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  • Lack of End game CRs and support

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by hbkx1, Aug 23, 2015.

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    1. dilbog

      dilbog Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      Hb needs to make there devs happy again and get them back, This is still the best platform I feel but the devs are equally important as they make HB do some much more and to a far better degree. I wonder how many people would have bough this bot-base if all it had was the base features that come with it.
      From my point of view the only thing that would have interested me was kicks to level but I no longer will use that now because I feel it's to risky, right or wrong that's how I feel.
      If HB needs the money or is just trying to make extra I have no idea and don't like to speculate others shouldn't either, HB are responsible for how they earn there money and only they know how much they are or are not making it's that simple. If they need extra income there are better ways to make it, more features or maybe make there own premium profiles, just think out side of the box.
      Was very surprised when the devs agreed to give so much of there income away in the first place to HB store but was less surprised when they didn't care to give up another 10% regardless of the reason.
      Then add to the fact that confidence was already very low in HB with the ban wave and the community was pissed off loosing a lot of accounts made the guys who didn't loose theirs hunker down. Then arena banned made people hurt, wow tokens killing gold sales makes it a hard time to be a botter so really bad timing from HB to try and take 10% more of the profits.
      Lastly HB store needed to make sure the products where of a suitable quality some of them where useless totally useless and 7 day money back was not enough meaning people used paypal to claw back there money but also meant it was open to abuse.
      From a testing point of view I feel it should have been 30 days no question asked refund. The reason for this from my own personal experience when buying #mage I contacted asking if features would be added he assured me they would be added. I had done the trial and the routine was basic and not optimal but showed promise and I wanted to help the guy so I bought it, he said release would be out on a date then changed it, anyway my 7 days went by and the work never got put into it. Now it's getting nothing, I feel if I had a 7 day trial and 30 days no question refund I could have not wasted my money, I was already unhappy with the store streaming it's always been buggy for me but this made me have zero confidence with it.
      Last edited: Aug 25, 2015
    2. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      ask those that got scammed via 3rd party sites or private sales
    3. Nightcrawler12

      Nightcrawler12 New Member

      Mar 18, 2012
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      If you really need the custom routines for raids then you probably should expect to pay; It takes a lot of time to create the product and the community is no longer interested in producing high quality products and maintaining them just for the community.
    4. Chas3down

      Chas3down New Member

      Aug 20, 2012
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      But you shouldn't force people to use the buddy store. If someone wants to sell via 3rd party, that should be aloud. Either allow 3rd party sales, or remove your 50%+ cut from the buddy store which is driving away Developers and raising prices.

      On topic: Yeah, the lack of end game combat routines is upsetting. Paid/Unpaid doesn't matter. The thing is, they are by far easier to make then the "AIO" combat routines. Because you don't need CC handling, worrying about things like that, etc.
    5. ryftobuddy

      ryftobuddy Banned

      Aug 19, 2011
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      There's people that feel they've been scammed by the buddy store, too.

      There's several CR developers that have up and left their projects with no recourse from the buddy team, too.

      As far as I'm concerned, if you're not protecting your customers, you're just as guilty as any other third-party website.
    6. dilbog

      dilbog Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      I don't think anyone here is saying they want routines for free so not sure what your point is.
    7. misterallendavis34

      misterallendavis34 New Member

      Aug 16, 2015
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      No one wants anything for free. I have been following this post from start to finish now and all ive ready is that people are willing to pay if you give them the chance to. The problem is right now who can you trust to supply a decent cr? tuanha has some good but they are not great milz has some good but not great and those ae they only two i see in store that are worth looking at. All everyone here is saying is maybe its time for a change tony. Time to get a new model one that will fool both blizz and scamming reporters. Improve on this botbase or you will loose what you have left of a community and developers.
    8. sup2u

      sup2u Member

      Aug 17, 2015
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      The relationship between consumer, developer, and intermediary (HB Gmbh) all needs to be respected.

