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  • [Official] Statement about Arenas and Battlegrounds

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by bossland, May 26, 2015.

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    1. Sphero

      Sphero Member

      Mar 28, 2010
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      LMFAO ... this is so hilarious. But yeah, thats a BIG problem and needs to be adressed.
    2. umshakalaka

      umshakalaka Member

      Jan 10, 2011
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      I'ts like you've said.... it's a CRAZY idea, but might just work!

      Seriously tho, it wouldn't be that hard to actually add some bot logic so they're more randomized, they said at some point it can't be done (we don't know how / we're out of ideas or smth along those lines) but it's bullshit, there are plugins and bot bases that work differently than featured botbase, it would be thousands times better to just make bot play crappy rather than making it run in a ****** bot-train.

      That being said, there is another bot that got all features in one place, and the moment they disable battlegrounds will be the moment I'll piss on my 30+ sessions and move to that bot.

      "We approved Honorbuddy to be used in Battlegrounds since its first release but we will look into that again and tell you if we have a change of mind very soon"

      I don't see any way he (or more like we) could get that wrong, it says very clearly that disabling HB in BG's is begin considered.
      Last edited: May 26, 2015
    3. Robnoxious

      Robnoxious New Member

      Nov 11, 2012
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      No arena? This bot has just became useless.. Bye bye HB.
    4. bossland

      bossland Administrator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      See you in another live.

      Arena was never intended to be a part of HB.
    5. jdaugherty29

      jdaugherty29 New Member

      Mar 7, 2012
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      is this why none of the combat routines work?
    6. Ferhal

      Ferhal New Member

      May 9, 2014
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      I hope they remove BGBuddy and do something about the retarded interrupt.

      If they do those things, the complaints will decrease by alot!
    7. ShasVa

      ShasVa New Member

      Oct 1, 2012
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      No Arena? Not a concern at all because I don't PvP.

      No BGs? See above.

      No farming of mats? Not a priority concern thanks to the garrison.

      No dungeonbuddy? Could be a concern depending on the circumstances.

      No combat routine? Goodbye HB and goodbye WoW.
    8. matt84

      matt84 Member

      Mar 22, 2010
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      implemented it where, all Arena support was given by the CR Devs, there was never any ArenaBuddy etc... there was a rotation bot that could work in Arena... that is no official support, thats more like
      it works and we'll allow it.

      thats where you're misunderstanding.

      It was allowed not supported and there is a very big difference. Now they have chosen not to allow the use of the bot in Arenas, they never implemented anything.

      Also someone said something about cashing in on a PvP section in the store, nothing in the PvP section of the store has anything to do with Arena.
    9. alex4honor

      alex4honor New Member

      Jan 23, 2014
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      I think thats very good... just use the bot for the boring shit like farming this and this for hours, but in any competition related stuff you just should test ur own skillz and be fair to other ppl. I see this as same as the shit with pay for winny shop shit... good job guys.

      PS: Arena botting equals small penis cheating!
    10. fungame

      fungame New Member

      May 16, 2015
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      Too all you PVEers/Questers/Goldfarmers. Just take a loot at the Banned section in the forum, you still think bgs/arenas was the only thing that detected us?
    11. phaedrus

      phaedrus Member

      Jul 12, 2013
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    12. CalifRHCP

      CalifRHCP Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      As a long time user of multiple buddy bots, I have to say I am dissapointed with your companies' viewpoints on this topic. Constantly in these forums users are berated for using the bot in the way they like. Some of them use it to do their rotations, people make fun of them for that. Some people just use it to grind money or whatever. Regardless in the end, other users never had the right to determine how the bot should be used. The same goes for the developers. Don't disable certain areas of it just because *you* believe they're the only competitive part of WoW anymore. This shouldn't be about what you believe. Some people could argue that raid bot routines ruin the competitive aspect of raiding to some extent.

      Your decision on this matter (or rather the decision to enforce your apparent view point from before) definitely leaves me feeling uneasy. You (the developers) shouldn't be taking an active part in determining how people use the software. This decision makes me question whether or not I can purchase future products from you. I don't want to purchase a bot with the intent to use it for one thing, only to learn that you guys have decided that you don't want that part of the game effected.

