I see the number of ban today i'm sad can i bot ? i'm using kickass profile and nothing other plugin thx
No one can answer that question for you, The number of ban reports are not out of the ordinary for a normal day at the office.. I will say, that using HB at the moment carries a larger then normal risk at the moment, because we are on blizzards radar, and have proven they know how to find us with the older builds, however, I belive that's it for the HB ban wave, blizzard wants us to buy new accounts a sub up again, banning HB users non stop isn't going to help.... I would not use HB on an Account that matters at this time.
ok thank you atg68 n thecamel for your answer i really want to bot my new account paid 50 $ today but i'm affraid by a new ban ... sorry for my english i'm french ^^
They're probably just trolls posting on the banned forum...that being said people do get banned everyday anyway, so it's nothing out of the norm
I have found out that they are not trolls, at least some of them are legit. the where skipped the banwave but once they started again today, they where banned, they all seem to be botting with multiple accounts and probably have been flagged. It is not unusual that such manual bans happen daily, this is just another day with few more bans on flagged accounts. The risk was the same 2010 as we released Honorbuddy, the risk was the same 2009 when we got Ban waved on Gatherbbuddy (our Pre Honorbuddy Gathering Bot), and the risk is the same today If you fear bans, simply do not use anything that is agains anything that might affect the security of your account. At best do not listen to music while you play WOW, it might disturb the other players if your emotions go through into the game.
Seems the majority of bans that are happening are when people create a new battle.net and running multiple accounts. I've been 5man dungeon farming for a few years and recenelty have been able keep a group going for about 3 weeks 24/7, but noticed that when starting on a new battle.net account they only last about a day. Seems that creating a new battle.net account triggers something that they watch, especially with multiple accounts. This was before the suspensionwave btw.