Hi! Profile good but I have a few critical issues. 1. When you collect elemental ledge near the lava, they push you, and you fall into the lava and die, it happens often. When you die, then there is little chance that the bot just stop with an error, but basically he can not find his body, such as the instance of the character's body and tried to revive the boat outside and vice versa !! I have heard for a long time like it's a bug core honorbaddi, write what you think about this? and how it is possible in theory to solve this problem, maybe you can advice any plug-in or the way of deciding this problem? Thank you in advance for your help.
And who have issues with Lava dweller, switch off pull more count ant intlellegence targeting in your combat routine for singular this problem solved
i died and [Singular] Behavior [Loot, Pull] DISABLED by Questing or Plug-in [Singular] Behavior [Loot, Pull] ENABLED by Questing or Plug-in MoveTo failed to move to the location: <-210.2773, -187.97, 53.3> MoveTo failed to move to the location: <-188.7709, -198.1117, 53.30192> [Singular] Behavior [Combat] DISABLED by Questing or Plug-in [(fatal)] MyCTM is not able to reach <3798.478, -3241.732, 1104.599> from <3797.704, -3242.813, 1103.234> Bot stopping! Reason: Fatal error in quest behavior, or profile. [(info)] Uninstalled avoidance system
so this is profile have soooooooooo many issues for me 1. character sometimes falls in lava pulled by mobs and dying 2.after dead he cant normally ressurect sometimes one time he do it right second time he fails, please if you cant fix it please Enabe ressurect at spirit healers it might help 3. But most interesting starts after ressurection character start do so stupid things, [Singular] Behavior [Loot, Pull] DISABLED by Questing or Plug-in bot simply dont loot mobs after that, or better he can simply staying afk please any support
Umm kinda sorta is being reworked Ive been out of commistion since ban wave bud. We are getting back into the swing of things.... BUT reason for me jumping on forums... I need a beta tester for firelands Think i figured out how to get the dang death sequence working so we can endless farm this. If anyone is around get me on skype Reviir
Yeah it depends, Which firelands are we supposed to run with this profile? it doesn't say anywhere, I was running the 25man but I assume from constant wiping that is not how profile is to be used? 660 bm hunter.
Chaos of banwave and subsequent rebuild aside. New update is out all testers report back 0 issues at all neglect a known hb issue w looting. Anything funky happens please let me know
Getting around 1200-1300 kills/hour, no deaths with my 681 bdk. Anyway to keep track of gold/hour besides checking it urself?
I got a problem with this profile running my paladin with it, 20% of the loot is wasted, because my bot ignores it. Everytime, my bot needs to heal up after a group of mobs, he'll skip the loot and go on. please fix
This a known hb issue not profile issue please contact hb support forum. Sorry nothing we can do about looting it's a internal hb function not exposed to us to fiddle with
going to update the firelands package to contain both 10 man and 25 man... but i think you will find 25 man is NOT worth the effort
yeah i got almost same gph as 25, also bot cant correctly ressurect outside instance,when ganked by players, bot thinks that his corpse inside