Yes I already fixed to not cast PWS when fast pull option is enabled, You will find this in next release.
Yes FullAfk premade config is designed for solo basebot like questing. There is also a premade config for questing to be used with Enyo
Usually i Use this but CR support all talents. Sometimes i change with BodyAndSoul or SpititShell and i think that with 6.2 SurgeOfLight will be really strong!
Because am tired to find one talents for this Profile and make me bored with heal same time I let Dungeon buddy farm and with my spec only make low heal and more in dps ( damage ) and Got kick for that's way . I hope now am be hero with your talents and thanks for you time bro , Good Luck Thanks A lot Bro : Attilio76
This is because probably you are using a FullAFK premade profile (NOT good in Dungeons). In order to farm dungeon you need use at least a premade dungeon config and enable the movement (because dungeonBuddy is a solobot type). when you use FullAfk profile it enable automatically the movement but CR will use a questing type rotation not a PVE healing rotation for healing party: for this reason you was doing more dps than healing (you are not healing party directlly!!)
dearest attilio76 can you please update the profile: "PVE(Mythic) _Disco priest(tanks proi) _(680+ilvl)_by_dethmold.xml" it's the best profile ever for me, i slaaaaaaaaaaaaay all healers and im always on top of heals, with much better healing than others... even as low ilvl im still on top of healing, thanks to you and whoever made that profile it rocksssssssssssssssss another issue: i've been getting crash + report to blizzard on screen when i use F2 to stop/start bot, even start/stop bot ... i always remove errors from error folder + never click report send to blizzard. this happens to me annoyingly from the last update, if you need me to attach log or anything, id be glad to do so, coz i really can't do any healing without this profile please tell me what u need me to do, to get this fixed... and i'd be glad to share u screens or skype or whatever u need me to do, thanks <3
You already have an option to cast free instant flashHeal in config look at surge of light config option in heal tuning.
Anyone else having issues with Disc on deadeye, when the players go into the other realm I think the CR still things they are in range and tries to shield them but can't and stops until I manually click the shield on to another player.
No one else having any issues with disc and other "realms", on any fight in HFC where the tank goes to another realm I always have issues with CR trying to bubble tank but they are out of range (in the other realm) and gives me an active mouse to click power word shield on somebody. CR stops while it keeps trying to shield that player. Happens so far on gorefiend, deadeye, fel lord. I have ignore line of sight set to false. not sure if a log helps, maybe i've just got a config setting set wrong if no one else is having issues? bare in mind the CR works prefect as soon as the person in other realm comes back out etc but it can cause it to stop healing for 2-4 seconds.