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  • [Official] Statement about Arenas and Battlegrounds

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by bossland, May 26, 2015.

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    1. exdeus

      exdeus Banned

      Aug 18, 2012
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      dasoul is a sheep blind fanboy
    2. Captshiznit

      Captshiznit Member

      Nov 13, 2010
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      BG botting needs to be made better so it's not so obvious. ANY BOT being obvious is bad whether it's a questing profile or battleground. Glider got a bunch of attention too.... if you guys don't remember and all glider did was allow you to grind mobs.... and blizzard still *****ed down on glider because of constant complaints. Don't be so quick and biased to blame solely pvp.... if you are botting you are part of the problem. Enough of the confirmation bias looking to defend your use of bots in pve. You are a cheater who is exactly the same, and it's easy to point fingers when you think you won't be affected, in fact it's incredibly short sighted.

      "Oh it's ok as long as i've got mine it's everyone elses fault"

      But random BG's don't have a rating and they are not head to head 3v3 or 2v2 etc. Apparently kick bots were so common in the arena and I agree that has to go. It's lame. And any bot I believe that allows people to cheat in the arena will be in blizzards crosshairs because of the competitive nature of it.

      An instant kick could mean you lose the game in arena, you won't lose a battleground getting instantly kicked....

      Big difference.

      I bought arena combat scripts, whilst i'm not entirely pleased with the decision I can understand it, but if you remove battlegrounds that is a large part of the game I don't want to grind as well.

      Millz botbase for pvp bgfarner is almost invisible... I don't want to hear the bollocks that OH IT'S PVP TO BLAME. Improve the damned bot logic.


      A warsong gulch one time running millz's botbase.... I watched it. Capped 2 flags.... returned 5 and did the 2nd highest dps in the battleground.

      That is more than most of the useless players do.
      Last edited: May 28, 2015
    3. razer

      razer New Member

      Apr 29, 2012
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      From how many people JUST use BG Buddy in battlegrounds vsing the people who use Millz botbase, you just cant compare them as Millz cost money and people dont want to spend money on a already working BG Bot even if it runs like crap. I tested Millz and it was ok not great but ok, compared to BG Buddy it shat on it. But again bots no matter what it is bots in pvp sucks for all players and its one of the main factors on the WoW forums that is taking a huge hate for.

      Its not like 2v2 3v3, no its not but you still need to do your daily to get the conquests points. I remember the day when bots did not destory BG's we had groups of premade teams of 5 - 20 and we destoryed them but now no one wants to do BG's because its 90% bots. Just gotta YT Bots in BG's and more videos are popping up each month.

      With more people complaining now the more blizzard will want to take action, Its PVP Player Vs Player not PVB Player vs Bot. Tottaly different with PVE I hope everyone tops DPS even if they are botting just so we get the boss down and I finish my day. lol
      Last edited: May 28, 2015
    4. guarts

      guarts New Member

      Mar 18, 2015
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      HB prefer helping generally without risk, the risk run by activating arenas ...
    5. DaSoul

      DaSoul Well-Known Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      No i'm not, but i know where those bots came from and if i compare them with todays hb features i'm pretty satisfied.
    6. Captshiznit

      Captshiznit Member

      Nov 13, 2010
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      I've done tons of pvp too in the last 3 months.

      Where the hell are all these bots? (I've literally seen only a handful.... and everyone makes it out like there are 10 bots in each battleground) I don't see them aside a couple youtube videos taken from 4-5 in the morning when nobody is online except bots....

      During the day I never saw bots and I was running honorbuddy myself so they'd have crossed my path.

      You know what this is now? A witch hunt against pvp to find something to blame why their precious account got banned.

      Get over it.

      I got my 10 year old vanilla wow account banned too but i'm not sat creating straw men arguments why it must be something else to blame. Everyone is to blame, if you sit running suicide bots in gundrak? you are to blame. If you sit farming shado pan rep using a script so people see you? you are to blame. If you do any form of automation or use this bot you are part of the problem. You farm any gold/sell gold? you are destroying the economy. If you run kicks profile and get stuck running in a circle (which i've seen many times) you are to blame.

      Stop blaming everyone else aside your precious pve use. Frankly it's now just beyond irritating and scripting in pve is the least of peoples worries... why the hell do you need to script pve anyway? isn't it supposed to be fun? I use this bot to get rid of any grinds I have to do. If you want to attack other users constantly of their use the same can be said for why do people suck so hard they have to use a script to fight an AI boss...

      The sweeping statements like player versus bot are goddamned ridiculous. How much pvp have any of you ACTUALLY DONE? I work from home so i've sat supervising my pvp bot on my 2nd screen and I can tell you player versus bot is FARRRR from the case. I think the worst i've seen it was 5-8 or so bots in isle of conquest doing something similar.... 90% bots lol? stop talking crapp.

      I've never seen anything like those youtube videos, why? because they're cherry picked and taken at some ridiculous o clock in the morning.

      Glider didn't allow any use in PVP and it only offered very basic scripts, how often were there glider banwaves? at least 2 a year, you are all completely deluded if you think this will stop blizzard.

      You are a cheater and you are cheating the game, as equally as everyone else is (Bar the arena because that is directly player versus player so I agree about it being removed).

      If buddy team don't want to improve BGbuddy then fine, remove it and make people purchase something that actually works. But as far as disabling it no i'm against it because from what i've seen aside a few youtube videos it's been fine. There is no way I want to sit in ashran farming for ages.... it's painful after the first hour. Guess what? Bot does perfectly fine otherwise I wouldn't be using it.
      Last edited: May 28, 2015
    7. roguetexan

      roguetexan New Member

      Mar 23, 2010
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      I agree with Cat in the post above... PVE-ers qq-ing PVP bots. Gimme a break! I could easily blame the farmers and the greedy people using HB to make money. But I won't because to each their own.

