Bad News for Exploring Draenor: It's more complicated than thought. That's why I have now removed it for the time being of the ToDo list (and from the Product Description). That does not mean that it will not come, but i need more Time.
Hi! Eastern Kingdoms. after start getting the message: [Profile Message]: Compiling [World Explorer] Explore Eastern Kingdoms (incl. Twilight Highlands) [by Spegeli] Areas not open (( new character, the paid up to 90lvl At start in Pandaria: flies in the portal to Stormwind, ports and stop.
When you already unlocked the Achievements on your Account with another Char, you cant use it anymore, because the Achievement Check are and not Char bound.
if I already have a character level 100 and has already made Achievements - I can not use your profile for a new character??
it is wrong, and should definitely be mentioned in the description or should be a specific function checks character
Why is this wrong? The description say: You will get the following Meta-Achievements You shall be granted the title "the Explorer" You already have the Meta-Achievements and you already have the title. So the Profile does what the description describes.
When loading the Northrend profile I get the following error and cannot start the bot. 1 compiler errors encountered in profile '[World Explorer] Explore Northrend [by Spegeli]' 'If' xml element on line number 54 has following errors 1) ) expected at offset 0
That's what we want to be able to do - after we botted the achievement. You would make some customers if it was done before.
gets stuck fairly often. worried about yet anooother ban now. also miserable in vashjir. went on about not having flying when i did. when i mounted my flying mount it just spit me off it and mounted me on either my riding turtle or my sea turtle. this on top of getting stuck a few times. def needs attention.