So I'm having the bot work on my SMN right now and I figured I'd move him to N. Than around 44, seems like it'd be quicker, eh? However, if you blacklist the obvious bot-spot FATEs like Dark Devices and Ceruleum Road, you're only left with a handful of FATEs the bot can properly do since it struggles with the hand-in FATEs (for me, anyway.) The EXP gain, using the info panel, was anywhere from 178k-220k for N. Than an hour. Moved back to Coerthas and let my SMN go at the level 44-49 fates too and I watched the EXP climb up to 280k-440k, depending on activity from other players and mob beefiness. Does anyone else have any data on this? Currently at 337k/hr for my SMN on Coerthas FATEs wit the Svara line and the one escort from Observatorium blacklisted.
i just say in n. Than. There is a lot of botters anyways and no one cares. Besides we tag and we kill that's all they want.
I'll do an hours test in Nthan and then coerthas and post my results later today on my 49DK. To get more solid numbers it'd be nice to see some others do the same and post their results. Include if you were using a chocobo.
If you are a caster I would say stick to CCH, there are so many faters in NT that you rarely get of your spell before the mob is dead, and as a caster you rarely get gold in a fate in NT.
I'll say this much, i was grouped on my machinist from lvl 30 -51 took me about 12 hrs are so, keep in mind i was in a full group and it was an other job.
I ran a 24h test for each on a bard. CCH i averaged 160k for 24 hours. NT i averaged 280k for 24 hours. This is with the both food and FC buffs going. NT is clearly a lot more xp, if you can hit the mobs enough. Bard started at level 50 in NT, then switched to CCH after 24 hours. NT i set the fatebot to do nothing , and in CCH i ran back to town.
Well i always got gold reward from every fate. ( even at lvl 30 ) But as i leveled up and became cover to the fate level then I would get xp per kill, and since everything die so fast i rather have the gold reward.
Nthan: 192,245/1,057,400 1:10PM lvl 49 lvl 52 5:45 469883 / 1267200 lvl53 12:32am 1021028/1555200 The heat of battle buff Chocobo 50% Boost