lenovo just edit the number to 0 and it won't be used also you can just uncheck the box and it won't be use
Blahh sorry to keep bugging but i use this alot i just thought of a few issues i came across i was trying this program on my dk as frost inside the gladiator sanctum and i suffered from alot of lag is this a know issue?
Toizi, From what I've seen in RBGs, outside of the Force Blood presence toggle, the CR correctly switches to Blood Stance when holding the flag but immediately switches to the DPS Stance as soon as someone engages me. Is there a way you guys can add an automatic forced Blood Presence while holding a flag? Regardless of health. Would be nice to not have to worry about it when the FC drops and I have to pick it up in all that chaos.
I don't feel like modifying the stance behavior based on carrying the flag is really needed. It's not like you have much to worry about when picking up the flag anyway since the CR will do it for you.
Hello. When you enable (Spam selfheal) its only using death strike, it doesnt use T5 talent. Pls fix this =)
Can u please add it to where u can use "MouseWheelUp and MouseWheelDown" as keybinds in the GladiatorSuite UI please?
Mouse wheel up and down are not buttons and can therefore not be added without completely rewriting the way hotkeys are used which we are not willing to do for 2 more options
On tab Routine 2 the Custom spell IDs trinket proc will if I prepare burst hotkey it wait for any procs I put in there to be up before bursting?
No that's the spell ID that will trigger any options that say on trinket proc in the CR, e.g. auto burst
Help me with configuration please Hi, i am using this GS for my DK.. but im having trouble finding the best spec and best configuration for it.. Is there someone here who can help me out with this? Im willing to pay a fee in euro's if neccesary..
Okay so if I put unholy strength in there it will burst when both proc trinket and fallen crusader are up? Also my proc id is different to the one in the profile should I change it? My proc id is 182062 (I have the alliance 620 insignia of victory) Edit: Also what is the default as I accidently saved it as just unholy strength rather than adding US underneath, fml
Use the one for your trinket. They changed the spell ID when they balanced the trinkets so there might still be the old one as default value. It will only use burst if you configured your auto burst to activate on trinket proc but yes any spell ID can be used