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  • Returning to WoW HB on my main account questions

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by Vdz, Jul 9, 2015.

    1. Vdz

      Vdz New Member

      Jul 9, 2015
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      Hey guys,

      First off if i wasnt botting i wouldnt be returning to WoW that being said i have a few questions im hoping i can get answers to in regards to purchasing HB for one account.

      - i want to purchase a mega set so kinda a one off mass purchase wich will most likely include everything, my main focus is making heaps of gold and having a fair amount of epics. Im a little confused in the variety HB has and is hoping to kinda be put in the right direction.

      - i shall be botting while im at work so kinda like 8-10 hours a day then might be playing my self for an hour or 2 after that so i dont think ill be on the radar, do you?

      - ive had this WoW account since vanilla and just before i went on a break from WoW due to how shitty is, i had success botting via a different program which was way more crappier and un safer than HB, do you think blizzards aiming at newly created accounts more than old accounts when they are banning?

      - i know the biggest problem in botting is bag and bank space, and id like to ask if there is any guilds that bot together for the extra guild storage? If not would it be ok to make one with fellow HB buddies? Or is that a bit more sus?

      Sorry for the stupid/boring questions but id really appreciate if i can get some answered at least :)

      Thank you for your time
    2. TexasBBQ

      TexasBBQ New Member

      Apr 2, 2015
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      Hey guys,

      First off if i wasnt botting i wouldnt be returning to WoW that being said i have a few questions im hoping i can get answers to in regards to purchasing HB for one account.

      - i want to purchase a mega set so kinda a one off mass purchase wich will most likely include everything, my main focus is making heaps of gold and having a fair amount of epics. Im a little confused in the variety HB has and is hoping to kinda be put in the right direction.

      HB is bought serperate from the buddy store items. The default HB can do almost anything you want it to for free, but for "better" stuff you pay a bit extra.

      - i shall be botting while im at work so kinda like 8-10 hours a day then might be playing my self for an hour or 2 after that so i dont think ill be on the radar, do you?

      Botting 8-10 hours a day unsupervised is considered extremely high risk. Most people don't last a week doing this.

      - ive had this WoW account since vanilla and just before i went on a break from WoW due to how shitty is, i had success botting via a different program which was way more crappier and un safer than HB, do you think blizzards aiming at newly created accounts more than old accounts when they are banning?

      Blizzard aims at everyone at all times.

      - i know the biggest problem in botting is bag and bank space, and id like to ask if there is any guilds that bot together for the extra guild storage? If not would it be ok to make one with fellow HB buddies? Or is that a bit more sus?

      No one on a public forums is going to "team up" with you and risk their account. If you make friends that could be different.

      Sorry for the stupid/boring questions but id really appreciate if i can get some answered at least :)

      Do not waste your time brotha. We just had a large bot ban wave in may and you do not understand enough about botting to make a good choice here.

      Thank you for your time
    3. terrorforprez

      terrorforprez New Member

      Mar 20, 2011
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      I actually think 8-10 hours is a good amount of time, but unsupervised it is very high risk. If you wanted to do this I suggest the LogMeOut plugin from the buddystore. I dont know where I would be without it.
    4. klepp0906

      klepp0906 Banned

      Apr 25, 2013
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      "Girl, you so craaaaazy!"
    5. Flacito

      Flacito Member

      Mar 17, 2014
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      Really, leveling up for 8 hours straight without supervision is kind of impossible because the bot occasionally gets stuck, both technically and practically, which either requires to reset the bot, or the latter; move it manually out of its "stuck". Now I really *****ed my brain on this one, because frequently the bot would just freeze, and upon clicking on STOP and then START again in honorbuddy, the bot would continue its sequence. After a while I found a self sufficient solution for this, which I'll explain later on.

      However, grinding profiles are much less of a problem and are pretty much self-sufficient. They do not need that babysitting. Probably because they are usually significantly less complicated technically, and much of them do not have a whole lot of waypoints, but without getting too technical: grinding profiles are pretty much OK to AFK bot.

      Either way, you will need to install the plugin "LogMeOut" AND "HBRelog" so you can use those two in conjunction.

      This way I figured out a little trick I'll share with you guys: you can configure LogMeOut to logg you out every 1 hour, and let HBRelog log you back in. In this process both Wow, and more importantly your HB is also forced to reset; ensuring that any technical or practical stuck/freeze issues gets solved.

      Bot leveling will go a lot smoother as well as other means of the bot if you're not thee to supervise it.
      Last edited: Jul 9, 2015
    6. Vdz

      Vdz New Member

      Jul 9, 2015
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      Hey texas thanks for the replies, it kinda cleared a few things up for me, so technically theres more to it then just turning it om and leaving, understood
    7. Vdz

      Vdz New Member

      Jul 9, 2015
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      Oh sweet i just had a look at that and it seems great, i wont be leveling just grinding and looking at the replies below it seems OK? If i do purchase and do go ahead with it id be monitoring it for a while before i make the decision of leaving it unattended for a few hours.
    8. Vdz

      Vdz New Member

      Jul 9, 2015
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      Hey flacito thanks for the great info, i wont be leveling nor raiding just grinding so it seems ok to leave it unattended thus being said like i mentioned below i probably will be monitoring it for a while before i decide to let it go for 8 hours and i understand that honorbuddy has a few technical issues that occur if left for a long time, so the log me out per hour method seems great. I think i need to thibk it through in going ahead with it. Thanks again for the great info
    9. shadowrukia

      shadowrukia New Member

      Apr 18, 2014
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      you dont seem to be listening to anyone
    10. nelie223

      nelie223 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Basically your gonna get banned, make peace with it.
    11. DocBrown

      DocBrown Member

      Mar 24, 2015
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