Is it possible to turn on stealth for gathering and have it stay turned on? I don't seem to find it anywhere. I could be overlooking it.. A point in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. I know this is a newbie question, but I just bought this lastnight.
If you can actually do it in game, its possible. If you cant gather while stealthed all the time, then no.
<CodeChunk Name="Stealth"> <![CDATA[ SpellData data; if (!Core.Me.HasAura(47) && Actionmanager.CurrentActions.TryGetValue(212, out data) && Actionmanager.CanCast(data, Core.Me)) Actionmanager.DoAction(212, Core.Me); ]]> </CodeChunk> <RunCode Name="Stealth" />
Yeah I was going to paste that too, but then he said "I know this is a newbie question, but I just bought this lastnight" so I'd doubt he'll know how to use it.
Hey, i been searching everywhere but cant find it or dont know what to look for. whats the code to "turnOFF stealth" or the code to "forcemount"
lol "just bought this last night" wasn't he here two days ago saying how shitty this bot was compared to a competitor and how he was a senior member of a fortune five hundred and was going to write his own 64bit bot to stomp this one out of the water? edit: nevermind he was banned. and this was a necro Code: <CodeChunk Name="UnStealth"> <![CDATA[ SpellData data; if (Core.Me.HasAura("Stealth") && Actionmanager.CurrentActions.TryGetValue("Stealth", out data) && Actionmanager.CanCast(data, Core.Me)) { Actionmanager.DoAction("Stealth", Core.Me); await Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.Sleep(500); } ]]> </CodeChunk> Code: <CodeChunk Name="EnableMount"> <![CDATA[ ff14bot.Settings.CharacterSettings.Instance.UseMount = true; ]]> </CodeChunk> Code: <CodeChunk Name="DisableMount"> <![CDATA[ ff14bot.Settings.CharacterSettings.Instance.UseMount = false; ]]> </CodeChunk> Code: <CodeChunk Name="Dismount"> <![CDATA[ ff14bot.Managers.Actionmanager.Dismount(); ]]> </CodeChunk> I believe those are the rest of the chunks that make stealthing viable. Refer to this profile to get an idea of how it could look. View attachment [BTN] Rainbow Boll - Twinpools - Stealthed.xml