Hello i have a dual FT bot and RF bot both are decently geared (around 8ex each) and i am having trouble making money. i am averaging around 2ex a day running 72-75 maps. i am looking to make pre currency but good items would be decent but i am looking for pure currency. if someone would write a guide or teach me how to do this i would pay you. PLEASE!!!!!
lol the same exact set up as me my rf bot is cyclone with curse on hit RF with doryani's cata 100% ele and 40% 5L belly of the beast great build, but slow in mobs per hour compared to dual FT totem I also am stuck relatively in the same map portion, the FT is in half mf gear half survivability and he can only do 72 max with deaths
i am thinking about just running up to 72 maps with quantity find instead. what do you think about that??
sounds good but what iiq/iir balance are you thinking of? Since we bot the same let's exchange info, msg me your skype please ill add you