      It's a symbiotic relationship -- one part is not more important than the other. HB Gmbh needs to remain satisfied and profitable, in order to mantain the platform, and fend off the constant legal troubles that circle successful projects like this. Maintaining development of the botbase, components, and servers is expensive, they need to get their fair share.

      But not at the expense of 3rd party developers. The base components of HB are "adequate", but most people, myself included, use HB with 3rd party products tied in to it. At this point, I would follow Millz and Tuanha to whatever platform they went to, because they invest a huge amount of time to make such a quality product, all be it a product that performs a specific task, and would not function without HB. The contractual obligation between HB and the developer needs to satisfy both parties. It would be hubris to think otherwise. Without HB developers would have to seek another platform with a huge, profitable userbase (Not another exists in my mind atm), and without those developers, it is unlikely that HB would be able to continue its current revenue stream.

      But customer service must also be rendered to the consumer, otherwise neither of the aforementioned parties survive. It is our money that keeps both ends of the project going. To say it's "none of our business" is not an adequate response when questions come up with the relationship between developer and HB Gmbh. Transparency and clear rules that everyone must follow are what inspire consumer confidence, and attract more consumers. I first started using HB some years ago. Numbers may be down now, but that is because Blizzard released a crap expansion, not because WoW's time is done, or botting is done or on the decline.

      This is a critical juncture. What HB Gmbh needs to do is to keep attracting and supporting quality 3rd party developers, which directly adds value to their product. Those developers need to release quality software that is worthy of the price they ask, and guarantee a reasonable level of future support. At the same time, customer service from both those parties needs to be of a quality that satisfies existing consumers, and gathers new ones, which means more profit for everyone, and more enjoyment for everyone.

      Do not sacrifice one component of the holy trinity of producer, distributor, and consumer to satisfy another. If you do that bad enough, for long enough, a project can fail, and another one will learn from its mistakes and rise to take its place. The store is a good idea. But it must be contractually viable enough to be attractive to developers. It's great for consumers -- novice users no longer have to learn how to use SVNs or additional steps. Ease of use is what brings in a lot more people -- and the BuddyStore does that right. But don't punish developers for publishing on it, or they will publish on another platform.

      These are my thoughts. Thanks for reading.
      Last edited: Aug 25, 2015
    9. vbo

      vbo Member

      Sep 13, 2010
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      The reasons why they opened the buddystore are pretty simple.

      First and ideal reason to mention is to avoid third party to scam HB users from fraud.

      Second and real reason is that most of us already bought lifetime keys and we already paid everything we had to pay, they needed to find quickly a new way to earn money which I believe can be frustrating as you sold a product for lifetime and you see your customers buying scripts to be used with your product but not providing any $ to you... ? You need to find a way, and they found one :)
    10. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      there is a legal way for those cases,if there is one,according to the contract between Bossland Gmbh and 3rd party devs
      but thats something you shouldnt worry about

      as for the customers everyone gets a refund on such a case

      so you are wrong,no one got scammed
    11. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      you should study a bit our forums before posting

      no one is forced to use Bstore and everyone (3rd party devs) is allowed NOT to be a part of Bstore and run their own business

      being a part of Bstore you cant have a 3rd party Hb store,thats a fair limitation for the rest Bstore 3rd party devs tho

      last time i checked,didnt see your name among Bossland Gmbh founders/owners
      so let the owners decide how to run their own business
      Last edited: Aug 25, 2015
    12. Nightcrawler12

      Nightcrawler12 New Member

      Mar 18, 2012
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      Mr Tony; you're digging a hole for the HB team. We aren't attacking HB like "screw HB"; we just feel the balance is a bit off.

      HB needs money so they are leveraging greater amounts of cash from the store.
      Developers want to be rewarded for their work (more than likely not at market rate $20/hr??) and for it be fair and equitable.
      Users want a better experience; it seems everyone doesn't mind paying more and consistently as long as the product matches.

