I use King WOW and its awesome, but how can I manually dispel when it is running please. Is there a way to hot key it i tried a macro with stopcasting but it never worked.
sorry if I am laboring this point, but i don't have enough time to dispel, the cc is so fast. Are you saying i have to stop the cc cast dispel then start the cc?
yeah i tried that but i guess you can spam faster than i can lol. dont suppose there is a way to add a hotkey to your cc is there so that when it is pressed the cc knows to allow it to finish before continuing the rotation?
Use autohotkey and assign your mouseclick to rapid type click spam lol. ...but honestly if u just click a couple times it should go through... the things dont need to be dispelled instantly - just within the average time of human reaction usually.
My priest cast Smite a lot while healing my raid and dungeons . is this normal? i would prefer my priest over healing the party , how can i set this? thanks
Is important cast smite to build archangel buff, you can set in rotation settings an option to limit smite only for archangel.
The rotation stopped working on Kazzak and I can't figure out why. View attachment 10444 2015-07-11 06.51.txt
thanks a lot. i had another problem today. my char does nothing in HFC. maybe i need an specific profile for HFC? EDIT: FORGET ABOUT IT, IT WAS ENYO CRASHING AFTER LAST PATCH.
I'm using the trial version and I can set up whatever I want, the routine does never cast powerword shield on anybody else than myself. edit: I also figured out it would only heal if you target an enemy.
You changed many type Rotation Type probably you press FullAFK Questing or raid Dungeon preconfiguration settings. FULLAFK = SOLO rotation Type with movement (for use with solo bot type like Questing Gatrher etc...) <--- here CR will shield only you QUESTING = SOLO rotation Type without movement optimized to manually quest (with Enyo for example or lazyraider) <--- here CR will shield only you DUNGEON = Party rotation optimized for dungeon without movement: to use this with dungeonbuddy foe example you must enable movement manually <--- here CR will shield any party member (if coditions will come) RAID = same ad dungeon but optimezed for raid. From log file i can clarly seen that CR shielded some party member when correctly configured (RotationType=PVE) ...... [20:33:55.534 N] 55:534 target HP%=40.89 SOS: POWER_WORD_SHIELD: Lvl 100 Alliance DeathKnight ....... when you seen CR will healing only you or shielding only you and cr was dpsing with SWain is because you was using probably questing or full afk preconfigured settings and not dungeons or raid. All this preconfigured configuration change for many settings but essentially for a parameter nemed <RotationType> that will assume different value depending of what role CR need accomplish.
Is it possible for CR to look for debuff "Gift of the Man'ari" (id: 184124) and prioritize healing on them? or just make sure it Shields those players on CD?
Gearing my priest atm. Want to hear some opinions before i press the buy button Do you raid HFC HC/Mythic with this as Disc Priest - if so, how are you/it performing ?