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  • [Official] Statement about Arenas and Battlegrounds

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by bossland, May 26, 2015.

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    1. Chuckles

      Chuckles Member

      Dec 4, 2011
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      Good question, its actually a little unclear !!
    2. namook

      namook Member

      May 5, 2012
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      Being an experienced PVP player manually I don't see interrupts being a problem look at most routines they are not even set to a hair trigger... they are set to a certain ms which any normal player can pull off. Just allow CR any PVP routines should simply have auto facing and auto movement disabled. People that create routines fine tune things to seem like a normal player anyway, a bg bot base can't really do that effectively I am yet to witness that, but at least a player with a routine can assist his team in a competitive manor.
    3. nooblet

      nooblet Active Member

      May 4, 2012
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      I think you missed the point. Random bg's are terrible for automated botting. It stands out a mile away. As for rated bg's yes you are right, no one automates rated bg's anyway.
    4. diamondzero

      diamondzero New Member

      Jul 27, 2014
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      Still need my question to be cleared.

      Will we still be able to use CRs in BGs/RBGs?
    5. namook

      namook Member

      May 5, 2012
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      I don't agree many people counter bots and it will still happen with a combat routine even if we have to go else where... The main reason people hate bots in BG's is they afk. Do you even PVP? I have done Arena, Battlegrounds without movement I have so much experience in this area and it's not funny, from my time spent in a Arena every one points at blizzard for the characters having so much interrupt abilities I have questioned multiple people in Arena and I have not heard one person mention anything about bot's in Arena in fact many people are not even aware that there are bot's in Arena... I did see a guy laughing at one bot but I don't even think that was an honor buddy user this guy was literally standing there spamming crap. A shitty script I'd say!
      Last edited: May 26, 2015
    6. Trixiap

      Trixiap Member

      Nov 18, 2010
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      Whole problem is, that casual player with PvP CR is almost as good as many of "highend" PvPers. But BGBuddy is not even as good as noob human player.

      People are angry only when they cant compete in Arena because of bot. They dont give a sh*t if they play in BG against bots, since they can simply kill them
    7. ryftobuddy

      ryftobuddy Banned

      Aug 19, 2011
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      If you're a pvp'er, why worry about raids? See how this works?

      The simple fact is, have you ever seen a video on youtube showing off a bot in a mythic raid? I just searched, didn't find any...

      You can go on youtube and find a lot of videos of pvp bots. So guess what drives negative traffic to HB?
    8. Trixiap

      Trixiap Member

      Nov 18, 2010
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      I would like to know, where you want to go, since none of "big botting projects" want automate Arena gameplay.
    9. kuskner

      kuskner Member

      Oct 12, 2013
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      you have clearly never seen the best PVPers in wow. They out play the CR's any time! its all the 1xxx-22xx rated people that cant handle / out play the CR. I agree that most players are in that rating and will complain about cheats/bots/hacks. I just find it weird that Bossland is closing down the Arena part of the bot (that never have been supported). Its not like botting in BG is worse than farming gold or afking raids. Cheating is cheating. There is no such thing as cheating more than the other guy/girl. Is Wallhack more cheat than aim bot? are these two combined worse than hacking your rating higher in eg CS:GO?
    10. Darkangel12

      Darkangel12 New Member

      Dec 17, 2014
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      Come on dont tell us sth. like its saver to use HB only at raid and not at arena. Some of my rl frinds got an 6month ban and they never played arena. they only uses CR's for raid!
      I used both Raid BG and Arena. Its true during night there is a lot of botters at bg but i say better bots then no one or waiting times above 2h.
      And if anyone realy want the PvP he can play Turnament servers. So let us decide by ouer own if we want the risk to get banned or not.

      Or is there an agreement behind the scenes?

      Sry but i cant understand the matter why it is save to use CR's at raid and not at Arena
    11. namook

      namook Member

      May 5, 2012
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      Look what happened to PQR where did people go? Some made their own bot base manager others came here and I am 100 percent with Cokx and Toz all the way especially Tuanha. Any way it's as simple as this no CR in a pvp environment I will leave so will many others I never say people can't raid, bg, what ever I only mention a bot should not afk in a pvp environment, if they decide to completely stop cr from pvp all together well I am out because it's all I use the bot for.
      Last edited: May 26, 2015
    12. nooblet

      nooblet Active Member

      May 4, 2012
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      Actually I play bg's with CR only and when you have a BG full of bots it is very annoying. Especially when they are all on your team. Also when they are on the other team they roll as a unit and just destroy anyone who goes near them. 1 or 2 in a bg doesn't matter but when you get literally 100% of both teams as bots it gets out of control.
    13. kuskner

      kuskner Member

      Oct 12, 2013
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      There are no bots in mythic raids, there are CR in mythic raids. People cant spot a player that follows the boss tac, and does max damage with the CR.

