone else would.

      The mcdonalds argument someone mentioned earlier; a more plausible analogy would be like mcdonalds refusing to let someone into the building with a walking stick rather than having to provide facilities for the disabled etc.

      I guess the point I'm making is; it's not the fact that they're not providing tools/facilities for the disabled, it's that they're discriminating against (banning) people using tools that provide them with an equal experience that people without severe disabilities would/do have.
    20. demonoid1994

      demonoid1994 New Member

      Mar 3, 2010
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      But has anyone in General talked to blizzard about them implementing something for the disabled.. No.. But i bet if someone did and if someone did within reason that an Individual and Not the WHOLE Community receive something made by Blizzard..
      But i mean strictly for disabled people in where blizzard has to do some sort of personal check to allow them to do so.. Or if someone like a bot Creator went to blizzard and said! HEY ! We want to make something to help out disabled people who
      may want to enjoy the game as much as other people do... Blizzard doesnt care if it depends on legalities.. Botting is Illegal in their mind.. But if they themselves made something, or they hired someone else to make something for those persons that it may work out. If someone were to put in a statement and got people motivated enough to try and fight for those disabled people being able to play.. But guess what, its also not just the disabled that partake in this event and with no recolection of them knowing someone is disabled before hand, in terms they wouldnt need to give a shit, but with their own software they would. they would be opening up to a wider variety of audience because alot of people actually cant play games like these.. But we gotta fight for them, as well as them fight for themselves. One person wont do anything. But 10,000 Buddy users might. BUT ONLY FOR DISABLED ! ( I think i did alot of repeating in this post, Dont judge lol)

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