Hello, I'm trying to get this to work but all my Careful Synth II's only yields 58 progress, so this requires me to use 3 Careful Synth II's. I'm not sure what can be the cause. Simulator is showing that I should be getting 98 progress. Craftsman: 415 Control: 393 CP: 349 ***EDIT: FYI, incase this hasn't been mentioned. Careful Synth II went up to 133 progress after reaching Lv51 on Weaver. Also, on your line 77-80, I have this: Code: <If Condition ="Core.Player.ClassLevel < 52"> <LogMessage Message="Your current level of botanist is not high enough for this profile. Please level to 51 and start the profile again."/> <RunCode Name="Stop"/> </If> But line 112-115 has it as "Core.Player.ClassLevel < 51" I modified Line 77 for it to work for me.
(This is strictly for Weaver Lv) It was working at Lv50, just needed to modify the default craft sequence. (I removed 1 Hasty Touch and added in another Careful Synth II) Once I hit Lv51, I used the original sequence in the XML. Botany needed to be Lv51 regardless, but I modified Line 77 from "< 52" to "< 51" to make that portion work
ok i hate to be a bother but when i go and try to collect the cotton boils and am wearing my wearvers gears the toon just sits and does not change into botanist gears. I have to manually change the gears then the bot continues thru until i return to get more cotton boils. View attachment 7340 2015-08-03 12.53.txt
Not sure what happened, by the log it shows that the code to change to botanist ran. I went a head and made a small change to the profile that should keep this from happening again.
You did it again buddy <If Condition="Core.Player.ClassLevel < 51"> <LogMessage Message="Your current level of Leatherworker is not high enough for this profile. Please level to 50 and start the profile again."/> hehe
Had to manually harvest tea leaves, it gets there before the spawn and finishes its 1 loop before the node pops, after manually selecting and harvesting the tea, the profile moves around, rests while regenning gp, then tp's back to tailfeather and moves to the archeonis once again, instead of just going back from your resting spot.
Will run it some more but thought I had all the bugs out of that area. The moveto tag in Western Highlands only seems to work about half the time so ended up using a gather tag to get to the starting location. It will complete a loop before the time for the spawn then wait and continue after the correct time.
owh.. Maybe I should have let it sit in front of the node a little longer then.. I'll watch it next time without interfering Thank you btw, these profiles are awesome
First off thank you for all the hard work you have put into this. I intend to lvl all crafts form 50-60 using your profiles (assuming you keep on releasing more crafts). If you need a beta tester hit me up. Just one question about your weaver profile. Does it keep doing the lvl 51 synth (rainbow thread) all the way to 60 or does it change at some point?
Ah thank you for the info. Also I did notice that it keeps on trying to farm Thunder shards (even though I have 9999). I think the recipe needs crystals so I am sure the WVR profile needs updating.
The profile is setup to farm crystals then shards (when crystals is not available). You may have to sell some shards or store some in your retainer OR edit/remove lightning shards in the profile itself.