Bot stops when gathering profile not complete I am gathering clusters with mining/botany, here is the log for when it stops for no reason, happens often, reinstalled all etc, worked before patch 24/7. [13:41:42.608 D] Moving to next hop: <346.6365, -6.516153, -454.8262> (Moving to gather) D: 0.9700592 [13:41:42.676 D] Moving to next hop: <344.8001, -6.538431, -451.2652> (Moving to gather) D: 4.695584 [13:41:43.595 N] [GatherTag] Targeting Unspoiled Rocky Outcrop 0x11A27EA0 [13:41:43.595 D] Targeting Unspoiled Rocky Outcrop 0x40000210 0x11A27EA0 [13:41:44.144 N] [GatherTag] Interacting with Unspoiled Rocky Outcrop 0x11A27EA0 [13:41:44.144 D] Interacting with Unspoiled Rocky Outcrop 0x11A27EA0 [13:41:45.738 N] [GatherTag] Casting King's Yield II [13:41:45.738 D] DoAction Spell 241 0xE0000000 [13:41:47.046 N] [GatherTag] Casting Sharp Vision II [13:41:47.046 D] DoAction Spell 237 0xE0000000 [13:41:47.048 V] Blacklisting 40000210 for 00:00:30 [Type: All] - Reason : So we don't auto target [13:41:47.048 N] Gathering ItemName:Fire Cluster Chance:95 HqChance:-1 Amount:3 RawItemId:14 [13:41:48.192 N] Gathering ItemName:Fire Cluster Chance:100 HqChance:-1 Amount:3 RawItemId:14 [13:42:04.199 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Node is gone [13:42:08.666 D] Requesting path on 156 from <345.7487, -6.225297, -453.5505> to <352.4059, 0.1739883, -509.3449> [13:42:08.768 D] Generated path to <352.4059, 0.1739883, -509.3449> in 00:00:00.1027607 ms [13:42:09.060 D] Moving to next hop: <346.55, -6.6008, -454.8781> (Moving to HotSpot) D: 1.129747 [13:42:09.190 D] Moving to next hop: <346.6, -6.6008, -455.1281> (Moving to HotSpot) D: 1.041597 [13:42:09.326 D] Moving to next hop: <346.4, -7.20079, -456.4781> (Moving to HotSpot) D: 2.131187 [13:42:09.826 D] Moving to next hop: <346.0757, -7.20079, -457.0863> (Moving to HotSpot) D: 1.413115 [13:42:10.121 D] Moving to next hop: <351.4415, -6.6008, -460.3219> (Moving to HotSpot) D: 6.549974 [13:42:12.524 D] Moving to next hop: <352.0455, -6.500793, -461.0614> (Moving to HotSpot) D: 1.721017 [13:42:12.912 D] Moving to next hop: <352.0849, -6.500793, -461.7973> (Moving to HotSpot) D: 1.420425 [13:42:13.188 D] Moving to next hop: <352.1505, -5.999012, -464.7397> (Moving to HotSpot) D: 3.688829 [13:42:14.432 D] Moving to next hop: <352.9004, -2.20079, -497.2973> (Moving to HotSpot) D: 33.4734 [13:42:27.977 D] Moving to next hop: <355.3361, -0.6007996, -505.2608> (Moving to HotSpot) D: 9.211385 [13:42:31.471 D] Moving to next hop: <354.7998, -0.4007874, -506.4854> (Moving to HotSpot) D: 1.914959 [13:42:31.970 D] Moving to next hop: <352.4059, 0.1739883, -509.3449> (Moving to HotSpot) D: 4.380149 [13:50:01.039 D] Removed hook [PoiAction] b990cab8-3853-4281-aa90-6f23c2715bae [13:50:01.039 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to RunCode: LineNumber: 165, Name: ReStart, IsDone: False, HighPriority: False, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.ActionRunCoroutine, . [13:50:01.039 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 