      Look-- I lost a ton of accounts that I had bought (cheater!)-- whatever... I have the cash to burn. Now I am losing all the PVP scripts I bought and more importantly the time and effort I took enhancing those scripts with my own tweaks.

      Big deal. I've been botting since EverQuest. Wrote my own long ago until things like Grey's injection came about for Warcraft and HB. I was the person who suggested to some key programmers in the botting community to introduce automated right clicking (I didn't have the skill to find it). It didn't exist before my suggestion. And unexpectedly it got abused to the point that it led to bot trains. So, long story short-- I've been around the block, but I'm still not going to cry about the decision.

      I did it all for fun... and I thank the HB community for all their input. Without the farmers HB would not have the $$ base to be what it is today. Bossland have to adapt to the new circumstance. People blame bots or kicks in Arena. So be it-- it's not likely that Blizz will suddenly start ignoring HB. They smell blood.

      Meanwhile, I'll go enjoy my summer, check out other games and maybe one will suit my fancy. If not, there are other bots out there I can turn to that don't have a fat "I beat you in a lawsuit" target painted on them.

      For me... HB is neutered without PVP (and Arena is the only place there is real PVP). I didn't farm Arenas... I played them, but I still "cheated" by every definition of the word. I just automated a group of 5 characters... I gave other groups a run for their money-- and got to around 1700 before reaching the skill limit. Incrementing beyond that was going to take a lot of programming and probably I would never beat a truly skilled set of players. Those "achievements" matter only to me and whatever bragging I want to do here to puff up my ego.

      At the end of the day Bossland can make any decision they want or need. I wish they had not made the decision, but I understand their logic. Blizz beat me too... big deal, I expected them to. Part of the thrill was enjoying the game the way I wanted to play it despite their "rules".

      The world didn't end though when my bots got banned or now that HB is banned from Arena.

      Last edited: May 28, 2015
    8. killajosh

      killajosh Member

      Mar 24, 2015
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      WTH is up with you calling everyone a fanboy? Just because people like HB for purposes it was designed for doesn't make them a "fanboy", as you so politely put it. Stop trolling people and input something useful into a thread.
    9. V1R4G3

      V1R4G3 New Member

      Jan 30, 2013
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      I respect your opinion, but it's wrong.
    10. V1R4G3

      V1R4G3 New Member

      Jan 30, 2013
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      I use a coffee grinder to grind almonds into meal to use for cooking. I put the almonds in, just like coffee beans, and grind them up. As it turns out, almonds are harder than coffee beans and now the blade is too dull to grind almonds. It still grinds coffee beans, fine. I called the manufacturer and they told me that it was never designed to grind almonds, in the first place. I am so mad. I want my money back from purchasing this coffee bean grinder.
    11. killajosh

      killajosh Member

      Mar 24, 2015
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      Lol most excellent!
    12. ccLoaded

      ccLoaded Member

      Jan 13, 2013
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    13. ccLoaded

      ccLoaded Member

      Jan 13, 2013
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      Does the grinder company sell the almonds? if so companies fault.
    14. Chuckles

      Chuckles Member

      Dec 4, 2011
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      That is the worst analogy I've seen in a while.
      One is called a coffee grinder indicating it is to be used with coffee.
      One is an automated bot called honorbuddy indicating its use is for pvp.
    15. arena_junkie

      arena_junkie New Member

      Jan 3, 2014
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      Except the coffee grinder is actually called almond grinder (Honorbuddy) and as a bonus you are encouraged to buy almonds from the same seller. Also grinding almonds is not what makes blades dull, it is that you also grind rocks, ice, silverware, and every other hard objects you can find in the house. You blame almonds w/o any evidence what so ever, in fact almonds are pretty soft in comparison with coffee beans, just an fyi
    16. tomcruise

      tomcruise Banned

      Jan 15, 2011
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    17. killajosh

      killajosh Member

      Mar 24, 2015
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      Wrong. Honor points come mainly from BGs, not arenas.

      You can earn Honor Points from:
      ◾Non-rated battlegrounds

      ◾In Strongboxes,

      ◾From skirmishes,


      ◾Work orders at your Level 2 Gladiator's Sanctum in your Garrison,

      ◾Winning Tol Barad,

      ◾from controlling Wintergrasp.

      ◾In addition, Honor Points can be earned through completion of any PvP-related daily quests.

      ◾270 for completing their first random/Call to Arms battleground daily, and 135 per win after.

      Rated battlegrounds and arenas reward Conquest Points instead.
    18. V1R4G3

      V1R4G3 New Member

      Jan 30, 2013
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      Fact is, HB never stated "We support Arena". As a matter of fact, if you ever had an issue with HB, they directed you back to the Combat Routine developer. You can draw out all of the implications you wish, this single, universal truth will not change.

      Just because YOU prefer to farm Honor Points in Arena, doesn't mean that is the only way or even the best way. AFK Battlegrounds farming is by far the most effective and convenient way to farm Honor Points.
    19. V1R4G3

      V1R4G3 New Member

      Jan 30, 2013
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      It still works in PVP. Just cure yourself of the mindset that PVP = Arena.
    20. V1R4G3

      V1R4G3 New Member

      Jan 30, 2013
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      Sure, they sell the almonds. But nowhere do they specifically state that the almonds are to be ground in the coffee grinder. And they aren't going to jump your ass for grinding them. But if you have a problem, they aren't going to tell you how to fix it.
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