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  • Maybe Some Privacy? Openminded Suggestion concerning all BUDDY Products.

    Discussion in 'Stormbuddy Forum' started by Nexxy, Aug 19, 2015.

    1. Nexxy

      Nexxy Member

      Aug 12, 2010
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      Hello, I am writing this because. Well.. I've scrolled the forums for a few years without logging in. I've seen all the "ShietZ" that's been going on. I havent been very active on posting though. And "I Think" I have an open-minded suggestion.. Maybe the forums should be locked down, and be only visible to people who have bought a product, and if you have 2 products bought, like Demonbuddy and Stormbuddy as an example, a purchase enables you to see all your purchased product's forums. I'm a very suspicious person, i think the Bermuda Triangle is full of aliens and stuff ;) This would stop Blizzard employees from digging in OUR ISSUES ( We Are A Community ) without a pay, just in a business sense. Plus if you make your own TOS & EULA.
      ( Sorry, not sure if you've already done this but I havent seen any info on it ), "Blizzard Employee or Employed by Blizzard Blabla, you are herefy giving in crucial business information" I just simply think it would make it much harder for them to : A) Detect Bots by reading it's bugs and UnSupportedness from the forums, B) Download the bot FOR FREE and reverse it to detect any falses etc, C) Same nicknames etc. Is this a terrible idea? Please Discuss
      The reason this is posted here, is because : HotS Is The Mother of MOBA games as what comes for long-known companies, such as Blizzard. They have resources.
      With All Respect
      Thank You, WoW Addiction Free. :eek:
      Last edited: Aug 19, 2015
    2. SIL3N7

      SIL3N7 Active Member

      Jun 12, 2012
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      Unfortunately There is nothing stopping a blizzard employee Or blizzard from Purchasing and getting access. This has been said may times.
    3. bossland

      bossland Administrator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      You suggest to link our forum to our authentication keys database ? That is something that will not happen.

      Also Blizzard does buy our keys and presend them to the court when they want to prove that, while they use Proxy and VPN they are able to buy our products from inside Germany, which is forbiden by a german court. And a key does not cost as much as a lamborghini, Blizzard makes Billions in profits, i am sure they can affort that 25 EUR.
    4. bertrand01

      bertrand01 New Member

      Sep 7, 2014
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      I really think this is awesome idea, no way blizzard will ever figure out to purchase a key to view the forums :D
    5. Takri

      Takri Member

      Sep 25, 2012
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      lol ...
    6. Nexxy

      Nexxy Member

      Aug 12, 2010
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      I was not suggesting to directly link forum and the DB together, maybe some kind of middle could be found. It's very sad to hear that Blizzard is able to do this kind of action. If they are proving with your Keys, doesnt this mean they have broken the rules and it shouldnt look that good at the court? Sounds like a true crossfire. It just feels so very invasive how easy it's made for them to read everything from the forums. Specially our problems make it easier for them to track the products. Example : Some people made the mistake to use SB whilst Fullscreen etc, the program pinged the game constantly, if I would be on the anti-bot team, i'd code a program to backtrack this, then look at data. It's alarming, just saying that. I wonder if there would be any kind of awesome way to cut Blizzard's access, but i guess there is not. Which is sad, it seems like a whole lot of a Full on War between you, Bossland GmBH & Blizzard. Thanks for reply Bossland.
      Last edited: Aug 24, 2015

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