75f55d48-6295-44db-ab54-a2b6e40ee9ee [13:50:01.040 N] Stopping the bot. [13:50:01.040 D] CurrentBot.Stop() [13:50:01.044 N] Connection closed! [13:50:01.045 D] TreeHooks.Instance.ClearAll() [13:50:01.045 N] Clearing all hooks. [13:50:01.045 D] Replaced hook [PreCombatBuff] 9b18f613-437b-433e-bdbb-7c6ee4b32a89 [13:50:01.045 D] Replaced hook [Heal] c86ef6c8-089d-49a4-84f4-67a06352eb4d [13:50:01.045 D] Replaced hook [Pull] 1c42d02d-5a48-4b29-886d-69057b0fb38c [13:50:01.045 D] Replaced hook [CombatBuff] a43836c8-cf2b-4cb0-ba02-c5f77343d2b3 [13:50:01.045 D] Replaced hook [Combat] b5eb5abf-c057-43c1-90bb-e9216426a4df [13:50:01.045 D] Replaced hook [Rest] 3203d42f-1cf3-4748-a07e-cece1bed6e23 [13:50:01.045 D] Navigator.Clear() [13:50:01.045 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Bot stopped [13:50:01.045 D] OnStop event [13:50:01.045 D] OnStop Event Invoking [13:50:01.045 D] ProfileOrderManager.OnBotStop. Resetting caches. [13:50:01.045 N] Bot Thread Ended. [14:05:36.999 N] Window closing, flushing log
Patch removed the use of Treeroot.Start(), so the profile won't return to the beginning. I've removed it and put it all under a while tag again, this doesn't work as intended, and stops when a full rotation has completed. Unfortunately.
1.6 doesn't run for me [16:31:26.020 D] Loading last profile [16:31:26.427 N] Loaded profile [OrderBot] BTN/MIN Cluster Farm v1.6 [16:31:26.428 N] Bot Thread Started. [16:31:26.759 N] Connection to established. [16:31:26.776 N] Clearing all hooks. [16:31:26.776 D] Replaced hook [PreCombatBuff] 0b59c60a-d5af-4db9-86d8-e70719c8d113 [16:31:26.776 D] Replaced hook [Heal] c739e6be-b3d8-437d-a721-235bfe177324 [16:31:26.776 D] Replaced hook [Pull] fcc7f568-cfb6-43d1-a437-13adf7bb5426 [16:31:26.776 D] Replaced hook [CombatBuff] c4c72106-2020-4f56-8c6b-aee531709fff [16:31:26.776 D] Replaced hook [Combat] ed76b107-7218-4d67-9583-3620e252389f [16:31:26.776 D] Replaced hook [Rest] 2ba5d5e4-bc59-409c-8ec9-d25781f267e0 [16:31:26.787 D] Added new hook [RoutineCombat] 7c99287f-b3b0-42e4-bbb2-7a9d82d6f603 [16:31:26.788 D] Added new hook [HotspotPoi] 64c9ebee-3455-4c5c-9b0f-688d6401e61b [16:31:26.788 D] Added new hook [SetDeathPoi] ec5b825c-6ec2-4563-8274-ca533cfe59b9 [16:31:26.788 D] Added new hook [SetCombatPoi] 0a4357ee-8698-4903-b8c1-419cdd6ffffb [16:31:26.788 D] Added new hook [SetHotspotPoi] d1f5246d-cad5-4771-8dc2-666fb1bb3f75 [16:31:26.788 D] Added new hook [SelectPoiType] cedeadc8-ec49-4aef-b199-9c47f94c1516 [16:31:26.789 D] Replaced hook [SelectPoiType] ff647aaa-4996-4d41-88a4-8725acb26a2e [16:31:26.789 D] Inserted new hook [TreeStart @0] 0077a5b7-995f-4bed-b0ec-530963829d91 [16:31:27.022 D] Traceback (most recent call last): File "<string>", line 4, in Execute NameError: global name 'true' is not defined [16:31:27.022 N] Stopping the bot. [16:31:27.023 D] Exception during scheduling Pulse: IronPython.Runtime.UnboundNameException: global name 'true' is not defined at IronPython.Runtime.Operations.PythonOps.GetVariable(CodeContext context, String