Update: I will be releasing a new build in the next few days with some significant updates. If you have any outstanding bugs or feature requests please say so now.
Where do you get the rotation priority from, EJ ? Is there a specific talent build to follow, can you make a link to it in the main thread, one with glyphs too, so we are all on the same builds trying to use this ? G
Can you base it off the priorities and data off EJ please so that it works well with IB (Tanking + DPS + Healing)
And can you also make it effective to use at 85 in dungeons... I can normally pull around 8k dps... but with the current cc's (tried them all) I'm only topping 3k... which seems to me like it's not optimised for an 85...
One feature could be to enable the use of Exorcism (when Art of War procs) instead of Hammer of Wrath if the enemy is below 20% hp. Then you are free from using mana as the mob will likely die from the free spell, and if hammer of wrath is used 1) you use precous mana and 2) the free exorcism might be wasted... You could disable this if fighting adds as it would then be used quickly after, not wasting Art of War
Add Holy Support - other than that it is great. = Attack Process = Holy Shock -Exorcism (if available) (free and instant w/ holy spec 70% of the time) Judgement / Crusader Strike [holy shock cooldown timer] Holy Shock *REPEAT* Takes barely no mana (a lot less than retribution) and kills quickly. = IB Holy Spec = Queue faster groups as a healer.
ALSO I FORGOT SOMETHING! fpsware - YOU ARE THE MAN!!! This class is by far the best retribution and I'm so glad I started using it instead of the other two. THANK YOU!!!
Couple Suggestions Not sure what you have planned, but I'm hoping for full Protection support. I'm not sure how the current automatic setting handles seals, but I was thinking seal twisting would be really nice to have; if mana < x% then Use Seal of Insight if mana > x%, Seal of Truth Would also be very cool for some HP % logic regarding the use of Word of Glory and/or Shield of the Righteous; if HP < x% and Holy Power >= 2, then use Word of Glory else wait for Holy Power to = 3 and use Shield of the Righteous Not sure if that's even possible, just some thoughts I had about making it more awesome than it already is. As always, keep up the great work!
so i dumped the file in the Custom Classes ... wait I took it out of the Paladin file.... now it is working.... and working well so far... i will keep you posted on its prorgess...
Did some blind rumaging around and clicked the CC config button... holy piss man.. amazing design... I am excited to see how much this speeds up productivity and efficency of toon. This seams to be a really cool tool. Sorry for speaking and typing outloud... but looks good. lambo
Actually awesome! But have a bug with "Art of War" proc just do not use Exorcism i think its lang bug... so i have a russ lang pack. Fix it pls and it will be really awesome! =)
Really a nice CC. My only problem seams to be that it doesn't use Exorcism at "Art of War" Procs. Probably a language thing. Using german and the proc name is "Die Kunst des Krieges", if that would help you. (on my machine I have changed the text in "..\Fpsware Paladin\Class Specific\BT\combat.cs", line 518. Now it works for me very well.)
For your update on the CC, Zealotry would be nice to have included. With that the bot could rip apart 4 mobs in 20 secs! Just Crusader Strike -> Templar'sVerdict over and over, massive dps.
Why doesn't the CC use Crusader Strike? It doesn't use it and can't find anything about it in options. It would really speed up low level levelling if you got that in.
Thank you very much for this CC, but it would be awesome if Redemption was supported, because people spotted me as being a bot when I didn't resurrected them when they asked for it.
Error. Hey, I get this error ( Check attachement ) when I start the bot and press "cc configuration". I have no idea what causes it, but when I click cc configuration I select FPSware and then the error come. I've made a new folder in CC folder named: "Fpsware Paladin"! And if I ignore that window and click the "x" the bot just stands there.