Yo, it's a major pain in the ass to try Multibox Botting, the helping bot always gets behind and shit..
there is a program somewhere in the forums for multiboxing have a browse and you should be able to find it in plugins
http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/plugins/free/leveling/16242-[plugin]-multibox-companion.html sucks
the best way is to write your own code and make honorbuddy act like you want. there are soo many different ways to level a pack of toons, its almost impossible specially for a coder like me, to code for a full group when i only have 2 accounts. not only that but then you can do it via instances and whole ton of different ways. so really custom made code for what you plan to do would be the best thing.
It doesn't do what you want it to do. Until you contribute a plugin, custom class, or bot base. You shouldn't be saying other peoples "FREE" work sucks. Learn some manners.
Not only do you have poor manners but the fact that you providesd zero feedback as to why it "sucks" in your opinion, is rather useless. Therefore I don't think you're going to get a whole lot of people jumping up to help you. If you want help, you should provide some examples of why the current bot/plugin doesn't work for you and some expectations of what you want it to do. There are a lot of people who have had success with the multibox plugin, maybe if you asked for some help in that thread (nicely) you might get somewhere.