      As a loyal user of the buddy bots, I am dissapointed to have to say it; but I'll hate to have to look into another company who won't force their view points and feelings onto me. I'm asking you to reconsider this stance.
      cjh034 likes this.
    13. Thermostat00

      Thermostat00 New Member

      Oct 6, 2014
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      Totaly agree with CalifRHCP. This decision is aberrante
    14. darkfoxes

      darkfoxes Member

      Nov 20, 2014
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      Question is.. Will we be able to use Enyo with a CR in Arena or BG's. Cause that is what I used. I used the bg auto bots once or twice but I prefer to move my character around so I just used enyo or lazyraider so will these still be able to be used?
    15. Frayman

      Frayman Member Legendary

      Apr 5, 2013
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      Your asking: Can I use enyo and a CR in Arena or BG.
      Answer: Arena:NO and its clear from thier post. BG: yes for now. Until they decide otherwise.
    16. katy_jesp

      katy_jesp New Member

      Jan 29, 2013
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    17. darkfoxes

      darkfoxes Member

      Nov 20, 2014
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      This is silly.. Paid so much money for using cr's in arena and then this happens. I think blizz didn't do the banwave just cause of arena botters. Allot of the people got banned cause they used HB for leveling. So I guess I wasted money on gladiator and a few other cr's that are mainly built for PVP/arena..Lame HB... I hope ***** or wrobot devs make a version like enyo or lazyraider cause I've used wrobot wrotation in arena and it works fine and this is straight after the banwave.. All they need to do is stop the auto kickbots cause the majority of the reports from streamers, youtubers, wow forums was about kickbots/interupt bots.
    18. SkyHigh

      SkyHigh Member

      Apr 15, 2010
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      It really saddens me to see how short sighted the vocal part of this community really is.
      Let me clear some things up.

      - Blizz does not like people messing with arena, it never has, it has made that clear with multiple cease and desists and ban-waves.
      - There is no one reason why HB was targetted. HB is just the highest profile bot out there, and the wow player-base was starting to complain.
      - By enforcing their no arena policy hb team hopes to decrease their profile and impact on the game's legit players.
      - Blizz whipped up a detection method and just blanket banned everyone using HB that ticked off the system.
      - What botters were doing with HB has nothing to do with them being banned, its a detection ban, if you used HB while the detection was up, you got screwed, if you didn't, you got lucky.

      My one question however is:
      Who reviewed cr's like gladiator suite and allowed them to the store? These cr's are clearly and obviously intended for arena play (it says so in the description).
      If you knew this was the biggest friction point you should have stood behind your own rules and denied these to begin with. You state these CR's used "loopholes". But how are they "loopholes" if you are actively reviewing their source code and allowing it to continue?

      Other than that i feel like this banwave has been handled fine by the team. And I hope you can figure out how your were detected in the first place as this is clearly essential information for moving forward with this project.
      Last edited: May 27, 2015
    19. Captshiznit

      Captshiznit Member

      Nov 13, 2010
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      I was raging massively the other day when bossland announced this (I spent money on combat routines), tbh I was more annoyed with the censorship by mods than bossland himself. When he came out and said look this is why we've done it I guess I can't be too angry upon reflection.

      Bossland is trying to protect the community and his business.

      Now i've calmed down I understand his move, i'm disappointed because botting in general is just fun. I've made it to 2.6k rating myself without scripts but used to script occasionally.

      I can't hold it against him that he wants to put an end to arena bots, as he said that was never the goal of honorbuddy. It was to allow automation of boring tasks and give users more free time to actually enjoy wow minus their mindless grinds. The arena is based on the spirit of competition and fair winning.

      PQR's goal was to allow cheating of the arena, that was built specifically for that. Honorbuddy has not been built around allowing cheating in arenas, do I think bossland should have put an end to it faster? yes he should have disabled it long ago if he was concerned. I believe he just let it go because he thought well there seems to be no risk so we'll sort of allow it and just let it go unsaid.

      But now they've been hit by a massive banwave and there are a lot of arena complaints I see his point.

      Removing battlegrounds would be a bad move and that would REALLY cheese me off. Because honorgrind fucking sucks..... now do I think they should improve bgbuddy? yes they should. It's a bit rubbish and needs work.... if they improve it's logic it'll be far better and much less noticeable. How about putting in emotes? how about putting in a tripwire if someone says bot it exits bg? how about putting in some options to talk. Allow custom BG waypoints / profiles?

      Millz has already done this with his botbase, it's excellent and often times It used to deal MORE dps than other players lmao.... so my bot was better than humans and contributed more to the BG.
      Last edited: May 27, 2015
      Millz likes this.
    20. exdeus

      exdeus Banned

      Aug 18, 2012
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      you are blind without memory or what ?

      Skyhigh POST :

      Who reviewed cr's like gladiator suite and allowed them to the store? These cr's are clearly and obviously intended for arena play (it says so in the description).
      If you knew this was the biggest friction point you should have stood behind your own rules and denied these to begin with. You state these CR's used "loopholes". But how are they "loopholes" if you are actively reviewing their source code and allowing it to continue?
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