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    Discussion in 'Hearthbuddy Forum' started by Xael, Aug 16, 2015.

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    1. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      everything is documented in releases notes every time
    2. Platoo

      Platoo New Member

      May 9, 2014
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      But Tony can't you see that "Next wave of various internal SF changes." doesn't say anything?
      You could just change 1 value and push the update. People like to know what changed so they can see if it works for the better or not.

      But also you could just say "sorry" instead of acting like nothing is wrong https://www.thebuddyforum.com/hearthbuddy-forum/221698-features-eta.html

      Your bot is at this moment horribly lagging behind on other bots and that is because you spend time on other bots.

      Also quote from beta section from 04/13/2015:
      <Under Construction - This thread and section will be updated over the upcoming weeks as preparations are made for user-ready builds>
    3. bollemis

      bollemis New Member

      Oct 12, 2013
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      The bot is not even clever en enough to play arround hunter secrets, it's almost 100% sure that the bot summons a minion, attack into a trap (high chance of explosive), and then summon more mobs after that.......
      Also the bot could be remembering your deck playing based on % chance of gettingt that card which makes is lethal..

      I often see the bot playing as mage, with 1-3 dmg spells on hand, making 1 dmg from lethal if you go full face with spells + minions, instead the bot decides to kill all the oppenents mobs and often get killed by the enemy spells..

      I could go on, A LOT OF IMPROVEMENTS COULD BE MADE... If you really are able to hit rank 5 steady on all seasons @Tony i would love to see your setup as improvements to the bot would push you close to legend...

      EDIT: The bot just made one of the plays i'm talking about
      https://gyazo.com/0afc28a30f18a6dd70b13804130746e9 - This would have been a 100% win for me, but the bot uses 1/2 frostbolts and 1/2 fireballs on the twilight drake..
      So the play ends up looking like this:
      https://gyazo.com/dd049c3729ddde81ab4c7e3f9197c7dd - If the warlock have had a better handlock deck than he actually had, this would have been a loss because the bot is so dumb..
      Last edited: Aug 22, 2015
    4. EmoKlaus

      EmoKlaus New Member

      Jun 22, 2015
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      These are lines 75 - 101 of the DefaultRoutine.cs:
      Can u explain me "int playaroundprob" and " int playaroundprob2" ? When do I set them to 100 and when to 0 ?
      And what is "int alpha" ?
      Last edited: Aug 22, 2015
    5. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      nope,i wont explain something that its over the average player's knowledge,sorry
      you can use dev section for that

      to sum up

      for any problems you have with Hb,you must open a thread under support issues section providing your log file and your UI log file
      we will check and fix all the issues you may have

      if you look for support under the correct section will be more "lucky" for sure

      Last edited: Aug 22, 2015
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