name, Boolean isGlobal, Boolean lightThrow) at IronPython.Compiler.LookupGlobalInstruction.Run(InterpretedFrame frame) at Microsoft.Scripting.Interpreter.Interpreter.Run(InterpretedFrame frame) at Microsoft.Scripting.Interpreter.LightLambda.Run1[T0,TRet](T0 arg0) at IronPython.Compiler.PythonCallTargets.OriginalCallTarget0(PythonFunction function) at System.Dynamic.UpdateDelegates.UpdateAndExecute1[T0,TRet](CallSite site, T0 arg0) at _Scripting_(Object[] ) at ff14bot.NeoProfiles.IfTag.GetConditionExec() at ff14bot.NeoProfiles.WhileTag.get_IsDone() at ff14bot.NeoProfiles.ProfileBehavior.get_IsDoneCache() at ff14bot.NeoProfiles.TreeNode`1.Find() at ..() at ff14bot.NeoProfiles.NeoProfileManager.UpdateCurrentProfileBehavior() at ff14bot.BotBases.OrderBot.(Object , EventArgs ) at ff14bot.Behavior.BrainBehavior.() [16:31:27.035 D] CurrentBot.Stop() [16:31:27.038 N] Connection closed! [16:31:27.040 D] TreeHooks.Instance.ClearAll() [16:31:27.040 N] Clearing all hooks. [16:31:27.040 D] Replaced hook [PreCombatBuff] 62239707-f34b-4e62-9a6e-97be0b17e945 [16:31:27.040 D] Replaced hook [Heal] fde0f8e0-7f0a-4f7a-8990-988d176abdc5 [16:31:27.040 D] Replaced hook [Pull] c4dcac7e-5c2a-4f1a-b507-aaae147f00cd [16:31:27.040 D] Replaced hook [CombatBuff] dd247daa-ca52-47af-a202-86bc2d7e0632 [16:31:27.040 D] Replaced hook [Combat] f350616f-b5d0-4897-8066-c5bf052e5431 [16:31:27.040 D] Replaced hook [Rest] fc1b6a65-f0bc-467e-a5ae-5ef0095acfef [16:31:27.040 D] Navigator.Clear() [16:31:27.040 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Bot stopped [16:31:27.040 D] OnStop event [16:31:27.040 D] OnStop Event Invoking [16:31:27.041 D] ProfileOrderManager.OnBotStop. Resetting caches. [16:31:27.041 N] Bot Thread Ended.
thanks it appears to work now after <While condition="True"> been running this profile about a month 24/7, with my own coords and doing fire and wind only, will say if it ever stops running for no reason, in 1.5 i removed the "restart" lines to "" and this helped before and ran 24/7 unstopped
Yeah when I made the profile, it had the while tags, yet it would complete 1 Eorzean cycle and skip to the next cluster, regardless of being at or over the correct value. I then tried multiple variations, including 2 full rewrites, and it still did it. In the end, it would stop the bot after 6 cycles. So I added the restart code to force the profile to start from the beginning. Maybe this was because of an issue with how OrderBot works and has since been resolved I don't know. I've just ran it thru a few cycles and it's sticking with the same cluster, so something's changed. Also I've noticed that the game now wastes 3 swings uncovering... How long has it been doing that? It used to uncover with 1 swing... Or have they increased the perception requirement... bearing in mind I made the profile back when 2* was the max craft.
dont know my perception was always over the required and never noticed any extra uncover swings since i started the game 50 days ago or so, your new 1.6 is running smooth atm thanks