Hey there ! I am just sold with HB and want to buy the life time account since I've seen that it includes flying mounts and also paid plugins are available free. I just have several questions so please have patience ! 1. If I have a 1 year account with HB and I upgrade to life account, will I just have to pay the difference ? 2. The life account enables me to use both Honorbuddy AND Gatherbuddy ? 3. When I run Honorbuddy will the flying mount be enabled with no problems ? (basically if ill be able to run old profiles and have it work). 4. There is a mention about paid plugins being for free, just curious where are those plugins to have a look at them ? Thanks loads for your help and sorry for these questions ! I have already made several friends jealous about how imba HB is that I'll probably be convincing them to get it XD!
To answer you questions; 1 - Yes. Since you already paid for HB, your Lifetime Buddy licence will be: 80 - 25 = 55. So you will be sent an invoice for 55 euros. 2 - The Lifetime Buddy allows you to have any combination of GB and HB, up to 3 sessions at any time. That means you could have GB mining in one character, while 2 other characters are level grinding with HB. Multiple combinations are allowed. 3 - I am not sure about the Flying Mount option, I think it got changed recently. So I am just in the blank as you are 4 - I havent heard of anything concrete at the moment. There was a talk about an Archeology plugin but I cant find the thread anymore. Hope it helps
Cool I'd like to upgrade within this week, can you lead me to how I upgrade and not just buy it full ? I don't want to pay 30 bucks more that I don't really have. And what is vaporware I can't find it on the site. Thanks for the quick response btw !
Payment Issues go there and make a new post named: Upgrade Buddy life time, and at some point u will get a message. And i dont know it either
vaporware essentially is stuff that has hyped, possibly already been sold, but doesn't exist or hasn't been released yet.