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  • [Official] Statement about Arenas and Battlegrounds

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by bossland, May 26, 2015.

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    1. ccLoaded

      ccLoaded Member

      Jan 13, 2013
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      LOLOL!!! Technically they don't support a lot of stuff as its community developers who create a lot of the content. As many have said maybe they never liked it but they did support it, they allowed pvp bot bases, combat routines and plugins to be sold on their store so they definitely supported it in one way or another.
    2. CalifRHCP

      CalifRHCP Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      This was a poor decision by Bossland and staff...there really is nothing else to say about it. It doesn't matter how you feel about bots in pvp, they shouldn't be policing it based on their own views. Bots ruin more than pvp in this game, so why not just disable the bot altogether? It destroys the econoomy for everyone, it destroys the competitiveness of raiding as well. Why is it PvP that gets singled out? Just because that is the personal view point of the bot developers?

      Thats a bad way to run a company, making decisions for your customers. Its like selling the bot but refusing to sell it to black people because you don't like them. Its bad business.
    3. killajosh

      killajosh Member

      Mar 24, 2015
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      That may be the most retarded comparison I have ever killed a brain cell to read....

      First off, BL made a decision to try and save HB. He isn't making decisions for you, he is making a decision about HIS business.

      Second, how can you make that stupid ass comparison? That's basically relating PvP to being black and BL is the mighty white racist. It has nothing to do with personal likes, its a business decision.

      If all you whiners don't like it, there are certainly other bots around.
    4. indk

      indk New Member

      Jan 30, 2014
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      It's a business decision that involves people(customers) who helped THEM make it INTO a business. When I first initially bought honorbuddy, I was lead to believe I could play arena with it. And guess what? I COULD! Now, I own 4 keys and countless PVP ARENA ROUTINES that are completely worthless. Hence, the only people who get screwed = (me, us) THEIR customers. Which are the people who HELPED them get to where they are today. I understand they don't want a BOT BASE automating arena, and that's fine! but the CR's should still be around and allowed. They really need to think hard on this one. It's not the reason for this banwave, I know it isn't. People want to play with REAL people. You can pull that off very well using just a CR. But when people see countless zombie bots running around, it's a huge turn off. That's where the problem lies.
    5. killajosh

      killajosh Member

      Mar 24, 2015
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      If you only use HB for arena, that's on you. It was never advertised as an arena bot...
    6. OhaiDur

      OhaiDur New Member

      Aug 2, 2013
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      I think its a little silly too try and pull the "We just turned a blind eye too PvP CR's, We never fully supported them" Card after selling them on the buddy store and a part of that process was the honorbuddy team making sure the new updates was in working order and reviewed before being updated on the buddy store and taking a % of profit from the sales, Come on, you are being about as transparent as Blizzard at this point and its very disappointing.
    7. TheDrGonzo

      TheDrGonzo Member

      Jan 10, 2015
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      When I first got honorbuddy I wondered why it didn't run out of the box in Arenas... I did a forum search and within 10 minutes I found posts by Bossland saying he didn't support it. so, when buddy store came out I simply didn't buy any.
      chinajade likes this.
    8. ntlntl

      ntlntl New Member

      Dec 21, 2010
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      No BG please. I love the game as it is. It should be fun and safe.
    9. arena_junkie

      arena_junkie New Member

      Jan 3, 2014
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      So you buy a swimming suit. The suit is good for taking a sun bath and for swimming. Later the seller of the swimming suit tells you that you cannot use the suit for sun bathing, only for swimming, because sun bathing feature has not been advertised. And the suit loses all its color if you try to stay in the sun with it and falls apart. You try to return the suit to the seller saying that you are not happy with the suit. The seller refuses the refund. This is basically what happened with pvp routines in lamest terms. This is a blow below the belt for HB customers. This will make HB a lot less popular and many pvp-centric customers will move to another bot, which is roughly 50% of customer base. Not only user base will become smaller, but also some very well known developers will leave the community. Bossland is willing to take a hit, and they do not care what we, customers, think about it. Let me tell you a secret. Companies who do not care for customer base die. Business is like that. The end.
    10. CalifRHCP

      CalifRHCP Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I feel bad for you if you think arena botting is what detected HB or even made it a priority.
      webhond likes this.
    11. killajosh

      killajosh Member

      Mar 24, 2015
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      Companies that don't care for themselves die out too. You all act like this was a direct attack on arena, when BL is just trying to save HB from getting killed. He could have just shut it down.

      BTW, you can still use HB for PvP, just not in the arena. Get over it. It was a sound business decision. Sacrifice the want of the few for the good of the many....

      Can you use the search function at battle.net? If so, go search arena bot and tell me why there are thousands of posts bitching about arena bots....
      Last edited: May 27, 2015
    12. Jamesbeam

      Jamesbeam New Member

      Oct 1, 2012
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      First of all your comparison is not accurate. HB never stated anywhere that it can be used for Arenas specifically, the only feature that was ever mentioned by Bossland was in the User Manual (Battleground Botting (BG Buddy));
      If you buy anything from a 3rd party, in this case a Combat Routine that allows you to play Arenas with it, you know that this is a) not supported by Bossland as there is or were no official support for Arenas ever.

      And that you do it at your own risk. I think Tony and others often made it clear that they are not responsible for anything 3rd party related.
      Also you can't blame the Routine writers. Many of them didn't promise you anything at all. You donated money to them and they in return out of the goods of their hearts gave you exclusive access to their combat routine.
      Now if that author gets a new job or simply doesn't want to continue working on the routine, its his goddamn right to do so. You never paid for a product.

