Have you tried a fresh install of HB? I don't see anything in there as far as why it's not working. It is throwing a few exceptions but the ones it's throwing should be cleared up with a fresh install of HB.
Hey guys, I've got an issue If i try to configurate the plugin/botbase nothing happens. Doesn't matter if i click instand the "Bot Config" button or if i go trough plugins and then the configurate button. I hope some one can help me and excuse me for my bad english :S Greez Sima
Doesn't matter which way you go, both work the same. When you're done configuring however, make sure you click the Apply button at the top. Also, open the plugins and make sure Ultimate Ashran is enabled.
See if you can put Honorbuddy in Diagnostic mode -> HB Settings - Log -> disagnostic. Then run HB and see what happens! That should produce us a log my man. New update going out for code approval. * Fixed Settings problems that caused Ultimate Ashran to not load correctly. * Added Apexxis Event for Ashran. * Added Automatic Quest Competition for repeatable quests.
So I just bought the bot because the trial was working really well and saw an update to auto turn in quests was added. And now, it does not work after I have purchased it. It's the only thing I'm using with HB at the moment. Edit: I solved the issue. I read the log file myself and found the bot was throwing an exception dealing with the settings. I deleted the settings folder and it seems ok now as far as being recognized. I'm unsure of the performance aspect atm.
Code: The error you are receiving is this: System.ArgumentException: The settings file does not match the type that is being loaded! Root name is "FwFwpYQJIiQIokhNxmQNddaZiNuc", expected "Settings".Parameter name: root at Styx.Helpers.Settings.LoadFromXML(XElement root) at Styx.Helpers.Settings.Load() at Styx.Helpers.Settings..ctor(String settingsPath, String oldSettingsPath) at UltimateAshran.Gui.Settings..ctor() at UltimateAshran.Gui.Settings.get_Instance() at UltimateAshran.Gui.SettingsForm.LoadSettings() at UltimateAshran.Gui.SettingsForm..ctor() at UltimateAshran.Main.OnButtonPress() at Styx.Plugins.PluginWrapper.OnButtonPress() Try deleting the settings folder for Ultimate Ashran. HB -> Settings -> Server -> Char -> Ultimate Ashran. If that does not work, try a fresh install of HB. If both those don't work, come find us on skype and we will take a look at your comp. Edit: TY for post a log. That helps us immensely.
I installed a fresh honor buddy and then loaded this with plugin hit go and it just walks about in not attacking or doing any objective. It mounts up walks, stops ,walks stops, finds big fight and dismounts then pops a def cd and stands there. Edit: thanks to the huge amount of help from Nuclear Panda who helped me fix this. If anyone else has an issue with it not fighting correctly in class config set Allow movement - none Targeting by singular - none And in ultimate ashran config nav>use navigation assistance. Now it seems to work great.