I've been asked quite a bit lately for a new all-in-one package after the discontinuation of my Access Pass. So, in that spirit, I offer you, the Gatherit WoD Compendium. This is a package of all of my Warlords of Draenor profiles. As you may notice that includes approximately 80 profiles at this time. The hierarchy can be seen below! That's right, this package includes some of the favorites, like: All of the Bone Collector profiles WoD Epic Chaser (665) Apexis crystal farming package The WoD reputation pack Iron horde scraps - talador BRAND NEW Tanaan profiles (Felblight Fishing, Felblight Skinning, and Hardcore Gold/Apexis Farm!) and more! As I make more Warlords of Draenor Profiles, the package will be updated with even more profiles for your enjoyment. As a note, this is NOT every profile I've ever made (like my access pass was), and will only be updated with new profiles until the end of WoD (not for the lifetime of the game). Already own some of these profiles? Have a look here to buy more of my profiles.
Hi Gatherit, I just purchased this and it does not seem to have the Bone Collector profiles in it (unless they have an obscure name that I don't recognize) Thanks
Gatherit, i purchased this package and i tried the tanaan fishing profile, but the toon just runs through the ooze water and eventually gets 10 stacks and dies. Also the apexis farm profile in tanaan (next to hc in tanaan) is insane. My hunter is like ilvl 650 and he would just run in there and aggro like 50 mobs and die repeatedly. Might want to check that profile out.. unless it's meant for super geared toons.
in regards to the apexis farm, it says hardcore because it is. It pulls many mobs, so yes, you want to be relatively geared for that. For the fishing, fishing buddy is doing the navigation. Try starting it closer to zeth'gol in the north west (aka away from the massive amount of slime around hellfire citadel)
Glad i saw this before i dropped that much money! Something like fishing in tanaan needs to be a little smarter or atleast have the green areas blacklisted so its not a botting nightmare.
a word of note, the cost of this package is what it is because it is a lot more than a single fishing profile. I have, and continue to, maintained support of all of the profiles within this package. The tanaan fishing profil, which I have not personally had issues with, is new and these small issues will be addressed as updates happen. So, in short, "that much money" is getting the purchaser a large number (over 80) profiles in addition to the latest profiles that I create for WoD, and continued support from me. So thanks for your concern, I will address any issues that arise with this, and other profiles, within this package.
does this use the questing bot? if so I have selected that and then selected the iron horde scraps profile but sayings that this profile does not contain a quest order?
Hi, I have purchased your pack and I am trying to get the Tanaan felblight farming working. Ive tried every bot, and it simply hangs on loading. I am currently in Tanaan. What am I doing wrong?
Changing current profile to [N][QB]Tanaan Felblight Skinning by Gatherit Starting the bot! Currently Using BotBase : Grind Bot Current zone is Tanaan Jungle (http://wowhead.com/zone=6723) [Singular] Hotkey: To add a LOGMARK, press: [Shift+Alt+Ctrl+M] [Singular] Your Level 100 Blood Elf Protection Paladin Build is [Singular] ... running the Grind Bot bot in Tanaan Jungle [Singular] ... Zone: Tanaan Jungle using my SOLO Behaviors alone And it just sits there... Am I doing something wrong?
Use Questing bot. If this does not work, please attach a full log here so I can further investigate. Thanks.