I would like to do this so when I'm in a dungeon or w/e I dont have to stop for the "downloading mesh" error Ty in advance
I think some time ago someone posted a link to download the whole world. Was only like 300mb, will try and find it. EDIT: Seems we aren't allowed to share meshes. Guess i remembered wrong.
You could try make a plugin to make the bot think your else where and download them that way I guess. But really doesn't take that long to download.
Would be nice. Also I have noticed a unloading tiles. Does it delete meshs or just unload? Been doing the archeology for 4 days in row, but yet still get downloading mesh. Would think have it all by now. Hehe Sucks when downloading the bot doesn't defend itself. So bump for way to download all meshs.
Oh wow like 4 post in time it took to type my one. Well if can't have ok will wait while it downloads I'm patient
Well yes, it is pretty fast, but you have to realize that standing at the beginning of an instance for like 5 minutes (such as gundrak) gets irritable, i've even gotten kicked before it was done downloading. I download at around 2 mb/s on places like multiupload, dunno how fast it is for this program.
At least once it is downloaded you don't have to download it again. I don't know if it helps but I've noticed that if I go into the dungeons manually that when I join them via the DF I'm not really downloading any meshes at that point.
Yeah, I'm also glad that "others" cant rip the meshes, but for people like me with rubbish connections makes instancebuddy a nightmare, dont mind waiting any other times, maybe if we could just get the meshes for the dungeons? Im sure no-one minds waiting any other times
"Others" have already ripped the mesh files. If people really wanted to they could use a pirated version and find mirrors of all the mesh files within 5 seconds Google searching, but majority of the members here have paid legit and preventing them from downloading the whole map gives no advantage in my opinion. I understand about the outdated mesh files but really, it's not hard to match the file on the disk with the file on the server to see if there is an update.. Just my 2 cents.
Mesh files, for the most part, are only downloaded once. So once you have it you don't need to worry about getting kicked from the instance.