      "This is a blow below the belt for HB customers. This will make HB a lot less popular and many pvp-centric customers will move to another bot, which is roughly 50% of customer base."
      I'm pretty sure Bossland is aware of eventually loosing a portion of its customer bases trust, but if you ever run a company you get used to that customers come and go, some might use your product for years and every product you develop afterwards. Some just find something that does the job better or are simply fed up with how you might handle customer care or whatever.

      Now you mentioned "roughly 50% of customer base are pvp centric customers". Can you give any proof for your numbers? Because i see people sling that kind of shit around here every day but nobody can back up their bullshit facts.
      Just because you put a percentage sign behind a number doesn't make what you say any more true.

      And last but not least "Companies who do not care for customer base die. Business is like that. The end"
      You have no clue how business is run, because the only truth is nobody cares about you.
      I'm a customer here since 2012, i've used other products before and I'll use other products after HB is gone at some point like the ones before them.

      But I think 25 bucks for a lifetime license, updates and support for a few years now is a great fkin deal.
      Now tell me what other comapny does that? And then think again about your statement on not careing for your customer base.
      TheDrGonzo likes this.
    13. Machinist8989

      Machinist8989 New Member

      Sep 11, 2014
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      well said

      alot of hypocrites about these days, its pathetic, its dumb the PVE HB users/fanboys are bashing the PVP side, you can see alot of the same guys in every single thread

      ah so a video is to blame, bg's have been like that for quite sometime, its well known, blizz even has a fast report function built into bg's, bg bots aint nothing new, i will admit though arena was getting a bit stupid with kick botting but its harder to prove than a afk guy using a bg bot for hours upon hours on end while being quickly reported ingame by players.

      dont you think the gold farmers messing with the release of the wow token is more logical a reason? it messed directly with form of income for blizzard and the balance of the token, it even had to be relaunched which was around the same time as the new detection was introduced by blizzard to warren, its like botters ruining the ingame shop.

      considering the state that PVP has been in for a while from a game mechanics POV and the general game direction it would blow my mind if the banwave was caused directly and solely by arena/bg.
      Last edited: May 28, 2015
    14. TheDrGonzo

      TheDrGonzo Member

      Jan 10, 2015
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      No, I don't think the tokens had anything to do with it. Botters = more expendable gold to buy the tokens, driving up the prices... giving the people paying 20.00 for a token more gold for their dollar.
    15. nooblet

      nooblet Active Member

      May 4, 2012
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      So just to clarify, you think the bot trains in BG's isn't an issue? But arena pvp is?
    16. TheDrGonzo

      TheDrGonzo Member

      Jan 10, 2015
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      Bot trains can be fixed with AI tweaking... on the official WoW forums there was outrage the day the bans happened with how many people got caught in the top 100s....every time you win in arena, you're hurting a legit players ranking.
    17. toliman

      toliman Member

      Jun 20, 2012
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      I suppose there's 3 or 4 alternative options, but,

      removing pvp functions would basically cripple the point and name of honor buddy.

      Perhaps having the CR by itself, but no functional bot to AFK rBGs would be enough at this stage.

      Losing in battlegrounds to players is what made me realise that bots existed in the first place.. Later, it was the prevalence of people walking into walls for 2 hours, bot armies in alterac that couldn't win, so they floundered around. Etc.

      Removing BGs is perhaps an olive branch at best, because the other problem of grind/farming was endemic, but it's always going to be something that triggers the community concern.

      At this stage, blizzard is going to believe that the community needs to see bots punished. However, it's not in their business interests.

      It's a sore argument though. I don't believe that bliz is in a position to negotiate terms, and neither is bossland. The damage caused by rampant bg farming has been systemic to the credibility of the game, and while its not particularly any one fault, there's no way around the result.

      If HB removes any possibility of PvP functions in rbgs, instances and arena, people will demand refunds for their CRs, and that's fair enough.

      If bossland chooses not to refund people who bought the product honor buddy, based on the name of the product, that's going to cause friction. Disabling HB in arenas and rbgs, people will have the right to a refund. If they bought PvP products from the store, this should apply as well.

      I don't believe that there's going to be a detante if bossland creates a neutered version of HB for PvE, and creates a different name for the product, and changes keys to match the new product. Bliz won't respect there being any difference between farming dungeons and farming honor, or grinding fish/mobs/dailies. It's not an argument of harm to others, it's a choice between militancy that they can't be seen to be complacent,and the cost of losing community support for the game.

      In the end, it's numbers. If they find that the numbers drop below 5 million due to the impact of tokens /bots and after 6 months the numbers come back due to botting, it's going to be bloody.

      Bossland is damned by its past decisions and it can either accept that, or step back and appease bliz. Neither will work IMHO, because it has lazily and ultimately changed the way people see bots in the community. Even if they remove most of the default free bots, and have 3rd party addon / store products handle automation, it's still not going to change things.
    18. acended

      acended Member

      Nov 29, 2010
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      I know people are entitled to their opinions but as the cliche goes "at the end of the day" there is no more pvp on this bot.
      You can wing and moan but its the owner of HB that decides what he does and i agree seeing him and his staff are the peopel that actually own and have used there coding skills to make it.
      So plz stop being cry babys and get on with it, your like kids moaning to mummy or daddy cos they wnt buy you the best football boots!!
    19. DaSoul

      DaSoul Well-Known Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      This is only your personal opinion, which we thank you for, but non-representative for us all as a community. Buddyteam always said, and i clearly remember this since i joined ages ago, #1 goal is safety, that's why most of us are here. We trust those guys as they always deliver!
    20. Goshinki

      Goshinki Member Legendary

      Sep 9, 2011
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      Lol if that was true BGBuddy would of been updated 2 years ago...
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