It's called suicide botting. You not knowing what that is says alot. And a month is nothing, you don't know shit about botting at all, and I'm not basing that on you being new, it's because of what you've been writing. It's really been hilarious reading. I'm not even sure if you're trolling or not, so either well done mr troll, or thank you for giving me a laugh with your uninformed and inexperienced opinions. Luckily, anyone who's botted more than a day will laugh at the stuff you've been writing.
I'm afraid it's the person that is getting offended by a new person in the community giving his insight that they are laughing at my friend
See, now i know you're trolling, no one with no experience at all at botting would claim to have insight. Gj though, was fun while it lasted mr troll.
yea because i mean botting for a few hours seems very interesting and everybodys doing it i think we should hop on this cool trend\ you dont help your case at all in this thread and you fail at life