      Does HB have anything planned in particular to address any of these concerns?
      shineey likes this.
    13. misterallendavis34

      misterallendavis34 New Member

      Aug 16, 2015
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      Tony you are not understanding that you need to open your eyes and allow free roam for your developers. Not constrict them to a contract that chases them away just so you can try to milk every dollar out of them. You supply the botbase and maintain that but what you are not understanding is that you need these developers to offer projects that you refuse to do yourself. hence great endgame cr's.
    14. ryftobuddy

      ryftobuddy Banned

      Aug 19, 2011
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      This is absolutely not true and you should stop making things up.

      I have emailed about getting refunds on 2 CR's that are no longer being supported and are no longer on the buddy store. I was told that since I was outside the one week refund period, I would not receive a refund.

      So yes, I have been scammed, and yes, I have concerns about your "legal recourse". If you are going after these CR developers and not passing the refunds onto customers, that's a pretty serious breach. We, as customers, are entering into an agreement with you as you are collecting 50% of the proceeds of these sales. I don't give a shit if you are only getting 50% of the proceeds. You are hosting the files, you host the payment gateway which we are paying and you are receiving 100% of the proceeds up front.

      So yes...I along with other customers, hold HB responsible for the actions of the buddystore and the developers on the buddystore.

      It's still amazing to me that you have a job as a moderator on these forums, Tony. You have zero class, zero customer service skills and never provide a decent answer to anything. Bossland should be ashamed to have someone like you speaking in any way for their company.
      Pyroe likes this.
    15. sup2u

      sup2u Member

      Aug 17, 2015
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      Agreed. Tony's attitude and customer service skills are taking a volatile situation and making it far, far worse. The constant condescension and lack of accurate responses is troubling.
    16. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      in that case provide me your request's ID,i can track everything

      i am amazed as well when people cant understand simple things but thats life
      keep in mind that your post above violates our rules
    17. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      the problem is that you people cant understand that the developers agreed on the terms of the contract

      what i can see here,is users "fighting" for dev's rights while there is none Bstore dev on this thread complaining (and shouldnt be imo)...something is wrong it seems

      Again and for the last time

      A user gets what promised/advertise when buying Hb

      The user is not forced to use Bstore

      The 3rd party developers are not forced to join Bstore

      Non Bstore devs are free to run their own business

      thats the facts

      for those that dont like the facts above,or they are complaining cause they like everything to be free i am afraid we cant help you further
      Last edited: Aug 26, 2015
    18. misterallendavis34

      misterallendavis34 New Member

      Aug 16, 2015
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      Once again tony you are missing the point. Please just stop posting tony if you cant gather the intelligence to answer what these people want. They want refunds for cr's that are not supported. They dont want free stuff they want a product that they pay for to be supoported and to be maintained. Their is a reason why everyone here is complaining. Yes you can sit there and throw violations at people maybe even bann them from psting but what does that prove. You sir are the reason they are getting worked up in the first place. Please for the love of god stop dodging what they want and help them. We all know you are the supream power and you are going to go to bossland 's corner every time but what your company is doing to the people that helped you keep going for this long is wrong. Start listening to everyone dont dodge the problems
    19. misterallendavis34

      misterallendavis34 New Member

      Aug 16, 2015
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      Proof in point i used free cr's tonight ina heroic hellfire raid and got booted because my dps was only 30k at 698 ilevel. I should be pushing 40 to 50k dps on regular but im not this is why everyone is getting mad in the first place we have no where to go to get a good cr it pisses me off as well.
    20. Exite

      Exite New Member

      Nov 17, 2014
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      This is so true! ^
      When I'm buying a CR I have no idée if
      -It will stay updated and supported.
      -What dps/hps it can put out with like 630/660/685/700 ilvl
      -So the fact above does so idk if I will put out the right amount of dps for my guild/group.

      Sorry I know this is abit offtopic... But this needs to be added to the current paid CR aswell as singular.
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