Hi all i can launch wow on ubuntu with wine if we can launch HB on Ubuntu we are safe, wow can't launch spy if it have not permiss Can you develop HB for Ubunton or compatible with Wine ? Thx
you are not certain the detection it by wow.exe maybe a other program check on ubuntu you can change for all program need permission for launch SystemSurvey.exe what is it ? thx
You think really who bli² can't create invisible software on windows ? on ubuntu its can i must launch with wine Ps : i have friend who have farm v2 conquest on april et not have ban the ban is a dectection on computer or Log CS speed
As I said, whole detection code can run inside of WoW.exe. Problem is, that you are trying to be smart here, but you dont know what you are talking about.
You clearly don't know what you are talking about. There are a multitude of windows applications that wont work with wine. Oh, and I saw you pick on somebodies post count. Don't bother with me. I clearly know more about operating systems, API, and programming in general than you do.
You need to read forums more. My picking on of post counts has nothing to do with my picking of intellectual capacity. I can use google and spell check. Thanks for reding If you use words like Ubuntu try using even bigger words like procrastinate or marijuana distributer...... SMILE
Well back to the original thought / question. Can you use Ubuntu in order to prevent wow.exe from reading memory? Currently i do have a machine that plays wow on Ubuntu, and I'm very curious if it could work.
"reding" lol... Why is it that every forum I see you on, you are making a complete ass of yourself? You have no clue what you are going on about and you sure as hell know nothing about ubuntu/wine if you think every windows app will run off of it flawlessly
Yeah, I have a document scanner...actually, anytime I have to mess with USB on any nix system I know I might be tweaking things for two days.
The only way you will for certain be able to tell is to do it, and not get caught up until the next ban wave. If you get banned in the next ban wave, it doesn't work, if you don't get banned you either: A: Are on to something, or, B: Got lucky.