I just got caught botting by, clearly, a fellow botter. Should I continue botting or stay low for a while? I don't see why he'd report me but he clearly took pride in pointing me out as a botter. xxxxx: bot? xxxxx: looks like u need a little help [i presume he said this after seeing me stuck] xxxxx: and u fly directly up. gb? I'm not sure if he reported me.
lay low on that char for a while.. level a new one.. add him to your friends list and avoid him when he's online.
The golden rule is to never report another botter. Hope this guy follows it, and just relax, no biggie
I would say the standard rules apply here. Lay low for a week or 2, play by hand, etc. He could be a fellow botter, or just someone who has done a little research (not like it's hard to find bots and what they do). Some botters will report you, others won't. No sense in risking a ban unless you can't live without the account.
and gb was at the end of the last part? if it was it was probably a user from the forums, and if that's the case then there's probably nothing to worry about hopefully he will leave you alone
If he continues to harass my toon, should I abandon/delete the toon? Also, would using BadBoy to automatically respond with "I only respond to people on my friends list." have saved me from something like this? Edit: Should I stop botting on the account, altogether, or just the toon?
Well if its a person from this forum i would like to tell you your an idiot. why would to whisper someone mentioning this stupidness. But you have no worries
Shockingly, a poll not too long ago showed that a noticeable portion of this forum is willing to report other botters.