      You can spot a bot moving/questing/farming/pvping, but it is (almost)impossible to see if a player is just using a CR.
      nooblet likes this.
    14. Volleybalk

      Volleybalk New Member

      Jan 14, 2015
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      But that is exactly what the Arena Cr's are, its the same thing.
    15. Trixiap

      Trixiap Member

      Nov 18, 2010
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      Do you know what will happen, when small company will start selling WoW bots that Blizz dont like? Just one letter and whole "amazing arena bot" is discontinued without single word. Say Hi to Pirox...

      Actualy, HB is first and still only one bot, that is fighting with Blizz not only in cyberspace (aka Warden) but also fighting law battle with them.
    16. namook

      namook Member

      May 5, 2012
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      Kuskner I am glad you understand clearly many people are thick.
    17. the god

      the god New Member

      Jan 3, 2014
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      WoW is not a good pvp game, if you looking the competition in WoW, it's PVE MM and mostly the 1rst boss down... If you want the real competition, you can disable HB for the mythic mode or at the new raid release.

      also, you talking evertyme about the "no support arena"... but, the "no support" = block the access? it's not fair to have this behavior... you won a lot of money with so many CR, plugins or HB users. and you have never said that a block was possible.

      i can understand you stand about the afk bg, instant kick/reflect/cs... but the dungeon mode, grinding mode & questing (farming dungeons, mouting, pets....) is also bad than the arena mode.

      i'm a very sad user and disappointed by your attitude like north korea.
      Last edited: May 26, 2015
    18. lolp1

      lolp1 New Member

      Feb 18, 2012
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      I think it's worth discussing further. This thread says the change is only to further enforce the general policy in place since 2010, but this enforcement could have came day one. Instead, it happens after the first wave of bans in honorbuddy's history. This leads me to assume the following, but correct me if I am wrong.

      Allowing the powerful API you get with this bot into the main competitive route of WoW was always a concern of being too harmful/poking blizzard. Support was decided to not be given at all, but not disabled in the hopes not supporting it would be enough to keep blizzard uninterested or at least less so in detecting HB.

      If the above is true, you guys should further evaluate the situation. Yes in 2010 arena was the only real concern for you guys in terms of areas of the game your bots API could be used, but the reasoning behind it if I am right now also apply's to more area's than just arenas, as much or even more so I think. The following should be heavily considered to achieve your goals if my above assumptions are right:

      -Disable HB functions while in a mythic raid of current content. This group (current content mythic raiders) are often as competitive or even more so than arena, widely viewed in the public eye as well/discussed.
      -Disable HB functions while in rated battle grounds. (Same logic as above).

      This assures your goals and philosophy behind disabling HB use in arena are met in a modern way with out hurting the real goal of the bot or what I perceive the goal as. People do not and can not solo bot current mythic content or rated bg's, so the only real loss would be the loss you seem to be okay with - users using HB's powerful API in order to automate their play in a highly competitive face to face environment.
    19. Proletar

      Proletar Member

      Jul 29, 2012
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      You really believe that? Because I'm quite sure, that the main reason for the banwave, was the popular random BG video on youtube, which created all the attention...
      In arena you ONLY hear people complaining about "kickbotting"... not like,, ohh this guy is doing X amount of damage.... its only the interrupt that people complains about.

      But I constantly see people complaining about bots grinding areas for days, materials being farmed for days, the "bottrain", and yes random bgs, 70% are always bots, if u go in late night, you might even be the only one doing it manually...

      So the logic behind your statement is to shut down HB..
    20. namook

      namook Member

      May 5, 2012
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      I respect the Honor Buddy team but to not allow a cr in pvp and to allow it every where else is just stupid, you know why, the minute you stop cr in pvp everyone turns to raids then every one starts saying shit about raids, because the forums are full of raid routines only... think of the big picture, all I am saying is allow cr nothing more like no bot base with auto movement, auto facing in pvp then you do seem like a normal player, people will always bitch about pvp without a bot, because no one likes the endless interupts that a rogue can do and you know what there is a kick bot totally unrealted to honor buddy people will use that, so tough luck with or with out HB that's the thing that's gonna auto interrupt... not a pvp routine from Cokx...or Millz or Tuanha...

      Also correct me if I am wrong but the maker of Soap Box when out side of PQR and he still has 0 bans supports 64 bit/32 bit... I have not seen any recorded cases of bans, still looking
      Last edited: May 26, 2015
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